Chapter 30

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All of the people who were going to study at Sanderson University all met at Monets and god a drink before driving to the campos for their first day. Only about half of their friendship group decided on studying there but they knew that they would stick together from that day onwards. If anyone fell out for any reason, they'd find a way to overcome that argument and befriend each other again. Nothing could break them apart, nothing could destroy their relationships with each other. But that's what they all tell themselves right? They tell themselves what they want to hear.

Everyone decided to meet at Monet's and bring tables together to discuss everyone's first day. "So how was everyone's first day?" Clay asked when everyone began to tell each other about what happened, what was going to happen in the future and the kind of things they would be learning in them classes. "The first thing we learned, is how to stop someone bleeding out, and they had mannequins that literally bled out. Not how to do CPR, not what to do if someone's foaming at the mouth, how to fucking stop someone bleeding out."
"Did you manage to do it?"

As it got to Zach's turn to speak, he let out a laugh. "This is exactly what I was talking about at prom. This is us, living. Alex you were right, they didn't deserve to die but we deserve to live. And right now we're university students, and we're studying what we want to shape our future, and most of all we're here with each other." He said and everyone agreed. "We deserve some happiness, some peace... We deserve to be able to be ourselves and we haven't been able to do that for such a long time."

"Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. So let's make the most of it. I couldn't be happier than spending it with you guys." He said with a contagious smile that spread across the table. "I love you guys."
"We love you too." Everyone said and then began to chat about everyday things that they wanted to catch up on since the summer. There was so much to catch up on and talk about, and they were going to be catching up with each other for a couple of hours, sipping through drinks like it was the last day of their lives.


"Nurse Eleqote, theres a patient asking specifically for you." A junior doctor said and Y/N nodded, making her way to the ward and bed she was told. As soon as she walked in, she looked at the all too familiar friend she hadn't seen in years.
"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Tony Padilla, how are you?" She questioned and he sat up to give her a hug.
"I'm fine. Coach made me come in because I hit my head in the boxing ring and I was bleeding."
"You're still doing boxing then?" Y/N asked as she checked the large cut in his hair and he nodded his head.
"On the side."

After cleaning up the large wound and getting another nurse to do the stitches, she stood back and asked the nurse to get a hospital gown. "Were gonna send you in for a CT scan alright? We need to check there's no severe pressure on the head."
"Alright cool." He said calmly making Y/N laugh softly and hand him a nursing gown telling him to sit on the bed and put it on the front so she could tie it at the back.

"Do you not find that shit weird?" Tony asked and Y/N furrows her brows in confusion.
"Do I not find what weird?"
"Having to tie an able bodied persons gown when they're wearing nothing apart from that."
"Technically you're in hospital care right now, so you're not classed as fully able." Y/N said and then the nurses took him to the CT room. "You can speak, you just need to keep your head still okay?" Y/N asked and Tony vocally agreed, letting out an 'Mhm.'

"What happened to you anyways?"
"I mean the last time I saw you, you weren't up the duff."
"Oh right. Zach happened." Y/N laughed happily and Tony smiled slightly.
"You guys still going strong? What's he doing now?" He questioned with his eyes looking up at the top of the machine.
"Yeah we are, and he's self employed at the minute, he's performing at local spaces and obviously he's getting paid by liberty to coach the tigers."
"Damn he sticks to his word doesn't he?"
"He always has."
The two of them talked through the rest of Tony's scan and Caleb visited him until he got the results.

"The results have come back, there's nothing severe and there's nothing that can't heal itself. You just need to take things slow and for gods sakes don't do anymore fights for the next 6 weeks or it could seriously harm you."
"I just won't tell you." Tony chuckled and picked his leather jacket up, placing a kiss on Y/N's cheek.
"Make sure he doesn't." Y/N said to Caleb who nodded.
"I'll keep an eye out don't worry." He smiled and gave Y/N a hug.
"I'm in town tonight, what time do you get off?"
"8pm so just a few hours."
"Meet me outside Monet's at 9. We need to catch up." He laughed and Y/N nodded with a smile, saying goodbye to Tony and Caleb.

Everyone's life was finally back on track.

Last chance at love-Zach Dempsey x readerWhere stories live. Discover now