Episode 1: The Devil in Me

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[Scene: A large boat, containing host Jeff Probst and eighteen castaways.]

Jeff Probst: For this year's Survivor season, we have brought eighteen brand new castaways to Mykonos Island, right here in Greece.

Audrey: [CONF: I have been dreaming about being on Survivor ever since I was little. Who would have ever thought, me, a barista from Minnesota would have a chance at a million dollars? Just think of all the student loans I'll be able to pay off!]

James: [CONF: I know how physically demanding my job as a construction worker can be. That will be nothing compared to what Survivor has in store for me.]

Rafael: [CONF: I'm looking around me, and notice how much younger almost everyone else is compared to me. I really hope people aren't going to be like, "oh great, we have a 40-year-old painter. What is he good for?" Don't underestimate me.]

Michelle: [CONF: As a zoologist, you have to be accustomed to the outdoors. I think the physical elements of this game are going to be the least of my worries. Too bad I can't say the same thing for everyone else.]

Olivia: [CONF: I'm a psychic. *laughs* I know what you're thinking. That can't be a real job! Having the knowledge of seeing into the future is definitely going to be used to my advantage, so let's hope it helps me out here.]

Matt: [CONF: Survivor is a numbers game. I'm an accountant, so I know all about that. But the most important aspect of my job is attention to detail, which I think will ultimately allow me to navigate through this game.]

Jeff Probst: In the end, only one will claim the million dollar prize. *close up to various faces* 39 days! 18 people! 1... survivor!

[Intro plays]

[Scene: The eighteen castaways are sitting close together on the boat, with Jeff facing towards them.]

Jeff Probst: Welcome... to Survivor: Mykonos!

[everyone applauds and cheers]

Jeff Probst: In seasons past we have had Exile Island, Redemption Island, Ghost Island, and Island of Idols. For this season... we are bringing something new: Revenge Island. After someone is voted out, they will be able to cast a "Revenge Vote". They will be able to vote for anyone — including the opposing tribe. This means... that this one extra vote could be the one to get you out of this game. So you will have to be extra careful with every move you make.

Dwight: [CONF: Oh my god... Revenge Island! This is insane! The person voted out of the game could most definitely help impact who goes next. And it's just going to make us more paranoid. I can't wait! *smiles*]

Melinda: [CONF: I am not thrilled about this new twist. I miss when you voted someone out of Survivor, and they actually left. That was it. Now I need to be extra careful about who I vote out, so I don't get a stupid "Revenge Vote". This definitely changes things for me.]

Jeff Probst: Now, let's get to our new tribes. I have 5 blue buffs and 4 orange buffs for the women, and 5 orange buffs and 4 blue buffs for the men. Just pick a buff, and then open it up.

[The women pass around a tray of packaged buffs, along with the men.]

Jeff Probst: And... reveal.

[Various faces are focused opening buffs, with some voices announcing what color buff they got. Castaways in blue buffs group together, as the same with those in orange buffs.]

Jeff Probst: Alright, we have our two tribes. In blue, we have Audrey, Jonathan, Olivia, Camille, Julia, Rafael, Dwight, Mario, and Sarah. Your tribe name is Ftelia, named after one of the beaches here in Mykonos. *tosses map*

Sarah: *catches map*

Jeff Probst: In orange, we have Amy, James, Melinda, Edwin, Kirk, Michelle, Grace, Matt, and Zach. Your tribe name is Ornos, named after a local village. *tosses map*

Matt: *tries to catch the map, but misses. He picks it up off of the ground.*

Jeff Probst: Now, this boat contains the supplies that you may need for the next 39 days out here. You have two minutes to salvage whatever you can. Survivor ready? ...go!

[Scene: Everyone runs out on the boat. Jonathan grabs a machete. Mario grabs a pineapple. Michelle grabs a crate containing a chicken. Edwin unties the rope to release a raft. Sarah unties the rope for the other raft. Kirk grabs a flint. Zach notices a piece of paper on the boat. He grabs the paper.]

Zach: [CONF: So, we only have two minutes to get everything we need. Of course, my mind is on the Legacy Advantage. I see a piece of paper, and I'm thinking "this is awesome!"]

Grace: *bumps into Zach* Oh my god! I'm so sorry!

Zach: *drops advantage* [under his breath] S**t. [loudly] Don't worry about it. Go, go!

Zach: [CONF: And of course I'm furious, because one of my tribemates made me lose that damn advantage. It just... dropped out of my hand at the worst possible time. I had no idea where it went, so I had to continue helping out my tribe so they wouldn't get suspicious.]

Julia: [nearby, noticing the advantage] Now what do we have here? [CONF: So... during the marooning, I notice this scroll. I make sure to grab it right away and stick it in my shorts. I can't let anyone know I have this. I know how powerful advantages are in this game. I really hope no one saw me.]

Jeff Probst: Alright, time is up! Everyone drop whatever you have in your rafts, and head to camp.

[Various castaways jump off of the boat and swim to their raft. Both tribes head to their respective camps.]

Ftelia: Day 1

Olivia: We made it!

[everyone celebrating after they see the tribe flag]

[Various castaways simultaneously hug and introduce themselves as they get out of the raft.]

Camille: Hi, I'm Camille!

Mario: Mario! How are you?

Camille: Great! I can't believe I'm out here! You?

Mario: You took the words out of my mouth. So... what do you do for a living?

Camille: I'm, uh... an exotic dancer.

Mario: ...Oh, okay. *laughs nervously* Well, I'm just a web developer.

Camille: Hey, that's pretty cool too! *laughs* [CONF: Being an exotic dancer, people can be very... judgemental. How I make my money is my business. I knew right away that Mario wasn't comfortable with my job. If I want to be able to trust someone, I want them to feel comfortable around me.]

[Scene: Near the beach, outside of camp.]

Jonathan: And you are...?

Olivia: Olivia. I work as a psychic.

Jonathan: You're joking, right?

Olivia: Oh, no! I can do a reading on you if you'd like.

Jonathan: No thanks. I think I'm alright. *leaves* [CONF: So, we have a psychic on our tribe. Definitely don't run into one of them every day. Olivia's job is based entirely on lies, so how can I trust Olivia if she's a fraud in her daily life?]

[Scene: In the middle of camp.]

Audrey: I think we should start working on the shelter.

Rafael: Agreed.

Audrey: Julia, Sarah... would you mind finding some palms and weaving them together?

Julia: Uh, yeah... sure. C'mon, let's go, Sarah. *leaves*

Audrey: Awesome! Jonathan, you and Rafael could chop some bamboo together. Olivia and Camille should look for some firewood in the woods. Mario and Dwight, try to get a fire going. I'll make sure to help you guys out. *leaves with Mario and Dwight*

Dwight: [CONF: I notice right away that Audrey is taking charge of this tribe. When you declare yourself a leader, people are going to come after you. People don't like being told what to do.]

[Scene: Julia and Sarah walking together on the beach with palms.]

Julia: Alright, I need to tell you something. I get good vibes from you, so I'll let you in on a little secret.

Sarah: Sure, what is it? *sets down her palms*

Julia: *sets down her palms and takes advantage out of her pants* This. I was going to go off later today and open it, but I trust you.

[Scene: Julia and Sarah sit on the beach together.]

Sarah: Oh, sweet. Is that an advantage?

Julia: It looks like... the legacy advantage! Congratulations, you have found the legacy advantage. This advantage can be played when there are either 13 or 6 castaways remaining in the game. When used, all votes counted against you will not count. If you are voted out, you have to will your advantage to someone else.

Sarah: [CONF: This is huge! I already have someone out here who I can trust, and she shares with me this advantage she found at the marooning earlier day. The devil in me wants to see her leave so that I'm willed the advantage, but I shouldn't need to worry about that quite yet. *laughs*] Does anyone else know about this?

Julia: No, no. No one. Just you and me.

Sarah: Good. We should probably head back, before someone gets worried about us. [The two stand up on the beach and grab their palms] Anyone else you're thinking about working with?

Julia: Well.. we could easily bring all the girls together since we outnumber the guys. But... I'm not so sure about Audrey.

[Scene: Near the shelter.]

Audrey: *laughing with Jonathan* [CONF: Oh gosh... I'm so embarrassed to admit this, but I have a total crush on Jonathan. He is definitely my eye candy out here. I'm single, so... anything could happen.]

Jonathan: [CONF: I have an instant connection with Audrey right away. I mean, it helps that she's gorgeous. But I have a girlfriend, so... I'm not going to pursue anything. I'm a committed kind of guy.]

[Scene: Mario and Dwight working on creating a fire with the flint and steel, near Julia and Sarah.]

Mario: *scraping the flint with steel* You see that, Dwight?

Dwight: *blowing the stack on firewood* What?

Mario: Audrey and Jonathan. It's like they're asking to be voted out. Everyone knows how dangerous showmances are on this show.

Dwight: ...They're just talking.

Mario: And? That could be a dangerous pair down the road. We can't let that happen. *notes Julia and Sarah nearby* Hey!

Julia: *weaving palms together* What's up?

Mario: Well, I was just wondering if you and Sarah would like to work Dwight and I here. Have you noticed how close Audrey and Jonathan have been getting for the past several hours?

Julia: Definitely.

Mario: I was just thinking... if we were to lose today, I think we should definitely split one of them up. We'll probably need Jonathan for strength in challenges, so Audrey seems like a safe bet. What do you say?

Julia: Sure. Sarah?

Sarah: Yeah, that sounds great.

Mario: Awesome. [CONF: So, I've already been able to form an alliance with myself, Dwight, Julia, and Sarah. We just need one more, and we're golden. If I can get through this first tribal council, I see a bright future for me.]

Dwight: Who else should we bring in?

Mario: I could talk to Olivia and Rafael later today. They're probably worried that all of the young people are going to vote them out, so they'll just do whatever in order to stay alive.

Sarah: [CONF: So, it seems like I already have an alliance of four with me, Julia, Dwight, and Mario. However... I'll have to keep an eye out for Mario. He's already calling all the shots, and that worries me. But, hey, he wants to work with me, so I can't be paranoid just yet.]

[Scene: Olivia and Rafael in the woods.]

Olivia: *touching Rafael's hands, eyes closed* I'm sensing... positive vibes. You... me... together.

Rafael: Is this your way of telling me we should work together?

Olivia: Ah, yes. The stars are aligning here.

Rafael: [CONF: Olivia is definitely... odd, to say the least. I just got asked to form an alliance with her because of "positive vibes" between us. I mean... whatever, I can't complain about someone wanting to work with me. It's just not what I expected. *laughs*]

Mario: *walks up to Olivia and Rafael* Hey.

Olivia: I am sensing... another presence with us.

Rafael: Uh, Olivia... it's Mario.

Olivia: Oh. *opens eyes* Hey there!

Mario: Hi. I just wanted to see if you needed any help with the firewood. Dwight and I couldn't get anything yet with the fire.

Rafael: Yeah, sure. We could use some help.

Mario: Sweet. *picks up some firewood* So... I was just thinking, maybe the three of us could work together. I've already talked to Dwight, as well as Julia and Sarah. I think if we form a six majority, we'd be able to run this tribe. I don't trust Camille, plus Jonathan and Audrey seem to be a showmance in the works. I can't let that happen.

Rafael: I'm listening.

Mario: So... I might be thinking a bit early, but Audrey is my current pick to go first. Not only is she super tight with Jonathan, but who made her boss? Didn't you see her telling everyone what to do when we first got to camp? I don't like that.

Olivia: Why not Jonathan?

Mario: No, we need him for the challenges. Besides, we'll just get him next time. We need to cut off the head of the snake first.

Olivia: *sighs* Fine. [CONF: I don't trust Mario. He just tells you something and expects you to do it. I am a 37-year-old woman who is perfectly capable of making my own decisions. Plus, I am sensing bad vibes from him. However, unless I find an idol, there's nothing I can really do.]

Ornos: Day 1

Edwin: *sees tribe flag* We're here!

Michelle: Woohoo! *pattles to shore*

[Scene: On the beach, with everyone getting off the raft one at a time.]

James: Alright, we should all go around and introduce ourselves. I'll go first. My name's James, I'm 27, and I work as a construction worker in Ohio.

Grace: Hi, I'm Grace. I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, and I currently attend Indiana State University, and I'm majoring in nursing.

Michelle: Oh, sweet, I'm from Indiana too!

Grace: No way! [CONF: I... actually don't go to Indiana State University. I go to Harvard, and I'm a law student. I can't let these people know how truly intelligent I can be.]

Edwin: So, should we get started?

James: Yeah, I can get the foundation for our shelter.

Amy: Hey, I can help you out... if you'd like.

James: Awesome! Let's go.

[James and Amy exit]

Edwin: Let's get a shelter built!

[Scene: A montage of everyone working together smoothly. James and Amy work together on the shelter, sharing a laugh. Grace and Kirk chop some coconuts with Zach's assistance. Melinda, Edwin and Michelle work on the fire.]

Melinda: *strikes flint and cuts her finger* Damn it.

Michelle: Oh my God, are you okay?

Melinda: Yeah, I'm fine. Just cut myself. It happens.

Edwin: You sure?

Melinda: *nods* Thanks. Hey... has anyone seen Matt?

[Scene: In the woods]

Matt: *walking through the woods* [CONF: While everyone's getting set up for camp, I find a perfect opportunity to try to find the idol. I know I'm taking a risk here, but it'll be worth it if I find what I'm looking for.] *digs through leaves, and looks under rocks* Nothing...

Melinda: *far in the distance* Matt?

Matt: [under his breath] S**t. [CONF: I'm going to have to look out here again. I don't know anyone out here well enough, so if I'm going to find this idol, it'll be on my own.]

Melinda: *approaches closer to Matt* Our tribe was wondering where you went. Thank God I found you.

Matt: Oh, sorry Meliss-- Melinda. I, uh, was just looking for some firewood. Heard that we needed some more.

Melinda: Okay. Well, I'll be back at camp if you need me. I'll try not to cut myself again *laughs*. [CONF: Oh, Matt. You think I'm so naive. Why else would you be in the woods alone on Day 1 of Survivor? He'll be one to look out for.]

Matt: *walks back to camp* [CONF: I don't know if Melinda thought I was looking for an idol or not, but I was definitely on the edge of my seat during that whole conversation. Maybe I'll have to propose an alliance and pray it doesn't bite me in the back.]

[Scene: On the beach, with Michelle and Edwin working on the fire.]

Melinda: Well, I found Matt... in the woods. *laughs*

Edwin: Idol hunting already?

Melinda: Right? Anyways, how is the fire going?

Michelle: Oh, it's going... *blows on the stack of smoking wood* I feel like I've been working on this for like.. an hour, but nothing.

Edwin: Maybe you should take a break, Michelle.

Michelle: But you know how important fire is, Edwin. I can't let our tribe down.

Amy: *approaches Edwin, Melinda, and Michelle* Hey, I just wanted to check in with you guys. I see you're still working hard on the fire.

Edwin: Michelle here has been working on it nonstop for the past hour.

Amy: Oh, Michelle... you should go lie down. We'll try to get the shelter done as soon as possible.

Michelle: I'm fine. Oh dear...

Melinda: Michelle... are you sure you're okay?

Michelle: Uh.. just a little light headed. [brief moment of silence] Wait, I think I'm actually going to faint. *falls over*

Edwin: *gasps*

Melinda: Oh my God! Michelle!

Amy: I'll go get medical! [CONF: So, I'm going over to my tribemates to check and see if they're doing alright with the fire, and then... the next thing you know, Michelle just... fainted. This is how you know how real Survivor can get. I'm terrified for her, and I hope she's going to be alright.]

[Scene: Grace, Kirk, and Zach on the other side of the beach, chopping coconuts.]

Zach: Oh God, Amy's running over here.

Kirk: *looks up* Uh oh, this can't be good.

Amy: *approaches Grace, Kirk, and Zach* [out of breath] Oh my God, guys... Michelle just... fainted. I thought I should let you guys know.

Grace: Oh my God, that's awful. Thanks for letting us know, Ames. Do you want us to do anything?

Amy: Medical should be here as soon as possible. I made sure to let them know. I think she'll be alright, but I was just worried, y'know?

Zach: Yeah, yeah. Thanks again.

Amy: *runs back to the other side of the beach*

Zach: [CONF: So the big news is that Michelle just... fainted. I thought she either burned herself or broke a bone based on how panicked Amy was, but... nope. Just a little faint. I think I've quickly learned that Amy is a bit overdramatic, which I don't exactly like.]

Grace: Hey, Zach, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened back there at the marooning. We were all in a rush and I didn't mean to run into you like that.

Zach: No, no. You're fine.

Grace: Really? Alright.

Zach: It's just-- you know what, forget it.

Grace: What?

Zach: I-- I don't want to talk about it.

Grace: No, tell me.

Zach: I swear, Grace. It's nothing.

Grace: Okay, jeez.

Zach: *makes annoyed face behind Grace's back*

Kirk: [CONF: So I'm just trying to chop some coconuts, and now I'm in the middle of something I really don't want to be a part of. I can't have this tension already. We already have someone unconscious on the other side of the beach.]

[Scene: At camp. Jeff Probst, a doctor, and Michelle's eight other tribemates surround her. Most everyone looks visibly worried.]

Amy: Is she going to be alright?

Doctor: She should be.

Michelle: *inhales deeply* What happened?

Jeff Probst: It looks like you passed out, Michelle. You alright?

Michelle: Yeah, I'm fine. Oh my God, that was scary.

Jeff Probst: Alright. You sure?

Michelle: *nods*

Jeff Probst: Okay, try to be careful Michelle. Take care. *leaves*
Michelle: [CONF: That was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. *sobs* Um... one of my biggest fears is getting medically evacuated. Thank God it wasn't something super serious, or else my game would probably be over already. I'm very lucky.]

Ftelia: Day 2

[Scene: On the beach. Sarah, Julia, Mario, Dwight, Camille, Olivia, and Rafael are practicing yoga.]

Sarah: [CONF: I am a professional yoga instructor. So, I see this as a perfect opportunity to get some of us together and do some yoga. I definitely think this is going to help myself get my mind off of the game whenever I need to do so.] Alright, now we will be doing the downward-facing dog.

Olivia: *gets in position* Ooh... my shoulders!

Sarah: You got this, Olivia.

Dwight: I've never done yoga before!

Rafael: Oh, it's wonderful, isn't it?

Dwight: *visibly struggling* Totally.

[Scene: Audrey and Jonathan alone in the shelter.]

Audrey: Jonathan... I'm getting worried.

Jonathan: Why?

Audrey: I... I'm just paranoid that everyone thinks I'm being too bossy.

Jonathan: Oh, no you weren't. Look at the shelter we made together! Sturdy as a rock.

Audrey: *laughs* Thanks. *leans closer to Jonathan*

Jonathan: *sweats nervously*

Audrey: [CONF: I'm just getting this gut feeling deep down that... I'm becoming a target. I emerged myself as a potential leader when we first arrived to the beach, and I'm worried people aren't going to like that. But if a man was in charge, I don't think they'd be pointing fingers so easily. I trust Jonathan the most out here, and I'm getting good vibes from Camille too. I just need to talk to two other people, and I'll have the numbers.]

Jonathan: Soo... Audrey, if we were to go to tribal council tomorrow, who would you wanna see leave?

Audrey: *exhales deeply* I don't like Olivia. She's just... so weird. I think she's a bit disconnected.

[Cuts to Olivia doing the lotus position.]

Jonathan: Yeah, she's a psychic. Or so she says.

Audrey: *laughs hysterically* That's a good one.

Jonathan: I think if we talk to Julia and Sarah, they'd be on board.

Audrey: Alright. *gets up* Let's see what I can do.

Jonathan: [CONF: Audrey wants Olivia out, which is great. This makes things a lot easier for me, plus if someone were to get the blame, it wouldn't be me.]

[Scene: Julia and Sarah are relaxing in the ocean.]

Audrey: Hey! Hope you don't mind if I join.

Julia: Come on in! What's up?

Audrey: *exhales, and sits down on the sand under the water* I think I'm getting paranoid already. You see... I think I'm targeted.

Sarah: By who?

Audrey: I'm not sure. Just a gut feeling. I was thinking about proposing an alliance between us three, Jonathan, and I could get Camille on board too. We were thinking about getting Olivia out.

Julia: Why?

Audrey: She's a little... odd, and not exactly reliable. Just think about it. Hopefully we don't have to go to tribal council tonight, and we can avoid this.

Camille: *walks towards the ocean* Hey girls!

Julia: Hey! Audrey was thinking about us four plus Jonathan working together.

Audrey: *nods* Olivia needs to go.

Camille: Olivia...?

Audrey: Is that a problem?

Camille: No, no. Sounds good to me. [CONF: Audrey, Audrey, Audrey. What did Olivia ever do to you? She's probably one of the most non-threatening people I know. I would honestly rather see Mario leave instead, but I bit my tongue for now. Once again, it's Audrey telling everyone what to do. Does she ever learn?]

Audrey: Alright, I'll talk to you guys later. *leaves*

Camille: *watches Audrey leave* Listen, I thought I should let you guys in on some other information. I was talking to Mario yesterday, and he was just being super judgemental about my work. I don't trust him, and if we could get us three, Olivia, and Rafael together, we could make it happen.

Sarah: Oh, yeah I'm listening. [CONF: For some reason, everyone is wanting to work with Julia and I. I mean, I'm not complaining, but oh my God, if we go to tribal council, it's going to be tough. I keep hearing all these different names and I have no idea what to do. Let's just hope we can win immunity today.]

Camille: Alright, I'm gonna head back. Thanks for the chat. *leaves*

Julia: What are we going to do?

Sarah: *flabbergasted*

Julia: [CONF: Sarah and I are totally in control right now. We could either vote out Audrey, Olivia, or Mario. Either way, it sounds like there's going to be a majority. I just gotta pray we make the decision best for our games.]

Ornos: Day 2

[Scene: Michelle, Melinda, Amy, Edwin, Kirk, James, and Grace hanging around the shelter.]

Amy: Michelle, I really hope you're doing better today. I was scared half to death for you.

Michelle: Thanks Amy. I don't want that to ever happen again.

Edwin: We might've had some poor luck yesterday, but I think we can get a fire today.

Michelle: Here, let me help.

Melinda: No, no, no. You're relaxing. We can't let this happen again.

Michelle: Yesterday was just an overwhelming day. I feel a lot better now. Let's do this, Edwin.

Edwin: Uh... alright. But I'm going to make sure you don't pass out on us. [CONF: Michelle has insisted on helping with the fire. I mean, I have to applaud her for that, considering what happened yesterday. She just doesn't give up.]

Michelle: *scraping flint, and gets a spark after a couple tries* Oh my God. Guys, GUYS! *smiles*

Edwin: We have fire! *gets up and hugs Michelle* You did it!

James: Alright!

Michelle: *crying tears of joy* [CONF: I can't believe this. Yesterday, I was trying to get a fire going for about an hour, and now... I got fire in less than five minutes! I don't know how that managed to happen, but it makes me feel pretty great.]

Grace: Now we'll be able to boil water! This is game changing!

Michelle: You know what would be great? Us seven working together.

Amy: I like the sound of that.

Kirk: If we have to, we could easily split the votes between Matt and Zach. Speaking of which, where the hell is Matt? Does he just live in the woods?

[Scene: Matt in the woods.]

Matt: [CONF: I knew I had to go back out here. I don't feel safe. Finding an idol will be vital to my game.]

Zach: *comes into the woods* Hey, man.

Matt: Zach? What the hell?

Zach: Hey, relax. I think we need to work together. Everyone else is being all kumbaya by the shelter, so I think they're planning to take one of us out. We have to be careful. [CONF: I like Matt. I feel a sense of trust when I'm around him. Right now, we're in the hot seats, so finding this idol is critical.]
Matt: *flips over rock* Nothing.

Zach: *looks inside tree* Nope.

Matt: Ugh, it's like a needle in a haystack.

Zach: *looks through the tree again* *gasps* Matt, you better come over here!

Matt: Yoo! Let's go! [CONF: Zach comes through and finds an idol. This is perfect! But we can't be too excited, or else someone's going to find out something's up.]

[Scene: Near the shelter.]

Melinda: Something's up.

Amy: What makes you say that?

Melinda: Matt hasn't come out of there in a while. Zach's probably with him, too. I haven't seen him in a while, too. [CONF: It's a genuine concern to worry about an idol being played. Thankfully, we should be able to split the vote 4-3-2, as long as no one flips on us. That would be a disaster.]

Grace: Oh God, I pray that they didn't find anything in there.

Edwin: Even if they did, we shouldn't have to worry. Us seven should be tight.

Kirk: *nods*

James: I should probably go and see where they're at. They can't hide forever. *leaves shelter*

[Scene: On the other side of the beach.]

James: *walking towards Zach and Matt* Oh, hey, I was just looking for you.

Matt: *carrying some coconuts* Oh, Zach and I were just getting some coconuts. Hope you don't mind.

James: No, that's great!

Zach: *eyeing Matt* [whispers] Should we?

Matt: [whispers] I mean... we need him.

James: What is it?

Matt: We... found a little more than just coconuts.

Zach: *takes out idol* Boom.

James: Oh my God, no way!

Matt: Just... make sure no one else knows. We trust you. If I'm not mistaken, you seven are probably going to split the votes and try to get one of us out. We can't let that happen. If we play this idol correctly, and you vote with us, we'll be able to get whoever we want out.

James: That sounds great. I'm on board! *shakes Matt's hand* [CONF: Zach and Matt's deal is definitely tempting. I mean, I'm not exactly attached to anyone here one way or another, so it's something to think about. I'm just not sure what I want to do quite yet.]

Immunity Challenge: Day 3

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[Both tribes walk into the challenge, walking onto their respective tribe mats]

Jeff Probst: Welcome to your first immunity challenge.

[Everyone claps]

Jeff Probst: So, are you guys ready to get started?

[Everyone yells "yes"]

Jeff Probst: Alright, for today's challenge, both tribes will race across an obstacle beam. Once completed, you will have to untie three puzzle bags, which are tied 10 feet in the air. After you get your pieces, you will go to your station and solve the puzzle. First tribe to finish wins immunity. In Survivor... immunity is what you desire. *enveils an Immunity Idol similar to Mykonos' flag*

[Everyone claps. Some oohs and ahs.]

Jeff Probst: In addition, the first tribe to finish wins a fire making kit. *envails* Should be very useful out here.

Michelle: [close up shot]

Mario: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: For the losers, I have nothing but tribal council, where someone will be the first person voted out of this game, and will be sent to Revenge Island to cast their Revenge Vote. I'll give you guys a minute to strategize, and we'll get started.

[At the challenge, Ftelia and Ornos are mostly even when getting through the obstacle. Ornos trails, but not by much. However, they trail further when Grace struggles to reach for the puzzle bags, while Ftelia is already working on the puzzle. Jonathan and Sarah are able to complete the puzzle successfully, while Amy and Zach only got ⅓ done when Ftelia won immunity. Zach looks defeated, but Amy tries to tell him it'll be okay.]

Jeff Probst: Ftelia, congratulations! Immunity is yours! *brings Immunity Idol to Jonathan* No one from your tribe is going home tonight. And as promised, you have earned a fire making kit.

Rafael: Thanks, Jeff.

Jeff Probst: Enjoy the night off.

Grace: [close up shot, looking defeated]

Jeff Probst: Ornos, I have nothing for you except for a date with me at tribal council. You have the afternoon to decide who is going to be the first person voted out of this game. See you at tribal.

Grace: [CONF: Of course I feel totally guilty about my tribe not winning today. But... come on, Zach isn't exactly innocent either. Plus, I'm pretty sure he doesn't trust me, so I need to make sure he leaves tonight.]

Ornos: Day 3

[Scene: The tribe walking back from the challenge.]

[A shot of a pelican eating a fish is shown]

Grace: Good work, everyone.

Amy: Try not to beat yourself up so bad, Zach.

Zach: *sighs* Sorry, I really wanted us to win today, guys. [CONF: Grace... basically slowed us down. If it wasn't for her, I don't think we'd be worried about Tribal right now. Therefore, she has to be the one to go tonight.]

[Scene: Zach, Matt, and James in the water]

Matt: So, who are we thinking tonight, boys?

Zach: Grace. You saw her in today's challenge. She's a liability. You cool with that?

Matt: Yeah, yeah. James?

James: *nods* Sounds good to me. [CONF: I'm just going along with whatever these guys are saying... but they do bring up a fair point about Grace. I want to win challenges, because I hate having to go to Tribal tonight. If we wanna win, we have to take out the weakest link.]

[Scene: Amy, Melinda, Edwin, Kirk, Michelle, and Grace near the shelter.]

Grace: Hey, everyone, I just wanna say I'm sorry for possibly slowing us down today. I feel awful about it.

Amy: No one's at fault here. You did great.

Grace: *smiles* Thanks.

Amy: [CONF: So... tonight's plan to split the vote between Zach and Matt. If there is an idol, we need to make sure that it's flushed out. I can't let this plan be ruined, or else someone in my alliance will have to pay the price. I don't want that to be me.]

Grace: So, I was thinking... girls on Zach, and boys on Matt. Sound good?

Michelle: *nods* Hey, do you know where James is? We need to make sure he knows the plan.

Melinda: I haven't seen him all day.

Michelle: Do you think he's with Zach and Matt?

Melinda: I hope not. [CONF: We have this plan in store tonight to get out Zach and Matt. Personally, I don't really care either way, as long as it doesn't backfire. Which is why I need to make sure to talk to James so that nothing goes wrong.] I'll be right back. *gets up*

[Scene: By the beach.]

Melinda: *approaches James* Hey.

James: Hey. So, what's the plan for tonight?

Melinda: We... are splitting the votes. Girls on Zach, guys on Matt. You good with that?

James: Yeah, totally.

Melinda: Any idea if any of them have the idol?

James: I... I, uh, don't think so. [CONF: Melinda is telling me the alliance of seven is splitting the vote between Zach and Matt. I am tempted to tell them this information, but I have to be smart.]

Melinda: Alright. We should be good then.

[Scene: Near the shelter.]

Grace: How was your talk with James?

Melinda: I'm worried about him.

Grace: What? Why?

Melinda: He didn't exactly speak to me in a confident manner over there. I think Zach and Matt are trying to get him to flip to their side in the case an idol gets played.

Grace: And if he tells us our plan...

Melinda: We're screwed.

Grace: *sighs* [CONF: This is just... great. I don't even know if I can trust James right now. But I need him for tonight's vote. I just pray he's loyal to us instead, or else it's game over for me.]

Kirk: So, what should we do instead... in the case they find out?

Melinda: We'll have to do something quick.

Edwin: *sighs* I hate this.

Grace: I know. And they're probably going to go after me. Zach... doesn't exactly like me.

Edwin: We'll make sure this doesn't happen. James isn't going to tell them the plan.

[Scene: In the woods]

James: *approaches Zach and Matt* I need to tell you guys something.

Zach: James... hey. What is it?

James: I just got done talking to Melinda. But... y'all won't like it.

Matt: James, just tell us.

James: They're splitting the votes tonight. One of you is going, unless the idol helps us get out Grace.

Matt: [CONF: So... James lets me in on some really important information. This could be our opportunity to take control of this game. I'm excited!]

Zach: Who's their target?

James: I think it was boys on Zach, and girls on Matt. Wait... scratch that. Boys Matt, girls Zach. Wait... s**t. I can't remember.

Zach: Damn it, James.

Matt: How are we supposed to play the idol correctly if you don't even remember how the vote is going?

James: Look, I'll just talk to them again. I'm sorry. *leaves*

Zach: *glances at Matt and sighs* [CONF: James... oh my God. How do you forget who you're voting for? If he causes one of us to get out, there'll be hell to pay.]

[Scene: By the shelter.]

Grace: Hey, it's James!

James: Hi. I just wanted to take a walk by the beach. Mykonos is beautiful.

Grace: You can say that again.

James: So, just making sure... I'm voting--

Grace: Matt. I know you weren't here earlier, so I wanted to make sure everything's good.

James: Yeah, everything's fine.

Grace: Okay, perfect. Should be nothing to worry about. *smiles*

James: *smiles back* [CONF: I am terrified about Tribal tonight. I flustered in my conversation with Matt and Zach, so I'm worried how much they trust me now. However, my alliance might be getting worried about me too. It's just a lot of pressure right now, and I need to make sure I make the right decision.]

Ornos Tribal Council: Night 3

Jeff Probst: Behind each of you is a torch. Grab a torch and approach the flame. Dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual at Tribal Council, because in this game, fire represents your life. When your fire's gone, so are you.

[Everyone sits down.]

Jeff Probst: Alright, Michelle, I saw yesterday that you passed out from exhaustion. How have you been holding up?

Michelle: As best as I can, Jeff. Thanks for asking. Um... it was really scary. I was just super exhausted, so I think that's why I fainted.

Jeff Probst: Edwin, were you eventually able to get fire?

Edwin: Jeff, this girl right here *points at Michelle* got us the fire, even after what all happened yesterday.

Michelle: *laughs and smiles*

Jeff Probst: Wow! Kirk, would you say this boosted morale at camp?

Kirk: Definitely. Fire is one of, if not the most important aspect of Survivor. So, to have it allows us to boil water, rice, have warmth... you know, everything.

Jeff Probst: So, let's talk about today's challenge. Grace, your tribe was pretty even, until the puzzle bag untying portion. What happened?

Grace: *rolls eyes* Well, Jeff, I'm only 5'2, so it was a bit difficult. Plus, those knots were pretty difficult.

Jeff Probst: Zach, would you say Grace is to blame for today's loss?

Zach: I mean, if I had to point fingers at anyone, it would be Grace. Sorry.

Grace: [under her breath] Yeah, whatever.

Amy: Jeff, I don't think anyone is to blame for today's loss.

Jeff Probst: Why is that, Amy?

Amy: We all tried our best, Jeff. Our best just wasn't enough. We'll do better next time.

Jeff Probst: Matt, has there been talk about idols already?

Matt: Ah, yes. Jeff. You can't not be paranoid about idols.

Zach: [whispering] Should I?

Matt: *nods* In fact...

Zach: *digs out idol from his bag, showing it to everyone*

Amy: Oh... my God.

Melinda: *eyes widen*

Edwin: [under his breath] F**k.

Grace: *covers mouth with hands*

Jeff Probst: Grace, you had a big reaction. What are you thinking?

Grace: My-- My mind is racing a million miles a minute right now, Jeff. This changes everything.

Melinda: [whispers to Michelle] We have to change it up.

Michelle: [whispers] We have to. [whispers to Edwin]

Edwin: [whispers to Grace]

Zach: [whispers to James] Grace.

James: *nods*

Jeff Probst: *smiling* Looks like we have another Tribal with countless whispers!

Melinda: No, we're done Jeff. *smirks* I'm ready to vote. Grace?

Grace: *exhales deeply* As ready as I'll ever be.

Jeff Probst: Well, alright. It is time to vote. Michelle, you're first.

[Michelle, Kirk, Amy, Zach, and Grace head to the voting podium.]

Grace: *vote not shown* I really don't want to go tonight.

[Edwin, Melinda, Matt, and James head to the voting podium.]

James: Oh... boy... *opens pen*

[Close ups on Grace, Zach, and Matt.]

[James sits down.]

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes.

[Close ups on Melinda, James, and Grace.]

Jeff Probst: *brings back urn* If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and they would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

[Close ups on Kirk, Amy, and Zach.]

Zach: *smiles* Jeff...

Grace: *gulps*

Matt: *smiles*

Zach: *brings idol to Jeff* This is going to be for... me. *sits back down*

Jeff Probst: *grabs idol and looks at it* This... is... indeed a Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes cast against Zach will not count.

Zach: Hell yeah!

Matt: *grins*

Melinda: *looks over at James*

Jeff Probst: I will now read the votes. First vote...

Zach, does not count.

Zach: *grinning*

Jeff Probst: ...

Zach, does not count.

Matt. One vote Matt.

Matt: [under his breath] Crap.

Jeff Probst: ...

Grace. 1 vote Grace, 1 vote Matt.

Matt. 1 vote Grace, 1 vote Matt.

Grace. We're tied: 2 votes Grace, 2 votes Matt.

Grace. That's 3 votes Grace, 2 votes Matt.

Grace: [whispers] ...Three? What?

Jeff Probst: ...

Matt. Tied again. 3 votes Grace, 3 votes Matt. One vote left.

Matt: *looks nervously*

Jeff Probst: ...First person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos - Revenge Island...

Matt. Need to bring me your torch.

Grace: Phew, thank God.

Matt: Good game, guys. Good luck, Zach.

Zach: See you, bro.

Michelle: *smiles*

Melinda: We have a rat...

[close up of James]

Matt: *sets torch down*

Jeff Probst: Matt, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* Time for you to go.

Matt: *leaves*


Matt: *boards onto a boat* So, I guess this makes me the first person to go to Revenge Island. And let me just say... revenge is sweet.

[Scene: A deserted island, with torches surrounding a parchment, pen, and urn.]

Matt: *reading* "Welcome to Revenge Island. Here, you may be able to get the last laugh on another castaway. On this parchment, write down a castaway's name, regardless of what tribe they're on. This vote will be read like any other vote at Tribal Council, so no one may suspect it is you. Someone may end up receiving a vote, regardless if they attend Tribal Council or not. All Revenge Votes are immune to idol plays. After you have cast your vote, you are asked to leave immediately." Wow. So, uh... I'm not exactly sure who I'm going to write down here. My tribe may not even go to Tribal Council next time, so I'll have to think about this wisely.

[Matt is seen writing down a name, but it is unclear who. He sticks the vote into the urn, and leaves.]

[Credits roll]



Matt: Amy, Grace, Melinda, Michelle
Grace: James, Matt, Zach
Zach: Edwin, Kirk

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