
361 17 4

Holy shit guys. Thank you so, so much for 130 views! It makes me really happy and I think I nearly cried. I never expected this many views this fast. Also, if you want to see something in this story or have a request for another story, I'm always open for ideas. (It can be from a different fandom as well) Also open to different chat names for them. Again thank you so much! >///< 

Back to the actual story now:

10: 39 am

Burnt Toast Boi: What exactly are we supposed to do for the rehab and when do we start?

WhAt aM I?!: You're going to join Class 1-A and you are going to start Monday

Burnt Toast Boi: Okay

Burnt Toast Boi: Wait! Today's Sunday!

The CATerpillar: I will be escorting you guys to class tomorrow so be ready by 8 am

Burnt Toast Boi: Sho's in your class right?

The CATerpillar: Yes, and you are going to tell him who you are

Burnt Toast Boi: Fine

---Meanwhile in the real world with the burnt boi---

Dabi puts his phone down and sighs. Hawks looks at Dabi knowing exactly what the problems is, "Babe, he'll love to see you again, I promise." As Hawks finishes speaking Dabi's phone buzzes. 

---In a Chat---

Fuyumi has started a new chat history

Fuyumi: Hello dear siblings

Natou: Fuyu why?

Fuyumi: Because we need a sibling chat :)

Shoto: So we can talk shit about Dad behind his back!

Natsou: Yes! #Talkshitaboutdad

Shoto: #Talkshitaboutdad

Fuyumi: Guys- No-

Shoto: C'mon Fuyu you know you want to~

Fuyumi: Fine- #Talkshitaboutdad

(I had something that I was going to put her but I decided against it because I actually have no clue why)

Touya: #Talkshitaboutdad

Fuyumi: Hi Touya!

Fuyumi: Wait-

Fuyumi: Touya!

Natsou: We thought you were dead!

Touya: Welp- Guess I'm not- And Sho I'm joining your class tomorrow

Shoto: Ooh~ Fun~ When you join I'm gonna add you to the chat

Touya: When you see me now you have to promise not to get too mad, deal?

Shoto: Deal

Natsou: Deal

Fuyumi: Deal

I'm going to end this chapter here because as you can see from the author's note at the top I have not worked on this story in a while. This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for a while now. I was locked out of this account on my laptop and can now only access it when I'm on the desktop at my dad's house. My alternative account which now has two stories since I've been active on here will be linked at the bottom. One story hasn't been officially published but will be one-shots and another one-shot book besides that one will be out soon. So thank you all for the 500 views. Have a good rest of whatever time left in your day. 

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