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They flew out of the temple at top speed.

Aetos glanced here and there, worried about surprise attacks from Apoklesti. After his time in the temple, he was utterly fed up with that dirty tactic of theirs.

Of course, the Prasidiei had attacked invisible, so he couldn't talk.

He and his platoon flew to the largest formation, where the King oversaw the battle, passing down orders. Any Apoklesti that flew towards them was struck with a lightning bolt, fresh from the storm.

He flew up to the white-armoured medics and handed Calum to them. One of the soldiers handed Qi'ra to the Prasidius next to the medic.

"Keep them together," Aetos told them. They nodded, "Yes, Commandment!"

"Aetos," King Anax turned to him, his wings flapping at a slow, steady pace, like a heartbeat, "Well done. With the advantage you have brought us, the battle is as good as won,"

"It was my duty," Aetos replied. Despite his fatigue, he was brimming with ecstasy. He had done good. His father would be proud.

Suddenly, something charged through the Prasidiei formation at an impossible speed.

The next thing Aetos knew, the King had disappeared.

Several Prasidiei soldiers fell from the air, their armour covered with huge slash marks.

Soldiers started yelling and screeching. Aetos saw a glint of the King's armour as he was suddenly dragged away by a large figure.

He was probably insane, but he charged after them.

A column of wind enveloped Aetos. The strain on his wings was eased.

I'm coming with you, Aella told him.

Aella? No, it is too dangerous. Go, be with Calum and Qi'ra!

No, Aella replied defiantly, This is my fight too.

Aetos' heart filled with pride.

You will instill courage and willpower, He remembered the King's words.

The figure dragged King Anax to the very top of the Sword. Aetos and Aella flew up to meet them.

The figure was an Apoklestus, but it was different.

It was at least a foot taller than a normal Apoklestus, it's mechanical wings gilded at the edges and sharpened like swords. It's armour was definitely bulkier than a regular Apoklestus'.

Fear crawled into Aetos.

His talons became shaky.

He nearly lost pace of his wings.

"Empodistis," Aetos managed, "King of the Apoklesti."

"A pleasure to meet you,"

His voice sounded like multiple people speaking at once. He held up King Anax, bound in his glowing orange whip. The King groaned in pain.

"My King!"

Empodistis pulled him back, "Another inch forward, and your king dies,"

Aetos called for backup with the empathy links. Several Prasidiei soldiers flew towards them.

Empodistis whirled around, and they all fell away, slash marks all over them.

Aetos widened his eyes in shock.

"I am the Apoklestus King, you utter fool," Empodistis said, "I am the strongest of my kind, the ultimate bane of the Prasidiei. Not even your King could oppose me. He is simply a glorified Prasidius."

Aetos clenched his talons. He summoned a lightning bolt and struck Empodistis directly.

Smoke wafted off his black armour, the Apoklestus King completely unharmed.

"Oh, and I am also immune to lightning. Completely. Magic and technology combined can work wonders, no?"

"You are not of flesh and blood," Aetos rasped, the effort of summoning the lightning bolt taking its toll.

"No," Empodistis spread his arms, "And neither are any of my kind. We are works of magitech, born from the craftsmanship of Azak and the magic of Nikos, two of the Pillars of Creation, predecessors of your puny gods!"

"Azak and Nikos were imprisoned in Rigma," Aetos said, "They were once welcome to our world, but they crossed the line when they tried to turn dragons into weapons. They proved to be just like the other Pillars,"

"Your gods imprisoned our creators," Empodistis growled, "Who had the rightful ownership of this world. And to take back what is theirs, they gave birth to new creatures, each born to destroy one aspect of your world. Alas, they are permanently imprisoned and cannot do it themselves, but no matter. We are enough,"

"I doubt it," Aetos unholstered his whip and it began to glow.

Heavenly Mortals-Act OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang