Unexpected Visitor

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I ran past the berry bushes and the Sunday oak river, and as I do I see the tiny cottage I call home comes into view. I run towards it and swing the door open as I launch myself to the tiny couch I have next to my right window. This cottage truly is perfect, away from everyone, and everythi-

Knock knock.

"Huh?" I look at the door with a confused expression on my face.
Was someone really knocking... on my door? No one ever comes into this part of the woods. Or any part madder of fact. Oh god they probably came here to eat me! Or maybe to hunt me down and sell me for the highest bidder!

Knock knock
Another knock on my door...

"Um...hello?" I hear a voice from outside, it sounds like a young girl. I peek thought the peep whole only to see a small fragile looking girl with wavy brown hair scattered with yellow and white flowers and petals, a white dress with pastel yellow lining, along with a closed straw basket and no shoes.

Yup. She's definitely evil. Look at that's basket, shes probably a dead body in there!

"I'm afraid I'm a bit lost."

Pfft, yeah right. "Lost". That's what they all say before they brutally murder you!!

"And I don't have anywhere to go."

Oh please, I bet she wants me to open the door, and the moment I do she'll kill me with her sword she's hiding in her dress! And put me in her basket with the rest of her body's!

At this point I'm crouching next to the door waiting for her to leave. What a pain. A scary deadly complete murder vibes pain. But she wasn't leaving.

"Please answer..."

Ughhh. Stupid creepy girl being helpless and stuff.
I open the door.

Ok um. Yes. I did this. Ok so, sorry it's bad. This is literally my first story thing OWJSIS
sorry it's so terrible!! \(Ó^Ò)/

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