I never meant to start a fire,

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Disclaimer: fred died? harry got with ginny? draco is a little piece of shit? dobby got mistreated by draco and his father? then i dont own harry potter, DuH :P

All the three occupants in the room looked at each other, distress covering their faces.

Hermione recovered first.

"Madam Pomfrey, do you know what is happening to Draco?"

Madam Pomfrey looked stumped. "I do not know, you will have to ask him when he wakes up."

Then, Harry shouted, "But, he isn't acting like how he would! Usually he lets me kiss him, but this time he pushed me off and started throwing things at me!"

"Then, you will have to go to Professor Dumbledore. Only he will know wha—"

Again, Draco spoke up. His voice again sounded older. "Don't you understand!? I have to kill you, ...or he's gonna kill me."

Madam Pomfrey spoke up first. "You had better take him there fast, before he wakes up."

Harry started walking towards Draco. When he got to him, he picked him up with carefulness and took him up bridal style.

Draco, again, said something. Now, his voice sounded, younger. "Training for the ballet, Pottah?"

Harry looked at Draco, confusion and distress covering his face. "Hermione, come on!"


"You don't know what happened to him?" Dumbledore asked.

"No sir," Harry looked very worried. Even Dumbledore didn't have his usual twinkle in his eyes.

Draco woke up. He looked around the room, then at Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore!? B—But... you are dead!"

Then he looked at Harry. "YOU ARE DEAD TOO! Am I in some sort of Hell or something!?

Then he noticed Hermione, who was standing in a corner. "You filthy little Mudblood! Did YOU do something to me!" She looked heartbroken.

Then, Harry spoke up. "Babe, what happened!? Are you okay? You hit your head, maybe something happened to you then!"

Draco suddenly turned around to Dumbledore. "Dead—"

"Babe!" Draco looked like he was about to faint.

"The Dark lord— V–Voldem—"

He fainted.

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