The Roomates

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I headed to 18A and pulled the curtain open to find a nightstand, a wooden chest and a stretcher, which I assumed was a sorry excuse for my bed. I didn't have any of my belongings so I just sat on my bed and contemplated everything I just learned. Maybe i'm going to wake up and this was just all a really bad acid trip. But my gut knew that was wrong, mostly because I've never even seen acid let alone taken it. Maybe I was roofied... well I mean I was roofied, that's kinda how they got me here. I was about to make up another excuse about how this was all fake when I heard three guys burst into the common room. They sounded like they were just coming back from a party, and trust me I know what that sounds like - I went to a state school for four years.

"Broooooooo, i'm telling you - she wanted me"

"You're a fucking idiot"

"How?? It's all in the eyes"

"Bro... she legit walked away, how did her eyes tell you she wanted you. Either way she's earth - those bitches are crunchyyyy"

I heard them all suddenly go quiet and knew they saw my curtain open.

"Yo. New guy? Hello?"

I walked out to the doorway, "what's good?"

There were three guys in the common room. One was the epitome of a frat bro. He had a visor on with sunglasses - which wasn't very useful seeing as how we were underground - and a hawaiian shirt with board shorts. His blonde hair flowed down to the basic hockey boy hair and I don't understand how he got that tan while living in freaking caves, but he was suuuper tan. The boy next to him was dark skinned and had a freshly cut fade, again don't know where you can get a haircut down here but they must've had a barber somewhere. He was also wearing a hawaiian shirt and board shorts so it must've been a theme party. The last guy behind them was a little quieter and a little shorter. Definitely the beta to these two alpha's, I was gonna have to earn my place in this pack.

"Whats up, when'd you get in?" frat bro asked.

"A couple of minutes ago, Charlie dropped me off." I replied.

"Wow, first day here and you already met the princess. Much better welcome that old Gunner." the guy with the fade joked. I laughed at the dig on Gunner, feeling out the waters with these boys.

"Yeah, definitely." I said. "So who's who? I know I'm living with Bryce, Andre and Zach."

"I'm Zach," Frat bro said.

"Andre" Fade said.

"That makes me Bryce," Beta said.

"Well, I'm Marc" an awkward silence hung in the air until I decided to break it. Better to dive headfirst in with these guys, I'm probably gonna be living with them for a while. "So where was the party? That part definitely wasn't on the tour."

"There's an abandoned cave that we all go to, Gunner turns a blind eye because we typically are able to handle ourselves." Zach said, starting to get excited.

"Yeah, I mean an underground network of mostly college aged kids? We gotta have fun somehow right?" Andre replied laughing. He was definitely the comedian of the group.

"I hear ya, it's been less than 24 hours and I already miss the state school parties." I said.

"Wait you actually made it to college? What's it like?" Bryce replied.

"You guys didn't?" I questioned.

"Naw I got brought in senior year of high school, I was committed to Clem too. The party scene there is wild, I heard." Zach said sadly.

"I got pulled in junior year but at least I didn't have to take my AP's" Andre said.

"And he was going to go D1 for football. Such a ripoff bro" Zach explained.

"What about you Bryce?" I asked.

"Bryce has been here for a couple years right? What 8th grade? Right after graduation too" Zach answered. Yeah. Bryce was definitely the beta. Don't want to be him.

We spent the rest of the night with me blowing their minds with stories about state school until we finally decided to head to bed around midnight. Zach told me that wake up was at 7 am sharp, so I fell right asleep to get as much rest as possible. I had no idea what the next day would bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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