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June 24, 2020

Hearts silently scream for care and affection,
Denied of sweet hugs and kisses.
The supposed givers are hindered unwillingly,
But what can they do with the invisible enemy?

Some are sleeping soundly at night,
Safely tucked in their comfort zones.
But others are worried, nervous
Still trying to fight against the pandemic virus.

Some enjoy the free days with the whole family,
But others don't have the option to go home.
Some take these days as holidays,
But others are living in hopelessness and anxiety.

Some couldn't afford even the basic,
Some don't have roofs over their heads.
Some even lose their loved ones along the way.
Some are still greedy but thank God for some good Samaritans still exist these days.

This pandemic reminds us what to value most:
Time as the precious commodity,
Your family, loved ones to hold dearly,
And pray unceasingly.

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