Chapter One

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~Two Years Ago~

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my desk. I realized that I fell asleep on my computer, trying to submit an assignment due tonight. Picking up my phone, I saw that the time was almost 7:00 pm. I usually just sleep when I can, most of the time I'm either busy or working.

Aaron, my friend that I met last year, was texting me constantly asking me to start getting ready for this event happening tonight. He seemed really invested in it, and talked about it really often, so I decided to humor him and tag along. Closing my computer, I stretched my arms and yawned. The event started at 8:00, so I had a good amount of time to get dressed.

I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower, and came out with a towel wrapped around my body. I mildly shivered since my air conditioner was on, and the water on my body made the atmosphere irritatingly chilly.

I stepped into my closet to select an outfit to wear. Since it was a formal event, I decided on a short black halter-neck dress, which was just an inch above the knee. I put on a light layer of makeup, which looked almost natural besides the light pink lip gloss on my lips. Drying my hair, I brushed through it a few times so it didn't appear as though I just rolled out of bed.

I glanced to my right as I saw my roommate, Myra, standing near my door with a hand resting on the door frame. "Wow, looking good, Evie. Got a date?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do I have time for dates?" I laughed, "No I'm going to TC with Aaron. Also, stop calling me Evie. I'm not five." I glared at her, shaking my head jokingly.

She rolled her eyes, "I didn't know you'd be interested in going to that event."

I laughed, "Oh, I'm not. Aaron's been driving me crazy about it, so I'm kind of obligated to come." I shrugged.

She nodded and grinned, "Okay, well have fun, I'll see you later." I smiled in response, as she tapped the door frame and left.

Checking the time again, my watch read, 7:52. My eyes widened, as I grabbed my bag and wore a pair of black heels, quickly scurrying out the door.


"Why do we have to come here again?" I groaned, shuffling through my bag to check if I had my phone on me. "Have you seen my phone?"

Aaron sighed, "Oh my god, this is literally a life changing event! You know if you paid a little attention to me, you'd benefit from not asking so many questions." He said, while looking quite irritated, which was amusing.

I nodded, sarcastically, "Right, right, where's my phone?"

"I don't know, Evie! You probably left it at the apartment." He glanced at his watch, and looked up with a startled expression, "Come on! We're going to be late."

He grabbed my arm, and practically dragged me to move faster. "Okay, okay. I forgot how excited you were about this, which is hard to do." I replied, while we walked through the gigantic halls in the Terrence Corianne (TC) Laboratories.

Today was the day they were going to launch the largest particle accelerator in the world, which would "revolutionize" the world, as Aaron described it. It took up two hundred acres of the land the laboratories owned. Aaron knew most of the informational things, which would explain why he was so excited about it. He'd been researching the PA for about a year, and he was absolutely obsessed, as I mentioned before. I might as well be a part of history while I can.

Aaron was practically beaming, reading all the brochures and articles he stumbled upon when we entered. I was looking around, mildly in awe of the design and the amount of people that were present.

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