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Hinata hyuga P. O. V

It's been 2 months since mine and hanabi's fight, and me meeting kid naruto, I was lots better after that, I stayed alone in my room for the next 24 hours, to get my self together and thinking about what to do to stop all the madness in year to come

The next day when I went to train where I use ti, l was not allowed in as I was no longer the next heiress, natural I felt bad not as bad as last time but still.... Don't get me wrong I don't desire to be the clan leader or the power, but being put aside for not living up to expectations  and for not being able to do something it just hurts.

Without any word I made my way to to the training group, all day long I practiced my tiejutsu

Kicking and punching the log with me gently fist style, accessing my own limitations of my body and byukugan as well

I noted how weak my byukugan is  firstly my range from 10 kilometers has been reduced to  slightly above 1/4 kilometers  and I can't even activate byukugan for more than an hour and not to mention my body stamin has reduced significantly so I have sticke to my training regiment that I used for preparing for the war.. Of course that is significantly harder cause of my physics and that's exactly why I need to go through this that's how I'll get stronger when the time comes.
It took me little more then a months to get used to my training regiment
And by that I mean I don't feel I might die because of chakra exhaustion,

Soon after I started going to hyuga library studying different techniques and ways to improve one's performance, or anything really when could be useful in any way. I did this in my original time line as well but I didn't take it that seriously back then, but now I have serious motivation to do so. But what I really wanted is to read the books in the restricted section of the library where I was never allowed before and breaking in is a big 'no, no' because of the security, barriers and what not, besides if I get cought things won't be pretty and I already think that father is suspicious of me but I don't get why, I have been acting pretty normal.... I think.

Speaking of behavior Hanabi had started to grow distant from me so I would initiate in restoring our relation but I can feel it's not going to be easy, I sence it she loves me but she can't respect me the way she use to cause I let her down and that going to take time to fix and for Neji well most of the time he is ignoring me and other times he sends hateful glares at me, when ever I try to talk to him he storms of, and the one time he didn't he just got super mad at me that's when I realized that words alone won't be enough to make him understand.

As for today, it's the first day of second year of Ninja Academy I have been preparing my self to face the undead dead, their deaths still hunting me but I have to look past that all

Now I am walking towards the door where all of them are alive and well but mime them

' you can do this Hinata you already meat naruto you can do it'
'  but that all happened really quickly and I didn't have time to think back then' 

'enough you have to do this to stop complaining and just do it'                      
I was having internal battle with myself contemplating on opening the door and that when I heard " if you're going to stand out all day then at least don't block the door, what a drag" I turned as he spoke to side letting him pass me I didn't dare to look at him I was a bit scared. I could feel his eyes on me as he opened the door but didn't say anything, which I was grateful for. In a bit I strengthened my resolve and stepped in

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