The Abduction

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"Who is this?" I asked, ready to hang up the phone.

"I wouldn't hang up if I were you. You're already a target..."

I choked on my drink. "A target? For who?" I replied

"That's not important... Just tell me where you are, they're coming for you... if you stay you're going to die."

"I'm a broke college student at a state school... who the fuck would want to kill me?"

"We know what you saw. We can help you make sense of it. You're experiencing severe gaps in your memory, correct...?"

Just like that I was thrown back into last Tuesday. I was sitting in class and one of my classmates turned and looked directly at me. You've been chosen, he said. His eyes were completely blue covering his iris, pupil and the white part. Prepare yourself. They will try to find you. You must run. Just like that the student turned around and went back to taking notes. I had no idea what just happened but I wouldn't move any part of my body, almost like I was made of stone. I tried to scream but my throat wouldn't obey my brain. And just like that I woke up.

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