The Introduction

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"He's awake. Get him up" I heard a voice say. All I could see around me was a bit of light shredding through what seemed like a burlap bag over my head. Where was I? Last I remembered I was in my apartment, on the phone with... someone. It all came rushing back to me. The past few months, all of the unnatural things I have been seeing, all of the 'coincidences', why didn't I remember this before the phone call?

I guess this is a good time to introduce myself, while I'm being dragged somewhere by someone. I'm Marcus. Marc for short. I grew up in the middle of Massachusetts, basically suburbia, with my mom, dad and two sisters. I look like the average Bostonian, brown hair that falls slightly in front of my eyes, brown eyes that look like everyone else's, and a slight olive complexion. I now go to Umass Amherst and study Business at isenberg there, so... I'm a normal college kid from MA. On the weekdays, I'm inside studying, and on the weekends I go out with my friends. There is no reason I should be in this situation, but here we are.

Light seared my eyes as the burlap bag was ripped off my head. I looked around to see that I was tied to a chair in a room that looked like it had been carved into the side of a mountain. It was less of a room than a cave.

"Really? We're treating him like a prisoner now, Alec. He's a college kid." In front of me there were two men, one about my age, which was 23, and the other one clearly older. The younger one had longish wavy blonde hair that hung over hazel eyes that almost seemed to sparkle gold in the light. He was about 6'1", like me and stood in the corner of the room, glaring at me and crossing his arms over his chest. Might wanna avoid him. I thought to myself. The older man was sitting in a chair like mine right across from me. He had gray hair tied half up half down and slight grey stubble on his chin. His bright blue eyes peered at me, almost like he was trying to read my mind. Wait... do you think they can read my mind? Okay if you guys can read my mind... say something like 'i love strawberries' I thought at them.

"Hello, Marcus." The older man said.

Okay, so they can't read minds. "Who are you people? Where am I? Why am I here? What do you want? Can I-"

The older man held up his hand for me to stop talking. I don't know why I obeyed but my mouth closed right away.

"You must be filled with questions right now, I know, but for right now just hear me out." the older man raised his eyebrows in question. I nodded in response, afraid to open my mouth again. "Good, now my name is Jeoffery Gunn, but everyone calls me Gunner. Let's just say I have a specialty in firearms. This over here," he gestured to the blonde boy in the corner, "is Alec-"

"No last name" Alec said, cutting off Gunner. "I don't trust him"

Gunner clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Okay, just Alec. We've been keeping an eye on you for a while. Waiting for you to be triggered, and today that happened. We don't know what triggered you though. Typically it's a life threatening event, but you were just sitting in your apartment when you went through the trigger. Do you remember anything that happened before you woke up?"

I slowly opened my mouth, unsure of whether or not it was still stuck shut. "Not really," if they aren't going to trust me, why should I trust them?

"Marcus... Marc. Can I call you Marc? Listen, we aren't here to hurt you. We are actually saving you. Here -"

"Where is here?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. I guess I should've started from the beginning, huh?" Gunner stood up and walked over to a table and pressed a button. A screen on the wall above the table lit up and showed a picture of a woman in a white lab coat.

"This is Dr. Andrea Wallace. She's the reason you are here. When you were a baby, you were involved in a worldwide experiment endorsed by the FDA,-" Gunner said.

"When I was a baby? That's impossible my parents would've known about it and told me!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you're parents wouldn't have known seeing as how it was before you were theirs"

"Before I was theirs?" I questioned.

"Yes, as I assume you know that you were adopted."

I felt like I had been hit by a bus. The people who have raised me all my life, who I always referred to as Mom and Dad weren't actually my mother and father. That's impossible. Right?

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