Chapter 16 - Assumptions over-ruled to putforth presumptions.

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It's been three days, since I've been reading her book and I've been through a lot more judgements over my assumptions as I went on with the story and underwent a proper purposeful research. And here my instincts conclude that I've been assuming it all wrong & now the assumptions are over-ruled.

Reading it all, I might not need to clarify you all that the story was not being imagined or visualized but relived in a fast forward mode. The girl herself is Secret & has lived it all. She has been a part of all those fantasies, fetishes. The desires were, her own and she wrote it all just to revisit her sassy life, out of denial, about, Domme leaving her mid way.

Also I realised that the narration I had in beginning was just my part that I lived, but via this book, I got to have a look, through her point too, that made a complete picture to have a look and seek a meaning.
Although all my assumptions have been over-ruled with this journey of consecutive curious three days of reading the book & researching it all. I still dare to putforth a few presumptions, coz the point till which she narrated, enforces me to make it complete, through my presumptions, it might not be all genuine but I may bring it to a conclusion, projecting on, a proper picture.

Here goes my presumptions....
She goes so restless by the morning, that she falls asleep at the time when she was to visit the studio & take that sculpture, he left.

Its the eve, she wakes up regretting to be asleep, all day. She feels like being a trash who has been kicked out once after usage. All that constant bickering and noise from within, desperately knocking for answer gave her a severe headache & so , she decided to escape from all of it and drove off to a bar, 'Brown bruise bar' , & dont know for what reason, she took that diary along.

She went inside, took up a seat, drank beyond her capacity and in the middle of so much chaos from within, she lost the concious & started roaming here & there, clueless, all around the bar, and mistakenly went to the room where dancers were getting ready for their performance.

She took up this beautiful, red attire, may be meant for the lead dancer. She wore it and took a mask on her face, left the diary in the changing room and took the stage with that queue of dancers, behind her.
And she was so fierce while dancing, as if bring out all those supressed emotions & burden, out. Rigorously thumping her feet, rapidly synchronised with the beats.
Performance continued a few more minutes and then they were to move back to that room. She went to that room just to take her diary, & moved out, while she was drunk & in a hurry for some reason, she mistakenly bumped into someone and her mask fell, but she walked ignoring it all, then felt like being followed.

She thought , she'd be caught for taking the place of the lead dancer & ruining performance, so she started running down the stairs & may be in that hurry, she dropped that diary, but managed to elope.

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