Chapter 5: The End da Hoet Explosive Endigne

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You and Justin run away so far until you find your mother. "MOM!!!!!" You yell and she seems so sad to see you. Your mom whips out a gun and shoots Justin Bieber in the forehead which kills him and then shoots you in the thigh.

"You're the worst child I ever had," your mom says and then calls the police. The police come and handcuff you for interacting with Justin Bieber bc Justin Bieber is actually illegal. You're so sad sitting in a jail cell when suddenly you see your mum come to see you and say "I'll bust u outta here" so you get out of jail and then see a teleporter.

"Go through the teleporter" your mom says and so you do and then you black out.


"Oh, good morning, darling," your mom says, pouring you a cup of hot tea. "How did you sleep?" 

"I slept great, mother, thank you for asking." You got out of bed after drinking the hot tea your mother provided you with, and put on a black shirt with flowers and a pair of shorts. You tied your hair up into a messy ponytail and applied some chapstick to your lips. 

You walk down your stairs and sit at the couch, and flick on the news. 

Justin Bieber got arrested for the fourth time today for embezzlement! This is not really a shocker, as we have seen previously how malicious this man can be.

You laugh and say "That man deserves to be in jail. I hate Justin Bieber."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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