Chapter 1: The Babe Baseland

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It was a beautiful Summer day, and you  were enjoying a glass of lemonade while listening to "Baby" by Justin Bieber.  Suddenly, your bumptious mom walks into the kitchen to announce "You'll be going to the Bieber Babe Baseland with your horrible obsession with him!"

You squeal in delight and say "Woah! What?! That's so exciting!" Then, you run off to your room and begin to pack your things: Your Justin Bieber poster, your Justin Bieber underwear, your Justin Bieber toothbrush, your Justin Bieber bra, your Justin Bieber shirt and pants. Finally after you're done packing all of your Justin Bieber merch, you run outside and hiss at your mom.

After hissing and foaming at the mouth, you don't put on chapstick because you need to have your lips as crusty as possible for Justin's presence. Mmmmm, crusty lips. You lick the corner of your mouth with joy and it's so crusty it burns. But wow, the crust actually tasted good. You continue eating your lip crust until you're full and then you get into your mom's car.

"MOMMMMMM!" You yell, and fling your boogers at her. "When are we gonna be there?!" Your mom looks back at you and says "Almost there-" then your mom crashes into a tree. "Oh that's not cool," You say, and your mom and you forget about the car and walk there.

Your lips begin to hurt so you get some earwax out of your ear and wipe it on your lips and then lick it off. "Yummy, tasty," you say, and hum Justin Bieber's hit song "Yummy." Your mother then swings a bat at you and knocks you unconscious because she's sick of your singing. She drags you all the way to the Bieber Babe Baseland and drops you off, before running away from her disgrace of a child. She yells "FREEDOM AT LAST!" and you never see her again.

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