Chapter 25

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Graduation day came around and the tension on the field could be cut with a knife. Y/N wore some red striped trousers and black long sleeved shirt and some black platform vans. The graduates sat on some chairs on the football field in front of the stage while the friends and family sat behind them on the bleachers. "Graduation is a special time. Not just to celebrate, but to acknowledge the hard work and the sacrifices we had to make to help our students dreams come true. Let's not forget learning how to carry on in the face of adversity."

"The graduates that sit in front of me today have shown a special kind of fortitude. You've been tested inside and out the classroom and you've broken through. When I say what I'm about to, your class president, class speaker and movement speaker may not believe me. But everyone hear today, from the school and from your homes, only ever wished for you to be healthy, happy and safe. You graduates have made that one hell of a task for us here at liberty high." Bolan stated, making the students and their friends and family laugh, knowing it was the truth.

"All of us have faith in you and we have taught you well. And I know you have taught me well too. I'm grateful for that, and I'm so proud of every single one of you. Thank you for making my experience with you all, one hell of a ride." He chuckled and everyone began clapping as he stood off the platform. Jess then had her speech about the amazing change the school has had, how everyone should come together and love each other
"It's easy to hate, it's easy to fear but it's goddamn hard to love. It's not an option, it's essential."

Those words stuck in Y/N's head throughout the rest of her speech, and through Clay's speech about the people who have passed away in the past two years.
"Love is how we take care of each other, how we survive."
That was the main thing Y/N took from Clays speech. So much of it was about love. Learning to love each other, and how we're all capable of doing it. We're all capable of completing the obstacles in life we call love and heartbreak, you could say it's a sake of trial and error.

As Clay walked off the platform, Y/N took a deep breath and walked up to the platform. "Thank you, I promise this is the last speech from the people you see every day on the corridor." Y/N said and sighed. "So this isn't actually my speech. Justin Foley, a friend of everyone in one way or another. This is his speech, and the last thing he said to me was that he wanted me to read this for him so that's what I'm going to do for him. It's the least I could do for him."

Last chance at love-Zach Dempsey x readerWhere stories live. Discover now