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Calum dreamt that he was at the entrance of a gorgeous golden palace. The pathway leading to the entrance was made of polished stone, and ran to the edge of the island.

It was an island in a sea of clouds.

This must be the Floating Sanctuary, he thought. He looked around and saw Prasidiei-dozens of them, couples walking with baby Prasidiei, some flying in the air, soldiers on patrol. Each and every single Prasidius had a whip coiled at their side, a bluish glow emanating from them.

His vision flew to a large room, with a domed ceiling made entirely out of glass. Even on the ground, he had a wide view of the sky. A large circular table with patterns made out of gold, silver and some sort of blue stone stood in the centre. It looked like a meeting room. Standing at the table was a Prasidius with grand armour.

It was made of gold just like Aetos', but it was more detailed and decorated. Lines of the same blue stone adorned his armour, and his crest was a mix of gold and silver. His eyes shone white, unlike Aetos'. It was grand yet simple, adamant, yet it looked light enough to wear into a fast-paced battle. Another Prasidius, wearing grey metallic armour, adorned with patterns of bronze and glowing purple eyes, stood beside him. They were in the middle of a conversation.

"My King, we must send out search parties to find Aetos! If he gets himself into trouble-" The grey Prasidius was cut off by the other one, presumably the King of the Prasidiei.

"I trust in him. The Goddess Usoara would not simply whisper to anyone. If he claims that it was the Goddess' instructions, we must put our faith in him." The King said.

"What if Aetos said it as a trick? What if he just wants to run away from the danger? He is young, and his sense of duty has been-shaky,"

"I have faith in the young Prasidius. You should as well, Anemos. You cannot label him as untrustworthy because of his one action,"

"He ran away-I saw him! We were to protect the Sword of the Sky, and he fled, he abandoned his duty!"

"His father was surrounded and injured. He went and helped his father get to safety. That was a noble act," Anemos wanted to say something more, but the King stopped him. "The discussion ends here. We will wait for him to come back with what he claims to be the key for us to get the Sword of the Sky back. In the meantime, we will shore up our forces."

Anemos bowed, "Yes, my King."

Calum's dream shifted. Suddenly he was at a very different entrance. A complex series of curves of stone made up a monolithic work of architecture. Calum could see patterns of wings, wind and other sky-related things carved into the structure.

The sky was grey, but it wasn't because of clouds-something had snuffed out the usual blue sheen of the sky. When he went to the edge of the platform to look, he noticed figures-hundreds of them, in formation like blocks in the sky. They were surrounding the building. A large, dark figure suddenly swooped down on Calum. He jumped back, startled. The figure seemed to be wearing black armour, and had peculiar black wings on its back. They didn't seem natural. It was almost as if they were mechanised. Calum realised that it had a whip holstered at its side. He couldn't get a good look, but it felt oppressive, different from Aetos'. It had its back to Calum. Then, it screeched, and the army of figures surrounding the temple screeched back. This must have been their commander. The commander of the Apoklesti.

Calum woke up.

The dream was as strange as strange could get, but he had a feeling it was real. What was happening to him? Had he finally snapped? This never happened at Katari monastery.

Heavenly Mortals-Act OneWhere stories live. Discover now