Chapter 2

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YeAh BoI:  So you guys are in a polyamorous relationship?

It's ya' boi Touya: Yeah

cannibal: -_- Babe you just exposed our asses. 

It's ya' boi Touya: I know

WhAt aM i?!: We are opening a villain rehab program if any of your younger members would like to join. Therapy would be required though

It's ya' boi Touya: The oldest 2 members are around Eraserhead's age while the next oldest is 18. 

The CATerpillar: Y'all are so young. What the hell happened?

It's ya' boi Touya: A lot of us had a rough childhood and villainy was the only way to survive

The CATerpillar: Yup y'all are so getting therapy

WhAt aM i?!: May I ask who Touya is?

It's ya' boi Touya: That was my real name

Grandmother: But there was only one Touya that was within your age group...and that was Touya Todoroki

It's ya' boi Touya: Don't tell Sho please...I'll tell him myself

The CATerpillar: Fine but you have to tell him within the first month.

It's ya' boi Touya: Fine. And also how haven't you tracked us down yet? All you had to do was trace our phones.

The CATerpillar: Wtf

------Le Timskip Brought To You By King George spitting while singing you'll be back--------------------------------------------------

It's ya' boi Touya: Did you have to break down the door and yell "Y'all are going to therapy"

YeAh BoI: y e s

It's ya' boi Touya: Question for @The CATerpillar and @YeAh BoI, hypothetical scenario if you guys found someone you both liked would you consider a poly relationship with them?

The CATerpillar: We both probably would

YeAh BoI: Yea, why?

It's ya' boi Touya: Well there is this one villain who had a crush on y'all and probably still does. Also, given his past identity, you should try to give him a chance....

YeAh BoI: Who and who were they?

It's ya' boi Touya: @The CATerpillar and @YeAhBoI you guys should ask who Kurogiri used to be when you get the chance. I have a feeling you'll warm up to him.

It's ya' boi Touya has changed their name to Burnt Toast Boi

The CATerpillar: We are across from him now he doesn't seem to want to say it

Burnt Toast Boi: That's because he used to have a crush on you guys before he became Kurogiri (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Burnt Toast Boi: One second

Burnt Toast Boi added Mamagiri to the chat

Burnt Toast Boi: Tell them

Mamagiri: Dabi, this was your idea wasn't it?

Burnt Toast Boi: Please Mamagiri, it might help you

Mamagiri: Fine but I'm doing it in person

Burnt Toast Boi: Good.

Mamagiri: Also Dabi

Mamagiri: The sandle is ready when I see you again

AN: I'm trying I really am. I needed to catch up on sleep. I do dance, so this week I had to dance every day for 6 hours with pretty much 3 hours of sleep in my system. Thank you for your patience though. I'll try to post sooner and with longer chapters. Until next time!

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