The Tour

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Gunner walked me around the network of caves that looked so highly renovated that you could barely tell that you were underground. Luckily, Alec had to go off to do something so I didn't have to have him breathing down my neck anymore.

"I get the feeling he doesn't like me." I said to Gunner after he left.

"He's just suspicious about new recruits, and you're the first newbie we've had in a while." Gunner replied dismissing the thought.

Why haven't they had new recruits in a while? I thought Gunner said that there were millions of baby bots out there. My thought was cut off by the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walking up to me and Gunner. It was almost like she was walking in slow motion, her dark brown hair flowing in the wind and her hazel eyes glinting in the dim yellow lights that lit up this specific cave hallway. I fought so hard to keep my eyes trained on her face, I knew that if they drifted anywhere I would get a swift slap across the face.

"Hey G. who's this?" her voice was like melted honey flowing over my ears. Ew. I can't believe I just said that. Whatever, moving on.

"This is Marcus. He just got triggered and delivered to us." Thos golden hazel eyes turned towards me and swiftly looked me up and down, which surprisingly made me extremely self conscious. I tried to remember whether or not I zipped my fly up last time I used the bathroom, but I couldn't remember.

"Hey, I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie." she put her hand out almost as if she was a princess and I was to bow down and kiss her ring.

"You can call me Marc, then" I tried for a charming laugh but I don't think I succeeded by the look on her face. I quickly grabbed her hand and shook it hoping to move on with the tour soon after that embarrassment. Suddenly, Gunners phone rang and he answered it.

"Gunner. Yeah. He did what? Okay I'm on my way." Gunner hung up the phone and turned towards us. "I have to go handle something. Charlie are you doing anything right now? No? Awesome can you finish showing Marc around and put him in room 18 A? You're the best! Thanks!" and he was off running down the corridor.

"Must've been an emergency..." I said with a weak smile. Great, more time to embarrass myself in front of this girl. Thanks Gunner.

"I swear to god, I do everything for that man. He wouldn't even know how to get around these caves if I didn't make sure he had his map with him at all times." Charlie let out a sigh of exasperation.

"That's nice of you..." I replied "So, where can I get one of these maps?"

"You'll get one eventually don't worry. This way, 'll show you the good parts, like where the food is." she said with a smile. Her smile was gorgeous and I think i could stare at it all day long, but she grabbed my arm and started running off down the hall.

~ ~ ~

"And here is your room, 18 A. You share a common room with 18 B, C, and D so those will probably be the next guys you'll meet. They're nice, I think it's Andre, Zach and Bryce. I don't spend a lot of time down here, the girls suites are down that hall." Charlie pointed to a distant hallway on the other side of all of the guys' rooms.

"Thank you again for finishing up the tour. I have no idea how to maneuver this place but I'm gonna try to find one of those maps, I hear they're helpful." I replied. "It was nice talking to you"

"You too," Charlie said, flashing a smile. She headed off towards the girls' rooms.

I turned towards my new room. Alright, I don't think that went too badly. I walked into the room and saw labels on the walls next to the doors. I headed towards 18A. The rooms were pretty nice, but much less renovated than the rest of the tour. It was very clear that these were caves, with the rock walls and the only form of privacy was a cloth curtain that went across each doorway. These are worse than my freshman dorm's jesus.

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