Chapter 23

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Kaige stormed into his father's mansion. "Father! I demand you kick those Chaudhary idiots out right this second!"

His father, Antone Diabolos glared at him from the other side of his very expensive glass table. "So it seems that my own son feels superior enough to me to make demands."

Kaige blanched, his superiority complex diminishing quickly. "That's not what I meant-"

"It is. Now about the kids who single-handedly took down our worst enemy. I will not remove them from the school unless they decide not to change sides."

"They might be useful in the future, but they aren't now! All they're doing is taking up space! They haven't done anything-"

"Son, this is my decision. I'll eat my beard if an incompetent child like you was right."

"If you want them to truly join the team, we need to send them on a mission to prove themselves!"


"Uh.. anyways, if you send them on the mission, you'll forever hold them in the palm of your hand! They won't be able to go to the police because of their own crimes, or return to a normal life."

"Alright, son. Then so be it."

"Yes. Then so be it."

Kaige left the room- then immediately slid down the wall and put his hands to his head, hyperventilating. I stood up to Father! Lucky I'm his son, or I'd be suffering so much right now.

~ ~ ~

"Aren't you one of the chaudhary cousins?"

"No, I am not chaudhary. I am eennosent by-standah."

An immediate uproar arose, seeing that they all recognized him as the strange man at the subway that had asked for "Ahdi and Ee-shan."

"I whacked you with a bat!" cried Serena, incredulous. "How can you be an innocent bystander if I can clearly remember physically hurting you??"

The man shrank back from her.

"We'll eventually get the truth out of him," said Melody, stepping forward with a hand in her bag. "I have plenty of... toys to keep him busy."

There was a lot of screaming, even though the torture barely took a minute.

"I'll talk! I- I shall tak!"

"Remember the pain." Melody hissed. "And please drop the phony accent. It's so obvious."

"Bruh- I meen what?"

She held up a scary looking tool.


The interrogation uncovered much information that they had never even thought of before.

"Who sent you?"

"D- diabolos."

"Why did you quit Chaudhary?"

"You kids shut it down, and I wasn't cut out for restaurant work, so Diabolos hired me.

"Why were you following us?"

"To uncover information about your current status."

"Who are you really?"


"I don't like him." declared Minkyu. "He has too much of a superiority complex."

"What-" Aashiv began, but he was cut off by Joshua's nasal voice.

"Yeah, he's such a simp."

"Where did that even come from??" protested Aashiv.

"Anyways." Melody interrupted, as the rest of the room began talking over each other. "I need to interrogate him!" she said. Nobody paid attention. So she said the only thing that she knew would catch their attention. "Should we all cosplay Demon Slayer this halloween?"

She was right. Everyone in the room turned to stare at her. "What's the date?" asked Ellen.

"September 13th."

"Time flies. Like my height."

"That's not funny." muttered Jonathan

"You're not funny!"

"At least i'm funnier than you!"

"At least-"

"Shut up, you idiots."


"Everyone, get out!"

Melody turned to Aashiv. "Now it's just you and me." She took out a knife and began sharpening it.

"Where are you from? Why have you been faking an indian accent?"

"I'm American but I'm genetically indian. I am a cousin of the Chaudhary brothers, and I've always been a loyal agent of Chaudhary Corps until it was wrecked. I was switched over to Diabolos, partly because they wanted to know some inside info on how the company got so utterly wrecked. They wanted me to spy on you guys, since i'm the same age as you."

Melody stared at him. "How old do you think we are? None of us have beards."

"P- pull on the sideburns."

Melody complied. The entire beard and mustache peeled off, leaving him with a young looking face. "Mug shot." She pulled out a camera and snapped a shot in half a second.

Aashiv was too scared to say anything. He had caught sight of the humongous rifle sticking out of her bag, with a red smear on in.

"Time to wipe your memory," muttered Melody, pulling out a small glass vial filled with a translucent, gray liquid while posing as if she were at a photo shoot.

Suddenly, Minkyu came barreling through the door. "Nuu" he managed to get out before crashing into a chair. "Ow."

"What?" Melody said sharply. He had interrupted her anime reenactment.

"Don't.. remove his memory.." gasped Minkyu, the pain setting in.


"We can blackmail this a** because he gave us information."

"Alright. Also, why do you hate him so much?"

"No reason. No reason at all."

"Ok." Melody whacked him over the head with a bat, rendering him unconscious.

~ ~ ~

500 less words than usual except it feels like more because there's so much talking

Anyways, an honorable mention to jonathan who decided to type this random stuff on chapter 20

- ellen, someone who is 7 foot

P.S That's because Jonathan went and carried your 4 ft frame

Whoa hoowoo

(Whoa hoowoo)

Whoa hoowoo

(Whoa hoowoo)

Whoa hoowoo

(Whoa hoowoo)



*Electric piano*


*Guy talking in japanese, read: singing*

*HXH weeb moment*

To revolt would be revolting. Absolutely the worst thing that you could ever think of.

But if you carried me, and I was 4 foot, then you would be 3 foot.


why would he carry you? lol jellen

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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