Episode 12: Suffering the Consequences

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Jeff Probst: Previously on... Survivor. The final eight reached a major milestone: the Loved Ones visit. After reuniting with the ones they hold dearest, the castaways worked together with them in a Reward Challenge. Michelle and her mother rose victorious, choosing Olivia and Sarah, then Rafael to visit Mykonos town. Meanwhile, at camp, Zach made it clear to Audrey, Grace, and James that he wanted Michelle to go. Audrey noticed that Michelle chose Rafael for last, seeing it as a possible opportunity for him to flip on his alliance. The other alliance had their sights set on Zach, but the plans were disrupted when he won his second immunity. Back at camp, Michelle suggested splitting the votes between Grace and Audrey, but Sarah suggested to the alliance to all vote for Grace together, fearing that Zach's vote would be unpredictable. In the woods, Zach found an idol, which was quickly spotted by Grace. Fearing she would be gone, Grace asked for Zach to play the idol on her to confirm that she can trust him, annoying Zach. Grace pitched the idea to take out Michelle for being a jury threat to Rafael, which quickly spread to Olivia, then Michelle and Sarah. Michelle and Sarah tried to convince Rafael to not flip, but Grace's last minute pitch was enough to spare her in a close 5-4 vote, taking Michelle out of the game. 7 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Petros: Night 30

[Scene: The remaining seven tribe members head back to camp with their torches, and set them aside.]

Zach: Final seven, everyone. *laughs*

Grace: *glares at Zach*

Sarah: [CONF: Tribal Council was quite the shocker. Michelle was another close ally of mine, and just like Julia... gone. I really thought Rafael was with us on voting Grace, but her pitch must've really changed his mind. Olivia and I are probably the next to go now, which sucks. However, we were in this same predicament earlier, and we were able to get out of it. We just need to work our magic.]

Rafael: You two want an explanation?

Sarah: Yeah, we would. *crosses arms*

Rafael: Look, Grace brought up some points I really couldn't really ignore. Michelle would've killed all of us in a jury vote. Don't worry -- it's still us three to the end.

Sarah: *sighs* Are you sure about that?

Rafael: Absolutely. *holds out hands* I swear. [CONF: Coming back to camp, I was definitely expecting some heat from Olivia and Sarah. I would like to keep Grace around as long as possible, because she would be very easy to beat at the end. However, my loyalty remains true to my original alliance, so hopefully they understand that I would never write their names down.]

Olivia: They could easily pick us one by one by one if Zach is truly on their side.

Sarah: Didn't these people desperately want him out earlier? Why are they working with him now? [CONF: Rafael is telling Olivia and I that he's still with us. Even though it's hard to trust his word at the moment, there aren't exactly a lot of options. I just need to make sure that Zach doesn't win immunity next, because Audrey, Grace, and James would definitely consider voting him out. And I would just love it if Olivia or I took the win from him. *laughs*]

Zach: So, are we good?

Grace: I guess. I'm so glad that I'm still here. Oh my God, I was like... shaking so bad.

Zach: I didn't mean to freak you out like that. I need to hide the fact that we're working together. And aren't you glad I didn't waste my idol on you?

Grace: I just get really paranoid.

Zach: You don't say... [CONF: I decided that it was a smarter decision to stick with my initial plan of getting Michelle out, despite Grace getting under my skin when she kept begging for my idol. Grace is desperate, which makes her more likely to work with me. Michelle... not a chance in hell. There's only nine days left of this game, so it's critical to keep around the players you think you can beat. Grace is one of those people. I just need to keep her sane before she gets all paranoid again and wants to go after me.]

Audrey: *approaches Grace and Zach with James* Hey.

Zach: Hey. You guys trust me now, right?

Audrey: Yeah. Thank you.

James: *nods* So it's us four to the very end.

Zach: Mhm. Who would've thought?

James: Not me! *fist bumps Zach*

Audrey: [CONF: So here I am, in the majority alliance with the last three Ornos members, against the other three Ftelia members. Although I'd love to finish off my revenge for Camille and Jonathan, taking Zach out is still in the back of my mind. Yes, he stuck with his word and voted with us tonight, but it's so hard to have faith in the guy after he tried to get me out. However, I'll need some time to think about what I believe is the smartest move going forward.]

Reward Challenge: Day 31

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[The remaining contestants walk into the challenge.]

Olivia: *looks up* [under her breath] Oh my God, that's us. *laughs*

[There are voodoo dolls that resemble the final seven.]

Audrey: No way. *laughs*

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today's reward challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: For today's challenge, you will all be filling out a questionnaire about your fellow tribemates. After you have all filled the questionnaire, you will all share on who you believe received a majority of those answers. If you answer correctly, you will be able to chop a rope. Once three of your ropes are chopped, your voodoo is burned in the fire, eliminating you from the challenge. The last person standing wins individual reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: ...An overnight stay in a yacht. There will be sandwiches, champagne, and most importantly: chocolate cake. Worth playing for?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: Alright. You guys can fill out your questionnaires, and we'll get started.

[Scene: Everyone standing in a line.]

Jeff Probst: All of the questions have been tallied. Time to get to the first question. Question #1: Who would you trust with your life?

[Everyone answers Olivia.]

Jeff Probst: The majority, indeed, answered... Olivia. Everyone gets a chop.

Olivia: *smiles, grabs machete, and chops Grace*

Audrey: *chops Sarah*

Rafael: *chops Zach*

Sarah: *chops Zach*

James: *chops Sarah*

Zach: *chops Rafael* Only because you did it first.

Grace: *chops Olivia*

Jeff Probst: Audrey and James have 3 ropes remaining; Grace, Olivia, and Rafael with 2; and Sarah and Zach with 1. Question #2: Who would never survive on their own?

[Audrey answers Rafael, James answers himself, and everyone else answers Audrey.]

Audrey: Seriously, guys? *laughs*

Grace: You wouldn't have survived Revenge Island.

Jeff Probst: The majority answered... Audrey. Everyone but Audrey and James gets to chop.

Audrey: *looks at James* You answered yourself?

James: *shrugs*

Audrey: *chuckles and rolls eyes*

Rafael: *grabs machete* I'm sorry. *chops Zach*

Zach: Oh, come on!

Jeff Probst: Zach is out of this challenge, but he will still be able to chop.

Sarah: *chops Audrey*

Audrey: *scoffs*

Olivia: Let me even the playing field. *chops James*

Grace: *chops Olivia*

Zach: *chops Rafael*

Jeff Probst: Zach, you can now take a spot on the bench.

Zach: *sits down and shakes head*

Jeff Probst: Question #3: Who never shuts up?

[Grace answers James; Rafael and Sarah answer Zach; Audrey, James, and Olivia answer Grace.]

Jeff Probst: The majority answered... Grace. Audrey, James, and Olivia get to chop.

Audrey: *grabs machete and chops Olivia*

Jeff Probst: Olivia is out of the challenge, but will have one final chop.

James: *chops Sarah*

Jeff Probst: Sarah is out of the challenge. You can sit next to Zach.

Sarah: *sits down*

Olivia: *chops Audrey*

Jeff Probst: Olivia, you can now join Zach and Sarah. We are down to four -- Audrey, Grace, James, and Rafael.

Olivia: *sits down* [under her breath] Damn.

Jeff Probst: Question #4: Whose funeral would you not attend?

Grace: [under her breath] Morbid.

[Everyone answers themselves.]

Rafael: *looks around* Did we just all answer ourselves?

Grace: *smiles*

James: Technically we can't attend our own funerals.

Audrey: *tries to contain laughter*

Jeff Probst: *chuckles* Well, the majority actually answered Grace, so she is the only one who gets to chop.

Grace: *jaw drops and looks at everyone* I hope you guys don't really mean that! *grabs machete and chops Rafael*

Jeff Probst: Rafael is now out of the challenge.

Rafael: *sits down on the bench*

Sarah: [whispers to Olivia] Did you put Grace?

Olivia: *shrugs* [whispers to Sarah] I had to pick someone.

Jeff Probst: Question #5: Who mistakenly thinks they're running this game?

[Audrey and James answer Zach, Grace answers herself.]

Jeff Probst: The majority answered... Zach. Audrey and James get to chop.

Audrey: *grabs machete* Sorry about this. *chops Grace*

James: *chops Grace*

Jeff Probst: And just like that, Grace is out of the challenge. It's a showdown between Audrey and James.

Audrey: *looks at James and raises eyebrows*

Jeff Probst: Question #6: Who would you most want to be stranded with?

[Audrey answers Rafael, James answers Audrey.]

Jeff Probst: The majority answered... Rafael. Audrey gets to chop.

Audrey: *grabs machete chops James*

Jeff Probst: We are now tied 1-1. This could be the last question. Question #7: Who does the most for the tribe?

[Audrey answers Zach, and James answers Audrey.]

Audrey: *looks at James and blushes* You're too kind.

Jeff Probst: The majority answered... Zach. Which means...

Audrey: *grabs machete chops James* Woo!

Jeff Probst: Audrey, wins reward!

James: *runs over and hugs Audrey*

Audrey: *runs over to Jeff*

Jeff Probst: Congratulations, Audrey. But... you will be able to choose two people to come along with you. Who's it going to be?

Audrey: Well, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. James... and Grace. *smiles*

James: *smiles, and walks over to Audrey with Grace*

Jeff Probst: Audrey, Grace, and James -- you will all shortly arrive on the yacht. Enjoy your reward.

Olivia: [CONF: Of course I didn't like losing the reward challenge today, but maybe Rafael, Sarah, and I can try to get Zach over to our side. It doesn't hurt to at least try. I have a gut feeling that we're all going to get through this next Tribal Council, and my senses haven't failed me yet.]

Day 31

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, and James, boarding onto the yacht.]

James: [CONF: So, Audrey won reward today -- and I couldn't be happier, because I was invited onto a yacht with her and Grace. I think the part I'm looking forward to the most is the chocolate cake... oh my God. Oh, I guess sleeping in an actual bed tonight is pretty cool, too.]

Grace: *pops open champagne bottle* Woo! *pours champagne into Audrey and James' glasses* I guess I'll say it... to the Unlikely Trio! *raises glass*

James: *smiles* You finally came around. To the Unlikely Trio, indeed. *raises glass*

Audrey: *clinks glass with Grace and James* [CONF: I am really proud of myself today. I deserve this reward! This also gives our alliance a chance to just hang out with each other without having to worry about Zach annoying us. It's great.]

Grace: *eats sandwich* This is amazing.

James: *quickly eats sandwich*

Audrey: Oh my God, James! You're inhaling that!

James: *chews and swallows* I'm starving!

Grace: *laughs* [CONF: If you told me I'd be having the time of my life with Audrey and James, I would have told you "you're lying". But... James is honestly a great guy once you get to know him, and Audrey is just a lot of fun to hang out with. I would absolutely love it if we managed to come together and become the final three, despite all the odds being stacked against us.]

[3 hours elapse.]

Audrey: *sips champagne*

Grace: *laughs* Oh my God, Audrey, how many drinks have you had?

Audrey: *chuckles* I've lost count.

James: *passed out on the table*

Audrey: Hey. *nudges James* Wake up.

James: *slowly wakes up* Huh? What? *looks around*

Grace: *looks behind her* Oh my GOD! Guys, look! There's freaking dolphins!

Audrey: Dolphins?? Graaaace, this is amazing!

Grace: I knoooow!

James: *gasps* I looove dolphins. Guys, guys, guys -- you need to hear my dolphin impression. *squeaks like a dolphin*

Audrey: *bursts into laughter* Jaaames! Don't be such a flirt!

James: *laughs*

Grace: *chuckles* Can dolphins like, like.... legit fall in love with a human? I think I read that somewhere...

Audrey: Don't you daaaare cheat on me with a dolphin, James! *laughs*

James: I would.... NEVER do that to you, Audrey!

Audrey: Good! You know I'm your girl! *continues laughing and kisses James*

James: *kisses Audrey*

Grace: *gasps* [CONF: Oh my God guys, it's freaking happening. Audrey and James are like... in love. I'm so happy for them... [voice cracking] They're going to have the most beautiful wedding and... and... and they're going to have so many children together and... and... they're all going to be so beautiful. *sobs* I just want beautiful children! *wipes a tear* I bet the dolphins here have the most adorable babies. *brief silence* I'm NOT drunk, you guys! I sweeeeaaar! *tilts head back and drinks champagne* Cheers... bitches!]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, and James, passed out on their beds.]

Petros: Day 31

[Scene: Olivia, Rafael, Sarah in the shelter, watching Zach catch multiple fish.]

Sarah: [CONF: It's a very likely scenario for Zach to win the next immunity challenge. If he's immune, we need a Plan B. Those other three members of the alliance would be willing to turn to Zach, but Zach could easily do the same thing. I hope he at least considers working with us.]

Zach: *comes out of the water with another fish*

Rafael: Great work, Zach!

Zach: *sets fish down* We will be enjoying our own fish today. Less to cook for. *starts scaling fish*

Olivia: You really wanted to go on reward, didn't you?

Zach: Yeah, of course.

Sarah: You're not mad at them at all? You know, for not picking you?

Zach: It's typical Audrey.

Olivia: ...Enough to vote her out?

Zach: *looks at Olivia in silence*

Sarah: *raises eyebrows* Well?

Zach: You know, let just be really honest for a minute. You guys are the biggest threats to win this game. Plain and simple. Those three? *shakes head* Not a chance.

Olivia: You're not even going to consider?

Zach: I've made up my mind.

Rafael: [under his breath] Wow...

Zach: [CONF: I do not owe anything to these people. They made the decision to not talk any game with me whatsoever, and they are now suffering the consequences. I've decided what I'm going to do from here on out, and nothing will change my mind.]

[Scene: Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah, near the tide.]

Olivia: [CONF: Zach is being... extremely difficult right now. I don't understand why he didn't at least try to think about working with us. The man who did everything in his power to get Audrey and Grace out is suddenly working with them? How does that make sense?] Well... this isn't looking good for us.

Sarah: We just need to win immunity. Olivia, I hope you get another premonition dream about what the challenge could be. You know, like the one our tribe won together at the swap.

Olivia: I wish I could control them somehow. The one I had last night was us three at camp. We'll see what happens.

Sarah: *sighs*

Rafael: Don't give up, guys. I have faith in one of winning. But I'm no psychic.

Olivia: I hope you're right, Raf.

Rafael: I hope so, too. [CONF: I feel totally responsible for putting Olivia and Sarah in this position. It sucks. Sarah is hesitant to trust me again -- and understandably so. I just want to prove to her that I have no intentions of ever aligning myself with Audrey, Grace, James, and Zach. We can't afford to fracture right now.]

Petros: Day 32

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, and James, coming back to camp. Rafael and Zach are near the fire.]

Rafael: There you guys are!

Audrey: *approaches camp with Grace and James* Oh my God, I am like... so hungover right now.

Zach: *laughs* How many drinks did you guys have?

Audrey: Too many. *approaches shelter and lays down* Mmm. Much better.

Grace: *joins Audrey in the shelter* I've been nauseous all morning... I just want it to go away.

James: *joins Audrey and Grace in the shelter* Audrey, do you remember what happened on the yacht?

Audrey: *shakes head* No. I don't.

James: *looks down* Oh. Never mind, then. [CONF: I don't remember much from the yacht reward, but... I do recall one thing. I think Audrey and I might've just had our first kiss, but she must've been too drunk to even remember it happening. *sighs* I don't know if she'd believe me if I told her, so I guess I'll have to do it again when we're both sober. *laughs*]

Grace: *groans in the shelter*

Zach: *makes annoyed face to the camera*

[Scene: Olivia and Sarah, near the tide.]

Olivia: *sits down* It happened.

Sarah: *gasps* Shut up. *sits down*

Olivia: *smiles and nods* I kept seeing a series of numbers in my head: 22, 13, 30... I can't remember the rest.

Sarah: Hey, that's awesome! It has to mean something, right?

Olivia: We just need to try our best to remember those numbers.

Sarah: I'll try. [CONF: Olivia shared with me about the details of another premonition dream that she received last night, which is absolutely amazing for us. We need this immunity win more than ever. This set of numbers could mean anything. But... this is knowledge that no one else has, so it's like winning an advantage that I didn't even have to work for. *smiles*]

Immunity Challenge: Day 33

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[The remaining contestants walk into the challenge.]

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today's immunity challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: But first... Zach, I gotta take it back. *approaches Zach*

Zach: I'll get it back. *laughs*

Jeff Probst: *takes off necklace and brings it back* Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you will all race out to six different stations, where you will have to count all of the items for each station. Once you think you have all six numbers, you will use them as a series of combination locks. If you believe all of the numbers are correct, you will open your lock, which will raise a flag. The first person to do so... wins immunity, having a 1 and 6 chance of winning this game. Everyone else has to worry about Tribal Council, where someone will become the twelfth person voted out of this game, becoming the sixth member of our jury. We'll draw for spots, and we'll get started.

Olivia: *smiles at Sarah*

Sarah: *smiles at Olivia*

[At the challenge, Sarah, Olivia, and Zach lead. Zach is the first person to attempt the combination, but has two numbers wrong. Sarah is the second person to attempt the combination, but has one number wrong. Olivia, after carefully counting everything, is able to get the correct combination of the numbers.]

Jeff Probst: Olivia, wins immunity!

Olivia: *covers mouth* I did it! *smiles* Oh my God, I actually did it! *runs and hugs Sarah*

Sarah: *hugs Olivia* So proud of you.

Zach: *panting*

[Scene: The remaining contestants lined in a row.]

Jeff Probst: Olivia, come on over.

Olivia: *walks over to Jeff with a smile on her face*

[Everyone claps.]

Jeff Probst: *puts necklace on Olivia* It looks like you needed it today.

Olivia: Definitely.

Jeff Probst: Well, you are now in the final six. Congratulations. You cannot be voted out tonight. Audrey, Grace, James, Rafael, Sarah, Zach -- one of you will be sent packing. You'll have the afternoon to determine who it's going to be. See you tonight.

Zach: [CONF: I didn't win immunity today, but that's okay. I still have my idol... *holds up idol* just in case one of my alliance members wants to try to blindside me tonight with an idol in my pocket. It ain't gonna happen. With Olivia winning immunity, I will be focusing my attention on getting Sarah out of this game.]

Petros: Day 33

[Scene: The tribe walking back from the challenge.]

Olivia: [CONF: I just won my first immunity! *smiles widely* I am so proud of myself! I knew I received those numbers for a reason. Winning over Zach is definitely one of my proudest moments in this game so far. *laughs*]

Sarah: [CONF: I'm really happy Olivia got the necklace today. She absolutely killed it. Unfortunately, I am 99% sure that I'm the target tonight. Even though Zach doesn't... want to work with Olivia, Rafael, and I for whatever reason, there are other options to keep myself safe. Zach is finally vulnerable tonight, and it would be great to take him out once and for all. And if I manage to survive tonight, I'll be able to use my Legacy Advantage that I received from Julia to help me reach the final five.]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, James, and Zach, near the shelter.]

Zach: We're doing Sarah tonight.

James: I mean, yeah. It makes sense.

Audrey: *nods*

Zach: *looks at Grace* Grace?

Grace: Yeah, Sarah it is.

Zach: And there's no need to worry about an idol, since I have it... as you all should know by now. *smiles* Easy vote.

Grace: Yep. [CONF: Zach wants to get Sarah out tonight, and in the back of my mind I am thinking... no. Zach has continued to annoy the absolute crap out of me. He's not an ally I can trust. My plan is to attempt to flush out his idol. I should be able to get everyone on board. I just need to make sure no one tells Zach about it. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the Revenge Votes can count regardless if you're immune or not. It happened when I won immunity. It happened when Audrey played one of her idols on me. In the case Zach plays his idol tonight, I am praying to all the powers that be that Michelle did not cast her Revenge Vote on me, and instead Zach. If someone was as... or even more agitated by Zach's presence, it would be her. This is a huge risk I'm taking in case something goes badly, but I'm really hoping that it pays off.]

[Scene: Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah, near the tide.]

Rafael: What are we gonna do?

Olivia: I wish I would've been able to get a dream about the Revenge Vote. Would've been really useful right now.

Sarah: Well, let's think. I knew Michelle pretty well, but it's hard to tell if she voted for Zach or Grace on Revenge Island. The best case scenario is that she voted for Zach. It's just so frustrating that he doesn't want to make a move.

Olivia: I guess we're too threatening.

Sarah: *chuckles* I guess I'm too threatening.

Rafael: I just feel like this is all my fault.

Olivia: It's not over for us, yet, Raf.

Rafael: I know, it's just... *sighs* Michelle would've been a number right now. But she was a huge threat...

Sarah: You made a move, Rafael. Own up to it. We have to march forward given the circumstances. We're lucky she still has a vote. We just don't know who it is.

Olivia: [CONF: Having immunity is a blessing and a curse. Yes, I am safe, but I am very worried about Sarah going tonight. I can't afford to lose her. The numbers are too scarce right now. I really hope that the other group is willing to write down Zach's name, since Zach is clearly not budging. If not... maybe forcing a potential tie with Michelle's possible Revenge Vote will actually have Zach change his mind. It's just so hard to tell. I wish my psychic abilities helped me out a little more. *laughs*]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, and James, on the other side of the beach.]

Grace: [CONF: Phase one of my plan is to tell Audrey and James. Audrey was a target of Zach's for quite a bit, and James will go along with whatever Audrey says. Should be a piece of cake.] *looks around* You guys don't see Zach anywhere, do you?

Audrey: *heavily exhales* Is this what I think it is?

Grace: Heh. Yeah...

Audrey: Grace...

Grace: Hey, hear me out. Zach has an idol, we all know that. But... he is not going to use that thing on one of us at all. Why not just blindside him now?

Audrey: *eyes widen* [CONF: So... Grace is telling James and I that we need to get rid of Zach now. Although taking out Sarah eliminates a threat, I have seriously been really pondering about voting out Zach for these past few days. Zach didn't play his idol last night, as expected, but Grace does bring up a good point about how he's only going to use it for himself. Although he is still a number, I fear we'll get to the final four and he'll take that final immunity win away from us. I say let's get him out now while we can.]

Grace: Are you good with that?

Audrey: Yeah, yeah. James?

James: Let's do it. *fist bumps Audrey and Grace*

Grace: [CONF: Well, that was easy. Almost too easy... *brief silence* I swear, I'm not paranoid. It's just... *sighs* I hope they're really with me. I mean, they have to be with me! ...Right?]

[Scene: Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah, in the shelter.]

James: *approaches with Audrey* [CONF: Audrey and I decided it was in our best interest to tell Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah about this plan. Three isn't a majority... so, we need all the help we can get.]

Olivia: Audrey, James -- hey.

Audrey: Hey. *sits down*

Sarah: Please don't tell me you're trying to give me false hope.

Audrey: No. Grace just told us about blindsiding Zach tonight. We would love it if you guys join forces with us and vote him out.

James: And he has an idol.

Sarah: Ugh. Another one?

Audrey: Yeah, he told us. Our plan is to try to take him out with the idol in his pocket.

Rafael: *smiles* This'll be great.

Audrey: So are you guys in?

Olivia: *nods and smiles*

Rafael: Absolutely.

Sarah: Of course. That would be awesome! Anything to save myself. [CONF: Oh my God, this is the best news ever! Olivia, Rafael, and I were going to vote out Zach anyways, so to have Audrey and James approach us just makes things so much easier. Not only that, I learned that Zach found another idol. It would be the biggest blindside yet to take him out with one.]

Rafael: I'm going to get some firewood. I'll be right back.

[Scene: Zach, in the woods.]

Zach: *grabbing firewood*

Rafael: *approaches Zach* H-Hey! I-I was j-just about to do t-that for you!

Zach: You okay, Raf?

Rafael: I'm f-fine. [CONF: Oh, crap. I was just going to get some firewood for everyone... and then I ran into Zach. Suddenly, I'm freaking out and stuttering my words. I just need to keep myself together, or else I could ruin everything.]

Zach: You don't seem alright.

Rafael: Hey, I'm just going to head out--

Zach: Just tell me. What is going on?

Rafael: *heavily sighs* Grace is leading the charge to get you out tonight. *heavily exhales*

Zach: Feeling better now?

Rafael: Yeah... I think so.

Zach: *smiles* Good. [CONF: Goddamn it, Grace. Why are you doing this to me? Does she not trust anymore after not wasting my idol on her? This is f**king ridiculous. *sighs heavily* I need to do some damage control -- and fast.]

[Scene: Olivia and Sarah, in the shelter.]

Zach: *approaches shelter*

Sarah: Hey, Zach. What's up?

Zach: I want to apologize for... earlier.

Olivia: ...What are you talking about?

Zach: Grace is a slithering snake that needs to get her head chopped off. Me, you two, and Rafael... come together and take Grace out. What do you say?

Olivia: *looks at Sarah, grinning*

Sarah: I'd love that. [CONF: This is absolutely bizarre. I've gone from the #1 target to the swing vote in the matter of hours. *smiles* It's literally the best feeling in the world, because I didn't even have to lift a finger. I knew that foursome would crack sometime sooner or later. So the question is... should I blindside Zach with an idol in his pocket, or should I form a new alliance with Zach to take out Grace?]

Zach: Perfect. *smiles and walks away*

James: *hidden behind the shelter and walks towards the woods* [CONF: Just when I'm about to head for the woods, I overhear Zach talking to Olivia and Sarah. And... it was not good. He knows about our plan to take him out, and now he's scrambling. Someone spilled the beans, and we need to figure out who.]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, and James, in the woods.]

Audrey: Where were you?

James: I've got some bad news.

Grace: What is it?

James: Zach knows.

Grace: You mean...? *sighs* How did this happen?

James: Someone must've exposed the plan. He was talking to Olivia and Sarah... which means...

Audrey: Rafael. *rolls eyes* He's literally the only person that could've ratted us out.

Grace: *puts hand over forehead in frustration* This can't be happening.

Audrey: Grace...

Grace: I'm f**king screwed.

Audrey: We can't go back now.

Grace: That's what you think... maybe we can get Rafael out.

James: *eyes widen* Oh my God...

Audrey: Grace, you can't be serious...

Grace: Well, do you have a better idea?

Audrey: We need to stick with voting out Zach!

Grace: If we vote out Zach, I am going home.

Audrey: No, you're not! [CONF: I've never been more frustrated than I am right now. First, Rafael exposed our plan to blindside Zach, but we need to focus on getting Zach out NOW! We might not have another chance to do this! Grace is just... the most irritating person to work with right now.]

[Scene: Sarah, by the tide.]

Grace: *approaches* Hey.

Sarah: *looks up* Hey.

Grace: So... plans have changed. *sits down*

Sarah: What now?

Grace: How do you feel about voting out Rafael?

Sarah: Rafael?

Grace: You saw how he went behind your back, right? Well... I've just experienced the same thing. You can't trust him.

Sarah: I mean, I'll definitely think about it. Today has just been so... overwhelming, you know?

Grace: *laughs* I get it. [CONF: Audrey and James may not be on board with my plan just yet, but I think if I'm able to get Sarah on the same page, they might be willing to write down Rafael's name, too.]

Sarah: [CONF: *laughs* This is almost overwhelming. I swear, it's a new name every few minutes. But... I'd sure as hell prefer people approaching me about who they think I should vote for instead of being the target. I have a lot to think about tonight, and I probably won't have a concrete decision until the moment I approach the voting podium.]

[Scene: Everyone grabbing their torches and walking to Tribal Council.]

Zach: [CONF: Tonight is going to be the craziest Tribal Council yet. What I thought was going to be a simple vote has turned into nothing but an absolute trainwreck. No one should feel safe tonight, which is why I'm bringing my idol. I hope that I don't have to use it, but I would much rather be safe than sorry.]

Petros Tribal Council: Night 33

Jeff Probst: We'll bring in the members of our jury -- Dwight, Edwin, Julia, Kirk, and Michelle, voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Michelle: *sits down and smiles at Sarah*

Jeff Probst: *sits down* Alright. Let's talk about the last Tribal Council. Grace, you barely escaped by receiving four votes. Are you expecting more tonight?

Grace: Of course, but... I really hope that's not the case.

Jeff Probst: Olivia, just how important was winning immunity today?

Olivia: It was very, very important, Jeff. You know, I was left out of the last vote along with Sarah, so I felt like I could've been going home if I didn't have this necklace around my neck.

Sarah: *nods*

Jeff Probst: Sarah, you're nodding to this.

Sarah: Yeah, I was also left out of the vote along with Olivia. Since she has immunity, I was the obvious target.

Jeff Probst: So... are you saying you could be going home tonight?

Sarah: *shrugs* I mean, yeah. That would be the easy plan. But these people never want to do easy.

Jeff Probst: So, Zach, from what I'm understanding... it is Olivia and Sarah on the bottom. Is this true?

Zach: *laughs* Not at all.

Jeff Probst: Wow. Care to elaborate?

Zach: Certainly. I mean, I'm sorry Sarah -- but you were the initial target going into tonight. However, I have been hearing my name being thrown around tonight, so... *digs through bag* I will be ensuring that I am here for the next few days. *shows idol to everyone* So, this is another idol I found a couple days ago. And I will be voting for the snake who's been throwing my name around all day -- Grace. So, if anyone else wants to join, that'd be great.

Olivia: [whispering to Sarah] Should we do Grace?

Sarah: *whispers in Olivia's ear*

Grace: *rolls eyes*

Jeff Probst: Grace, you hear Zach throw out your name. What's going through your head?

Grace: I'm definitely panicking right now, Jeff. *turns around* Zach, I don't know where you got this information, but I am not going after you.

Zach: Say a name.

Grace: *starts to get up*

Zach: Out loud. C'mon, you've done it before.

Grace: Fine. *looks around* Rafael.

Jeff Probst: Rafael, now your name is being thrown around. What do you make of this?

Rafael: I don't exactly appreciate it, Jeff. I'm the reason she's still here now.

Grace: Hold on just a second. *gets up* [whispers to Rafael] It's Zach. I had to say something. I'm sorry.

Rafael: *whispers in Grace's ear*

Zach: *gets up and whispers in Olivia's ear*

Audrey: [whispers to James] What are we going to do about Grace?

Jeff Probst: Sarah, this has to be great news for you.

Sarah: *smiles* It's crazy, and I absolutely love it. No decision is ever stagnant for these people.

Jeff Probst: Audrey, what do you make of this chaos?

Audrey: I mean, as long as it doesn't come back to me... I don't mind it. *smirks*

Rafael: [whispers to Sarah] So, are we doing Grace?

Sarah: [whispers to Rafael] Zach is a bigger threat.

Rafael: [whispers to Sarah] But Grace is f**king after me!

Sarah: [whispers to Rafael] We can deal with Grace at six.

Rafael: *sighs*

James: *leaning into Rafael and Sarah's conversation*

Zach: [whispers to Olivia] Remember -- we need to take out Grace.

Olivia: [whispers to Zach] I know.

Grace: [whispers to Sarah] Sarah, please hear me out...

Sarah: [whispers to Grace] I'm not writing your name down.

Grace: [whispers to Sarah] Promise?

Sarah: *nods to Grace*

James: [whispers to Grace] I think Sarah is trying to get Zach out.

Grace: [whispers to Sarah] Okay. *whispers in James' ear*

Audrey: [under her breath] I need more champagne.

Jeff Probst: This has to be one of the craziest Tribal Councils I've ever sat through. James, what do you think is going to happen tonight?

James: Anything could happen tonight, Jeff. It's been a gigantic mess.

Jeff Probst: So... are we all ready to vote now?

Olivia: *finishes whispering to Rafael* I am, Jeff.

Rafael: *looks around* Yeah, I think we're all ready now.

Jeff Probst: After a lively Tribal Council, it is time to vote. Rafael, you're up first.

Michelle: [whispers to the jury] This is nuts.

[Rafael, Olivia, and Zach head to the voting podium.]

Zach: *voting Grace* You have done nothing but make this game more stressful than it needs to be. Your paranoia is out of control. I really hope there's three more of these. *smiles*

[Audrey, James, Grace, and Sarah head to the voting podium.]

Sarah: *vote not shown* *laughs* ...I have no idea what the hell is going to happen tonight.

[Sarah sits down.]

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes.

[Close ups on Zach, Grace, and Sarah.]

Jeff Probst: *brings back urn* If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and they would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Zach: *looks around*

Rafael: *sweating nervously*

Zach: *continues looking* Yeah... *gets up* I can't really trust these people. *walks over to Jeff and gives him his idol* That's for me. *smirks and heads back to his seat*

Grace: [whispers to Audrey and James] It's over.

Jeff Probst: *holds idol* This is, in fact, a Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes cast against Zach will not count. I will read the votes. First vote...

Zach, does not count.

Zach: *grins*

Jeff Probst: ...

Zach, does not count.

Zach, does not count.

Zach: *continues smiling*

Grace: *covers face*

Sarah: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: ...

Zach, does not count.

Zach, does not count.

Zach, does not count. We currently have no votes for anyone.

Grace: [under her breath] Here we go...

Jeff Probst: ...

Grace. 1 vote Grace, 1 vote left.

Zach: *smiling widely*

Grace: [under her breath] Michelle, please...

Audrey: *looks nervous*

Sarah: *looks at Grace*

Jeff Probst: ...

Zach... does count. We have a tie.

Zach: *smile slowly disappears*

Grace: [under her breath] Oh my f**king God.

Michelle: *winks at Grace*

Zach: T-This is impossible. I played an idol...

Jeff Probst: *shows the last Zach vote* This is a Revenge Vote. Revenge Votes are the only votes that count regardless if you win immunity or play an idol. This is information only those who have visited Revenge Island would know.

Grace: *smiles*

Zach: [under his breath] F**k.

Jeff Probst: Grace, Zach -- you will not vote. The Revenge Vote will not carry over to the revote.

Rafael: [whispers to Sarah] Maybe we should go for Grace now. We got the idol flushed out.

Sarah: *whispers in Rafael's ear*

Zach: [whispers to Olivia] Now is your chance.

Olivia: *whispers in Zach's ear*

Jeff Probst: Once again, chaos even after the vote.

Grace: [whispers to Audrey and James] I want to throw up.

Audrey: We'll make sure you're safe.

James: Let's hope you're still here.

Sarah: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: Are we ready to vote now?

[Everyone nods.]

Jeff Probst: Alright. Audrey, if you could grab the urn. *picks up urn*

Audrey: *grabs urn and goes back to the voting podium*

[Audrey, Rafael, James, Olivia, and Sarah head to the voting podium. No votes are shown.]

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the revotes.

[Close ups on Grace and Zach.]

Jeff Probst: First vote... Grace.

Zach. 1 vote Grace, 1 vote Zach.


Zach. 2 votes Grace, 2 votes Zach. 1 vote left.

Grace: *looks at Sarah*

Zach: *looks at Sarah*

Sarah: *exhales heavily*

Jeff Probst: ...Twelfth person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos - Revenge Island, and the sixth member of our jury...

Zach. Need to bring me your torch.

Grace: *gasps* Oh my God.

Zach: [under his breath] F**k.

Grace: [whispers to Sarah] Thank you so much. *puts hand over heart*

Zach: You'll regret this, Sarah.

Sarah: *rolls eyes* Oh, whatever.

Zach: *sets torch down*

Jeff Probst: Zach, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* Time for you to go.

Zach: *glares at Sarah and leaves*

Audrey: [under her breath] Now it's a showdown.

Sarah: [whispers to Rafael] I'm sorry. That was the smartest move for us moving forward.

Rafael: [whispers to Sarah] Next time, though...

Sarah: [whispers to Rafael] I know.


Zach: *boards onto a boat* That was absolutely insane. I managed to use my idol successfully, and yet I'm still heading to Ponderosa. And over Grace? Wow... This is going to be a lot to process. I'm going to make sure I feed myself well tonight, as well as a couple beers.

[Scene: A deserted island, with torches surrounding a parchment, pen, and urn.]

"Welcome to Revenge Island. Here, you may be able to get the last laugh on another castaway. On this parchment, write down a castaway's name. This vote will be read like any other vote at Tribal Council, so no one may suspect it is you. All Revenge Votes are immune to idol plays and those who win individual immunity. After you have cast your vote, you are asked to leave immediately."

Zach: *reads, smiles and opens pen*

[Zach is seen writing down a name, but it is unclear who. He sticks the vote into the urn, and leaves.]

[Credits roll]



Zach: Audrey, Grace, James, Michelle, Olivia, Rafael, Sarah
Grace: Zach


Zach: Audrey, James, Sarah
Grace: Olivia, Rafael

Survivor: MykonosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ