Morning Toast

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"Goodnight, Guppy."

Time skip to the morning because sleepy time is over

I wake up to the smell of something burning, witch is weird because I live alone and I'm in bed.
Then I slowly remember about Haru and hope she isn't burning my house down, so I rush out of bed to check on everything.

"Good morning Tori~"
I see Haru trying to make toast, but it's clearly burnt. Very burnt.

"Wha- what are you doing?!"
I quickly run over next to Haru to throw away the toast before she starts a fire, but she stops me from doing anything.

"Hey! Don't touch anything! I'm busy making us breakfast."

"You're going to burn my house down! And besides, where did you even get this toast!?"

"Huh? From here of course."

"I... I don't have any toast here..."

"Oh! I guess I just grabbed some from my basket then"

"Wait what?!"
I knew it! That basket is evil!!

"Anyway, the toast is done!"

"Wait no what did you sa-"

"Do you want yours with butter and grape jelly, or just butter? I like mine with both."

"I'm not eating that! It's burnt and most likely poisonous!"

"I'll just go with whatever."

"You're not listening!"
Haru sits at my table with two plates, each has two pieces of toast. (Poisonous old burnt toast)
I reluctantly took a seat across from her.

"Here ya go!"
She shoves a plate next to me and... the toast looks terrible.

"Go on, eat up!"
She claps her hands together and stares at me with a large smile, waiting for me to take a bite.

"Its nice for you to make breakfast... but I'm not eating this."
As soon as I say this her bright smile turns into a extremely disappointed frown.

"What? Why!? I worked really hard on this just for you!"

"It's just that-"

"Please eat it! It's super good, I promise!"

"I... fine..."
I grab the toast and took a small bite out of it, and as I expected, it was absolutely awful. But to spare Harus feelings I try to make it look like I enjoyed it, at least a little bit.

"Great! Now make sure to eat all of it or I'll feed it to your fish."
Haru says as she takes a bite of her toast and smiles. It's hard to believe she likes this stuff....


"Hm? Nothing."

"Wait you can't do tha-"

"This toast is really good!"

"I... ok never mind then..." I quietly mumble to myself.

"So, my dearest bestest friend Tori, what's it like living in the woods?"
Dearest bestest friend? That's new...

"Oh, uh.... It's nice. Peaceful."

"Doesn't it get lonely sometimes?"
Lonely? I never really thought about other people or anything like that....

"Yeah, sometimes I guess...But I have Guppy! Then again, he doesn't really talk to me."

"Oh, well now you have me! And I'm way better then your fish."

"Well I wouldn't say that..."

"It's ok, you don't have to say it, cause I already know you agree with me. Hehe."


hippity hop hi.
I love toast.
No one really cares, but I'm saying it anyway.
Also when I read a fanfic every author has a outro thing. So ima try that!

Author Chan signing off~

Nope I sound stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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