Chapter 18

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Aadit was still in the hospital, but other than that, everything was normal. Chaudhary Bro's became just a restaurant, and the potato wasn't recreatable. Every single bit of it was burned into ashes. The Indian police, upon investigation deemed it a gas leak, even though the charred potato and bomb timer remains said otherwise. The Anime Club was shut down, since the school realized that the members of it were the cause of a heck ton of the disasters everywhere, but the kids simply continued it at East Park, after school.

"I can't believe we've finally thwarted the Chaudhary Bro's," said Jonathan, as he laid down in the grass at the top of a hill in East Park.

"There's a bug on your leg," Aidan pointed out. He was making a Valentine's day card, to, well, do I even need to say her name?

All of the members of the club were present, doing things varying from drawing anime to polishing knives. Except Minkyu and Adam. They were hiding behind a tree, doing who-knows-what bahaha.

"Gaaaaah!" said Ellen, as she poked a hole in her Anime drawing.

It was a beautiful, peaceful, day, as the birds flew across the clear, blue sky, landing on the lush, green grass nearby. They hopped over the the group, cocking their heads to the side and chirping.

"Cute birds," commented Serena. "Should I draw-"

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Joshua, dropping his Nintendo Switch and Naruto running straight towards the birds. "FEAR ME!!!!" They squawked in surprise, and landed somewhere else, nearby.

Eyeing the Nintendo Switch, Jonathan eased himself over to grab Joshua's gaming device. "Don't mind if I do." Unfortunately, his Samsung tablet had been taken away because he had decided to go halfway around the world. And becoming a spy.

"Hey, keep your spy hands away from my precious Griselda." said Joshua, taking it back.

Looking up from her knives in surprise, Melody said, "What the heck dude? You named a Nintendo Switch Griselda?"

"It's my baby."

"K then."

"Hey, wait I gotta go to my rock climbing class soon," said Melody, jumping up, grabbing her bags and biking out of the park.

"Oh no! I need to go to ballet class!" cried Serena, dashing away.

"Me too!" added Aidan, running after Serena.

"Darn! I promised I would only go a little out of the neighborhood!" announced Jonathan, running to his bike.

"Eek. I got viola class soon!" said Ellen, hopping on her bike, and speeding out of the park.

"I think my Nintendo Switch needs charging." said Joshua, as his screen went black and he hurried toward his bike.

Only Minkyu and Adam were left. Adam peeked out from behind the tree. "Huh," he said. "They ditched us."

"More time to play Fire boy and Water girl," said Minkyu, his eyes riveted to the screen. He'd taken over for them both since Adam had stood up to see where everyone had gone. Suddenly, the cute little bluebirds from earlier swooped down and latched onto their backs.

"Wha- hey!" cried Adam. Minkyu didn't seem to notice, he was busy gaming. "Hello? Earth to Minkyu?"

"Yes! I got it!" bellowed Minkyu. Only then did he look up at Adam and realize that they were floating away, being carried by super birds.

~ ~ ~

"Nonononono my progress!" wailed Joshua, as he sprinted back home. Wait a second. He skidded to a stop and turned to run back to his school, which was closer than his house was. I left a portable charger in my locker!

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