- Chapter Eight -

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[23:19 AM]

You sat up from your bed, sweat dropping from your forehead. Looking around, you saw Jungkook sleeping next to you.

Did Seokjin really die? Quickly getting up and pulling on your slides, you made your way outside the room towards the boy's room hall.

Trying to find the right room, you quickly noticed a door with his name in it.

Slowly and softly knocking, you heard nothing so, you slowly opened it revealing a dark room.

You looked for the light and you found it, quickly turning on the light to see Seokjin's sleeping figure on the bed.

A wave of relief was rushed in you. He's alive. "Y/n?" Hearing his words coming out confusingly, you looked over to see Seokjin rubbing his eye and getting up. "What are you-"

"I had to make sure you were alive." It was clear he was confused so you slowly and carefully shut the door and went closer to him.

"I had this dream."

And you told him everything, from start to finish. His face turned into stone, expressionless. You were afraid of what could happen and he understood.

"Nothing is going to happen Y/n I promise."

"We can't be so sure, maybe tonight one of us can go missing, I don't know who, but I just remember his name..."

Seokjin looked at you, "What is his name?"


[Time Skip]

"Make sure all areas are secure, don't let anyone out nor in, be cautious of your surroundings and don't let your guard down." Seokjin ordered strictly. The boys were also in the room, except Jungkook who was probably sleeping peacefully.

"Why are we doing this again?" Jimin asked sleepily. "I'm afraid Seonghwa has plans and we must be ready for the attack."

"But it was just my dream, its probably a false alar-" "Don't say that and go back to Jungkook."

Seokjin said in a stern tone. And without hesitation, you walked out that place.

Footsteps of the guards were going around the house. The camera's were turned on, and the boys were also risking it.

The halls were extremely dark, only the window at the end of the hall held light from outside.

Lisa was also in the dream will she also be in this all?

"Hello there Park Y/n." And that was the last thing you heard before being knocked out and beimg taken away.

[The next morning, Jungkook's POV]

Waking up from my sleep, I smiled to myself, turning around, expecting to see Y/n there with her beautiful eyes shut.

But to my surprise, she wasn't. Out of instinct, I called ber name, but she didn't seem to answer.

I put on my slippers and walked out the room, to the living room.

When I got there, the boys were anywhere to be found. Neither Y/n.

"BOSS!" A man in black came to me, and gave me a letter. Who sends letters these days?

Lost something? Or someone? Find them quickly Mr. J.

Clutching the paper, I didn't know what to do. Except call out the guards to bring me my weapons.

Suddenly, Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi came in running. "JUNGKOOK! Y/N IS MISSING!"

"How the fuck is she missing? I was with her last night?!" Jimin took out his phone. It was a screen shot of one of our cameras. The man was wearing a red stone on the back of his vest.

Our vests had a green stone, so it had to be "Seonghwa"

"Sir, last night Y/n told Seokjin about a dream. But Seonghwa was also in it."


There he goes again. The demon that possesses my soul whenever I get angry, very, very angry. The reason why my eye is green, because its part of me.

Little Clue: Seonghwa and Jungkook something in common. Their obsession for Y/n.

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