Episode 13: Let Me Make It Up to You

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Jeff Probst: Previously on... Survivor. Sarah and Olivia felt they were the next to go after they were left out of the previous vote. At the reward challenge, Audrey chopped her way to victory -- taking James and Grace along with her to a yacht reward with sandwiches, chocolate cake, dolphins, and a kiss. Back at camp, the other side was left with Zach to flip the vote, but he wouldn't budge. Later, Olivia received a premonition dream involving a series of numbers, leading her to win her first individual immunity win of the season. After the challenge, the majority alliance of Zach, Grace, Audrey, and James agreed to vote out Sarah. However, Grace had a plan of her own: to vote out adversary Zach in order to flush out his idol, or relying on Michelle's Revenge Vote in case an idol was played. Audrey and James recruited Rafael, Olivia, and Sarah to get on board with the plan, but the former told Zach that Grace was planning to blindside him. With this new information, Zach targeted Grace, telling Sarah and Olivia. However, James heard this information, telling Grace and Audrey. Grace grew increasingly paranoid, targeting Rafael for ruining the plan -- but Audrey and James told her to stick with the plan to flush out Zach's idol. After a crazy Tribal Council, everyone came together and voted out Zach -- except for Zach, who played his idol on himself. Unfortunately for him, Michelle's Revenge Vote was for Zach, leading to a tie between Grace and Zach. In a narrow 3-2 revote, Zach was finally sent to the jury. 6 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Petros: Night 33

[Scene: The remaining six tribe members head back to camp with their torches, and set them aside.]

Grace: Well, that was a s**tshow.

Rafael: ...And then there were six.

Olivia: Congrats, everyone.

Grace: [CONF: I still can't believe Tribal Council went down the way that it did. After countless whispers, I decided to vote for Zach. He used his idol, but Michelle's Revenge Vote quite literally saved my life. Once again, I can't get a freaking break out here with these people writing my name down. By some miracle, my long time rival Zach finally got his torch snuffed, and I couldn't be happier. Not only that, I was successful in flushing the idol out. Right now, it is pretty split between myself, Audrey, and James against Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah. Sarah had to have kept me here for a reason, so I'm going to try to convince her that Rafael needs to go next.]

Rafael: Hey, Sarah -- I was under the impression that we were voting for Grace at the revote.

Sarah: Grace still being here is better for all of us.

Rafael: How? Don't you remember me telling you that Grace is coming after me??

Sarah: Zach was a challenge threat.

Rafael: He was after Grace! Now we're tied three vs. three! If she wins immunity, we are going to rocks. We can't let that happen.

Sarah: I know. But if we want to get to the final three with Olivia, I would rather go against Grace in the Final Immunity Challenge. Besides, I just couldn't trust Zach for the life of me, personally. And... didn't you vote for Zach first like everyone else? You had a chance to write her name down.

Rafael: Fine. But... what are we going to do now?

Sarah: I can talk to Grace. She is not a threat to us. Hopefully she sees that Audrey and James are an unbreakable duo.

Rafael: *sighs* Alright... [CONF: I really wish Grace would've left tonight. Zach was an easy number for us that would have helped us take out the rest of the opposition without any struggle. Yes, I voted him out on the first vote, but that was only to ensure that the idol got flushed out. I didn't expect that there was going to be a revote, so when I hear that Grace is throwing out my game, of course I have to take the shot first. I mean, I guess I can see the argument for taking him out for being a challenge threat. It's just... really? We're relying on the girl that was trying to get me out? Sarah better be the best persuader ever.]

Olivia: *approaches* Hey.

Sarah: Hey. Olivia, I just wanna say I'm sorry about--

Olivia: *smiles* Don't worry about it.

Sarah: Oh... okay. Thanks. Let's just hope we'll be able to get Grace on our side.

Olivia: She was willing to work with you and I after the swap. That still has to be in the back of her mind.

Sarah: Let's hope so. [CONF: I don't feel guilty for voting out Zach tonight. He should've stuck with his guns and at least attempted to work with us the first time. I also happen to like Grace a lot more on a personal level. I hope that if I talk to Grace, she'll shift her focus off of Rafael. If not... well, at least the idol got rehidden, and I'll be able to use my Legacy Advantage.]

Petros: Day 34

[Scene: Grace and Sarah, near the tide.]

Grace: I just wanna say thank you for saving me last night. I mean... you were the one who saved me last night, right? *laughs*

Sarah: Yeah, I did.

Grace: Okay, good. *laughs* I owe you one. I would love it if we secretly worked together.

Sarah: Oh, yes! Absolutely! We need to look out for each other.

Grace: I'm just terrified it's going to go to rocks at the next vote. I mean, I know for damn sure Zach voted for me using his Revenge Vote, so it's pretty obvious that Olivia and especially Rafael want to vote me out next. But... you wouldn't, would you?

Sarah: *shakes head* No, of course not. It's just... if I had a preference, I'd rather it be Audrey or James.

Grace: If that were to keep myself safe, then I'd think about it. But I don't think Rafael is going to change his mind, especially after last night. I'd rather you vote for him with me, Audrey, and James.

Sarah: So are you saying I should flip?

Grace: *shrugs* I mean... you don't want to go to rocks, right?

Sarah: No, no, no. It's just... *laughs* how are we going to avoid going to rocks if neither of us want to flip?

Grace: You might change your mind.

Sarah: [CONF: It doesn't seem like Grace wants to vote on our side just yet, but I'll give her time. She might come around eventually. She is still proposing the idea to vote out Rafael, which I really don't want to do. The best case scenario would be if Rafael and Olivia find the idol and win immunity, while I play my Legacy Advantage -- keeping us all safe. I'm just worried that Rafael is still dead set on getting Grace out, because I would much rather have Audrey or James leave instead.]

Grace: [CONF: If I'm going to get someone to come over to the dark side, it would be Sarah. If not, I have pleaded my loyalty to Olivia. Maybe she'll understand where I'm coming from. But would she vote Rafael out? We'll have to see. Rafael absolutely needs to go next if I want to make it to the end of this game.]

Reward Challenge: Day 34

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[The remaining contestants walk into the challenge.]

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today's reward challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: For today's challenge, you will be randomly divided into two teams of three. Your goal is to have each team member use a grappling hook to collect three bags of balls. After you have retrieved all three bags, you will select one member of your team to place all three balls onto a table maze. The first team to land all three balls in each hole... wins reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: ...A feast, provided by Olive Garden. Breadsticks, spaghetti, chicken alfredo, lasagna... everything you can imagine.

Rafael: *gasps* [CONF: Oh... my... God. Olive Garden is, like, one of my favorite restaurants ever. I have been absolutely dying to enjoy some Italian food for the past thirty-four days, so I feel extra motivated to win today.]

Jeff Probst: Worth playing for?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: Alright, we'll draw for teams -- and we'll get started.

[At the challenge, the teams are divided between Audrey, James, and Sarah vs. Grace, Olivia, and Rafael. The latter team is behind for most of the challenge. James works on the maze for the first team -- Grace for the second. James struggles with the maze at first, causing the second team to catch up rather quickly. However, James is able to land the last ball for his team.]

Jeff Probst: Audrey, James, and Sarah... win reward!

Audrey: *high fives James* Proud of you!

James: *hugs Audrey*

Sarah: *celebrates with Audrey and James*

Jeff Probst: Audrey, James, Sarah -- congratulations. Your reward will be waiting for you when you arrive back at camp. Grace, Olivia, Rafael -- got nothing for you. Head back to camp.

Olivia: [CONF: *sighs* I would've really liked to win reward today. It's going to be awkward coming back to camp, with Grace being stuck with the two people still here who voted her out. *nervous laughter* It'll be interesting to see how the day goes.]

Petros: Day 34

[Scene: Audrey, James, and Sarah, approaching a table with several foods from Olive Garden.]

Audrey: *gasps* Oh my God!!

Sarah: This is amazing!

James: Aw, yeah!

Audrey: [CONF: Oh my God, I when I saw all that delicious food provided by Olive Garden, I was like a kid in a candy store. It was like... *smiles* the best thing I could've asked for out here. Chicken alfredo is a god-tier meal.]

[Scene: Audrey, James, and Sarah, eating together.]

Audrey: Mmm. This is incredible.

James: This has to be the best reward yet.

Sarah: *pours glass of wine* Tell me about it.

Audrey: *takes bite of spaghetti*

James: Hey, Audrey, since we're here... do you wanna talk about what happened on the yacht?

Audrey: *smiles* Okay, fine. Tell me!

James: We... we... uh--

Audrey: We... what?

James: *nervous laughter* We--

Audrey: Oh, come on, just spit it out.

James: *heavily exhales* We... kissed.

Audrey: *eyes widen* Oh my God. How drunk was I? Oh my God...

James: We were both really drunk! You must've had more drinks than I did.

Audrey: [CONF: *brief silence* *covers mouth* This... is something I never would have expected to happen during my time on Survivor. I have been telling myself over and over again that I am not getting myself involved in a showmance. That was never my intention. But it's not like love hasn't bloomed from this game before. I... don't know what to do.] I mean... what happened, happened.

James: Let me make it up to you. *leans into Audrey*

Audrey: Uh... what are you doing?

James: Oh. *awkward smile* Sorry.

Audrey: I'm sorry. I'm probably being a real jerk right now. It's just... I don't know if I'm ready for... you know...

James: *sighs* I get it. Let's just enjoy what's in front of us. [CONF: God, this is miserable. I don't think I've met someone as amazing and gorgeous as Audrey. It just doesn't seem like she wants us two to be a thing right now... *brief silence* I mean, this is fine... *brief silence* I know what rejection feels like. I'll be okay. *sniffs*]

Sarah: *continues pouring wine* [CONF: Oh, the drama... This is really taking me back to high school. I know exactly what Audrey is going through. There was this guy who had the biggest crush on me ever since we were in middle school. One day, he got brave enough to ask me on a date... and I just couldn't do it. I felt awful for doing it, but the heart wants what it wants. And I can't imagine how James is feeling, too. It's just a sucky situation no matter who you are.]

[Scene: Grace and Rafael, near the shelter.]

Grace: *tending the fire*

Rafael: *watching Grace*

Grace: Do you wanna tend the fire for a little, Rafael?

Rafael: *ignores Grace*

Grace: *rolls eyes at the camera* [CONF: So while everyone else is enjoying Olive Garden, I am stuck with Rafael -- getting the silent treatment. He refuses to say a single word to me. The best I've gotten are grunts of annoyance. Olivia chose the worst time to go meditating.] You know, ignoring me isn't doing you any good.

Rafael: What do I have to say to you, Grace?

Grace: You f**king ratted me out! Do you even care?

Rafael: *laughs* So somehow this is all my fault?

Grace: Yes!

Rafael: Well, you got what you wanted, didn't you??

Grace: But you made me go NUTS!

Rafael: Well I'm SORRY that I'm not the best under pressure!

Grace: Do better next time!

Rafael: *scoffs* You should be grateful that you're still here in the first place. I could've voted you out over Michelle, and yet I didn't.

Grace: Well I trusted you until you decided to expose our plan!

Rafael: You know what? I'm done arguing. I'm getting some water. *gets up and leaves* [CONF: Grace is just... well, to put it bluntly -- incredibly annoying. I am still curious as to why she thought it was a good idea to get me out at the last Tribal Council. It makes... zero sense. I guess she has her reasons now, but I am going to ensure that I get the last laugh.]

Grace: *rolls eyes* [CONF: Rafael just made it perfectly clear to me as to why I targeted him in the first place. How the hell is anyone supposed to trust him if he can't even be told a plan without blabbing it to the target? It's infuriating. I just can't stand him.]

[Scene: Olivia, on the other side of the beach.]

Olivia: *meditating*

Grace: *approaches and sits down*

Olivia: *opens eyes and looks at Grace* You're radiating some heavy negative energy right now.

Grace: It's Rafael.

Olivia: Oh. Uh... care to explain?

Grace: I just don't understand how you people can trust him! He ruined the plan to totally blindside Zach, and just made everything so much more stressful for us. I seriously thought he was going to get you guys to vote me out instead.

Olivia: You know we wouldn't do that to you.

Grace: Just my paranoia talking then. *laughs*

Olivia: *smiles* [CONF: Grace is ranting to me about how much she can't stand Rafael and how much he needs to leave, and it's almost hilarious at how ridiculous her reasoning is. We... all voted for Zach with you. You got your way. I'm just trying to nod along to everything she's saying, because at least she's not targeting me. But, come on... I'm not going to vote out my #1 ally for frivolous reasons.]

Petros: Day 35

[Scene: Audrey and Sarah, near the tide.]

Audrey: Oh my God, I'm so sorry about yesterday. Be honest -- you probably wish weren't there.

Sarah: *laughs* Don't worry about it.

Audrey: It's just... James is such a sweet guy. He's been giving heart eyes ever since we've first met. I just don't know if I want to jump into a relationship right now. Especially in the middle of a game for a million dollars.

Sarah: Hey -- don't feel pressured.

Audrey: I mean... I just feel like I crushed his soul. It's the worst feeling ever.

Sarah: I know what it's like, Audrey. I know how difficult this can be. The best thing you can do is be honest with yourself. Do you like him?

Audrey: I love being around him. I'm just... not sure about the whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing. *sighs* Am I denying my feelings for him? God, I just hate being in this situation.

Sarah: Maybe you two should talk to each other, you know... one on one. See what happens.

Audrey: *sniffs* Okay. *hugs Sarah* Thank you.

Sarah: *hugs Audrey* Of course.

Audrey: [CONF: I had a really great conversation with Sarah. Just because we're on opposing sides, it doesn't mean I can't talk to her. I'm going to make sure I talk to James... and hopefully we can sort this whole thing out.]

[Scene: James, in the shelter.]

James: *sitting in silence*

Audrey: *approaches* James...

James: *heavily exhales* Audrey.

Audrey: *sits in shelter* I feel like we need to talk about what happened yesterday.

James: I made the first move and I got rejected. [voice cracking] It's fine. I swear.

Audrey: James... *grabs James' hand* I feel awful. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean--

James: *sniffs* Audrey, it's okay...

Audrey: No, it's not. I was being rude. *brief silence* Let me make it up to you. *kisses James on the cheek*

James: *eyes widen* You didn't have to--

Audrey: Let me give you another chance.

James: Like...

Audrey: James, would you like to go on a date with me?

James: *laughs* Yes! Yes, of course! *leans into Audrey*

Audrey: Ah, ah! Not the lips yet. I'll need some toothpaste first.

James: *leans back* I understand. *smiles*

Audrey: [CONF: I did not expect that to go as well as it did. I mean, what's the harm in going on one little date with James while I'm out here? He likes me, I like him -- even though I tried so hard to deny it. The promise I made to myself about how I wouldn't get involved in a showmance has been thrown out the window.]

James: [CONF: Oh, how things have changed in less than 24 hours. I guess making the first move was well worth the risk, even though things didn't start out so great. I knew she'd come around eventually, I just didn't expect it so quickly. Audrey and I's first official... "date" being in the middle of Mykonos... I couldn't ask for anything more perfect for us.]

[Scene: Rafael and Sarah, in the woods.]

Rafael: *carrying firewood* Thanks for helping me out, Sarah.

Sarah: *carrying firewood* Not a problem.

Rafael: *drops load of firewood* Ah, s**t.

Sarah: Do you need any help?

Rafael: *shakes head* I'll be fine. *looks at pile of firewood* [CONF: So, while I'm in the woods with Sarah gathering firewood, I noticed something that stood out to me. I pick it up... and notice...] *gasps* Sarah, come here!

Sarah: *approaches Rafael and gasps* No way!

Rafael: [*puts idol around neck* Ta da! The next idol! Oh, this is the best thing ever.] *smiles* This is perfect!

Sarah: [CONF: Rafael just found the idol, and I'm happy! I'll be able to play my Legacy Advantage, so if Olivia just wins immunity, the three of us are guaranteed to make the final five together. Time to manifest.] Thank God no one from the opposing side found it before we did.

Rafael: No kidding. I'm going to make sure Olivia knows about this.

Sarah: Yeah, that's a good idea.

[Scene: Rafael and Olivia, in the shelter.]

Rafael: You'll never believe what I just found.

Olivia: *smiles* Oh my God, Raf...

Rafael: *digs through bag and shows idol*

Olivia: *gasps and looks at it* And it isn't fake this time?

Rafael: I swear, this is the real deal!

Olivia: *laughs* Good! Just make sure it gets played correctly.

Rafael: Grace has made it VERY clear to everyone and their mother that she wants me out. I'll make sure to disrupt those plans.

Olivia: [CONF: Rafael finding the idol is huge for our alliance. It's such a relief to know that the idol is in the right hands. I know Grace will do literally everything in her power to make sure the vote is for Rafael tonight, Audrey and James are smarter than that. So... there is a lot of pressure to make it gets used the right way. Maybe I'll get something tomorrow that'll help me out.]

Immunity Challenge: Day 36

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[The remaining contestants walk into a wooded area.]

Rafael: *looks around* [under his breath] Torches. Nice.

Grace: [under her breath] Well, this is different.

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today's immunity challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: But first... Olivia, I gotta take it back. *approaches Olivia*

Olivia: *takes off necklace*

Jeff Probst: *takes off necklace and brings it back* Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, I will be telling you all a story about the history of Mykonos. After I have finished telling this story, you will all race out to stations that contain questions and possible answers about the story you just heard. If you choose the correct urn, you will receive a small windmill statue that you will bring back to the starting point. If you choose the incorrect urn, you will receive a stick, which you must bring back to the starting point in order to answer again. The first person to collect five windmill statues... wins immunity, guaranteed a 1 and 5 chance of winning this game. Everyone else is vulnerable in becoming the thirteenth person voted out of this game, becoming the seventh member of our jury. You can all take a seat... and I will begin telling you the story.

[Scene: The remaining sitting on a log, listening to Jeff.]

[If you want to read the story that the challenge is based off of, you can click here: ]

[Scene: The remaining contestants lined up.]

Jeff Probst: Alright, for immunity... Survivors ready? Go!

[Everyone runs for the stations.]

Grace: *approaches Station #1, reading quickly* "Mykonos owes its name to the son of the king of which Greek Island? A. Naxos, B. Delos, or C. Paros..." *opens Urn B and receives a windmill statue* Oh my God, yes! *runs back and places down windmill statue*

Jeff Probst: Grace with her first statue.

Rafael: *approaches Station #2, reading quickly* "According to mythology, the islands of Mykonos were formed after who Greek god defeated the Giant? A. Hercules, B. Odysseus, or C. Theseus..." Oh, easy. *opens Urn A and receives a windmill statue* Nice. *runs back and places down windmill statue*

Jeff Probst: Rafael with his first statue.

Olivia: *approaches Station #3, reading quickly* "The first residents of Mykonos island were... A. Egyptians, B. Phoenicians, or C. Cares..." *opens Urn C*

Audrey: *approaches Station #4, reading quickly* "The Mykonos vase is classified as which type of Greek pottery? A. Amphora, B. Pithos, or C. Pelike..." *opens Urn B*

Sarah: *approaches Station #5, reading quickly* "Which Greek heroine managed to organize troops in order to revolt against the Turks during the Greek War of Independence? A. Manto Mavrogenous, B. Laskarina Bouboulina, or C. Moscho Tzavela..." *opens Urn A and smiles*

James: *approaches Station #1, reading quickly* "Mykonos owes its name to"... yadda, yadda, yadda... *opens Urn C and receives a stick* S**t. *runs back and places down stick*

Jeff Probst: Everyone with their first statue... except for James.

[For the remainder of the challenge, Rafael, Grace, and Olivia are neck-in-neck. Audrey and Sarah are not far behind, but James is in dead last for the entire rest of the challenge. Grace is able to bring back the final windmill statue seconds before Rafael is able to.]

Jeff Probst: Grace, wins immunity! Guaranteed spot in the Final 5!

Grace: *falls to the ground, sobbing*

Rafael: *places fifth windmill statue* [under his breath] Damn.

Audrey: *comes out of the wooded area with James, Olivia, and Sarah* Congrats! *hugs Grace*

Grace: *hugs Audrey and smiles* Thank you.

[Scene: The remaining contestants lined in a row.]

Jeff Probst: Grace, come on over.

Grace: *walks over to Jeff with a smile on her face*

[Everyone claps.]

Jeff Probst: *puts necklace on Grace* You are safe tonight, Grace. You live to see another day here in Mykonos, with a 1 and 5 chance of earning the title of Sole Survivor. Audrey, James, Olivia, Rafael, Sarah -- after 36 days, someone is about to become the next person voted out of this game. See you all at Tribal Council tonight.

Rafael: [CONF: Grace winning immunity today totally ruins the plan I had in mind tonight. Had I not found the idol yesterday, I would be flipping out about the possibility of going to rocks. I just need to make sure I play it on the right person.]

Petros: Day 36

[Scene: The tribe walking back from the challenge.]

Audrey: *hugs Grace* Proud of you, Grace.

Grace: *hugs Audrey* Thanks, again. [CONF: Walking back to camp with the necklace around my neck was one of my happiest and proudest moments out here. I just know that Rafael is fuming about how he can't me out... but I'm still here!! Now it's time to get Sarah on board to finally get Rafael out of this game.]

[Scene: Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah, in the shelter.]

Rafael: So, what do you guys wanna do? Do you have a preference over who should go between Audrey and James?

Sarah: I feel like James would be a bigger threat to win any future immunities.

Rafael: He hasn't won a single challenge on his own. I don't know if we'd need to worry about him too much.

Sarah: I mean... I'm down for whatever.

Rafael: Yeah, we can talk more about it later in the day. Now, they're probably to vote for me tonight, right?

Olivia: Grace will make damn sure it's you tonight. She even tried to pitch to me to vote you out.

Rafael: *laughs* That's ridiculous. I was planning on using the idol on myself anyways, you know -- for self-precaution.

Sarah: Hey, before the vote tonight, I should let you guys know about a little secret I've had to keep up until now. *digs through bag*

Olivia: *gasps* Did you get an idol, too?

Sarah: Well, not exactly... *digs out Legacy Advantage* Julia gave this to me after she was voted out. Tonight is the last night I can use it.

Olivia: Awesome!

Rafael: Hey... Liv, you didn't happen to get a premonition dream that might help us out, did you?

Olivia: *sighs* Unfortunately, no. It was really weird. Four colors.... purple, green, yellow, and blue. It must mean something, or else I wouldn't have received it. *chuckles*

Sarah: That... sure is strange. *laughs*

Rafael: Ah, well. [CONF: So, Sarah revealed to Olivia and I that she has the Legacy Advantage. That thing is being played no matter what. And it got me thinking... maybe I could convince Audrey and James that I'm voting for Sarah tonight. That way, I can save my idol for the final five and make it to Day 38. And had Sarah not reveal this advantage to me, this would be a genuine move I'd be willing to make. Sarah is a huge threat to win this game, so I think it might be in my benefit to get her out as soon as I'm able to... even if that means allowing Grace another day longer.]

[Scene: Audrey and James, near the tide.]

Rafael: *approaches* Hey guys.

Audrey: *looks up* Oh, hey Rafael.

Rafael: *sits down* You guys know much I want Grace out of this game. I don't want either of you two to leave just yet.

Audrey: ...We're listening.

Rafael: I am proposing getting Sarah out.

James: *eyes widen* Sarah?

Rafael: Grace will vote for me. Olivia and Sarah think they're voting for one of you two. We have a plurality. Think about it. We'd be able to avoid drawing rocks. Us three to the end. *leaves*

Audrey: [CONF: Rafael is proposing the idea to get rid of Sarah tonight, and I... just don't know if I like that idea. Ever since Jonathan left, I have made it my main objective to take out every person that screwed me over. Rafael and Olivia were among those people. Sarah at least attempted to keep Camille, so if I want to work with someone... it would be her.]

James: I'm getting worried, Audrey.

Audrey: Me too. I don't buy it.

James: It's one of us tonight. I don't see it any other way.

Audrey: We'll fight through this, James.

James: We gotta talk to Sarah. See what she thinks about all... this. [CONF: With Grace winning immunity today, it is very clear that Audrey or I are the next to go. Rafael told us about getting Sarah out, but I think we can use this information to our advantage to make the other alliance go against each other.]

[Scene: Sarah, laying on the other side of the beach.]

Audrey: *approaches with James* We need to tell you something.

Sarah: *looks up* What is it? Oh god, please don't be any more relationship problems.

James: *laughs* We're past that.

Sarah: Phew, good.

Audrey: Rafael told us that he wants to get you out.

Sarah: *laughs*

James: ...I'm confused.

Sarah: I'm not going anywhere tonight. He'd be stupid to go after me when I literally told him about the Legacy Advantage that I'll be playing. [CONF: As I'm relaxing on the beach, Audrey and James approach me about how Rafael wants to get me out. The only possible explanation I have for this is that Rafael wants to make sure the votes go toward me to save his idol for the next round. I didn't really think about this, because the idol wouldn't be rehidden for the opposing alliance to find. It's just... weird he didn't tell me about this earlier. It does raise a couple red flags, but I can't be worried right now, since I'm definitely not going home tonight.]

Audrey: *sighs* I knew it. He really doesn't want to get you out, does he?

Sarah: *shakes head*

Audrey: It's between James and I, isn't it?

Sarah: I'm sorry. Rafael would've voted for Grace if things went differently. Not like that's any better for you guys, though.

James: If you guys don't know who to vote for, please let it be me.

Audrey: James...

James: I'm dead serious. Audrey, you deserve to be in the Final 5.

Audrey: Okay, but... so do you! [voice cracking] I can't lose you.

James: This is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. [CONF: Audrey has a much better chance of winning this game than I do. She's won challenges, found two idols, and managed to survive despite being at the bottom for most of this game. That's a story I... just don't have.]

Sarah: Just... making sure, James -- you want me to vote you out?

James: Well, not exactly. We'd love it if you voted for Rafael with us. You know, to avoid rocks. Just that... I'd want it to be me getting votes instead of Audrey.

Sarah: Alright, then. I'll talk to Olivia and Rafael about that. But I'm definitely considering voting out Rafael. It's just...

Audrey: It's just... what?

Sarah: *sighs* He found an idol.

James: Ah, s**t.

Audrey: ...Of course he does.

Sarah: Yeah. He's probably playing it for himself tonight. You know, to avoid any shenanigans. I wonder if there's a way I could make Olivia think it's her tonight... and then we get Rafael out.

Audrey: That wouldn't be such a bad idea.

James: Let's hope it works.

Sarah: I hope so, too. [CONF: As the day progresses, I'm leaning more and more to voting Rafael out. I just have this bad feeling that something's going on that I don't know about. The question is... will I somehow be able to convince him to not play his idol?]

[Scene: Olivia and Sarah, in the shelter.]

Sarah: I just had the most interesting conversation with Audrey and James.

Olivia: And... what would that be?

Sarah: James wants us to vote him out.

Olivia: *eyes widen* Seriously? Is he... like, quitting, or something? We have 3 days left!

Sarah: No, it didn't really sound like quitting. Just... that if we're going to vote for someone, he'd want it to be him. And another thing... they wanna vote for you tonight.

Olivia: *nodding* Huh. I didn't expect that.

Sarah: I know, I was surprised too. They want me to flip to their side... but I'd never vote you out, Liv.

Olivia: *smiles* I know. [CONF: Sarah is telling me that we should vote for James... since he basically told us to vote for him. I mean, okay, whatever. But she also told me that they're voting for... me. Very strange. So now, I have no idea if Rafael should use his idol on me... or himself. I just need my senses to kick in, because we need to make sure the three of us stay together.]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, James, in the woods.]

James: Audrey and I just got done talking to Sarah. I think she's on our side.

Grace: Are you sure?

Audrey: Positive. She told us that Rafael had an idol, so...

Grace: Oh f**k, not again.

James: Grace... don't do this again.

Grace: I'm fine, I swear. Just... *groans* seriously? Why him, of all people?

Audrey: Sarah is on board to vote out Rafael. The only problem is if he plays his idol.

Grace: And I don't exactly want to vote out Olivia tonight. But I really don't want you guys to leave.

James: I already made sure it'd be me tonight in case things don't work about tonight.

Grace: Wait, seriously?

James: *nods* It'll be okay. You girls deserve to win this game.

Audrey: *smiles* We'll fight like hell. But let's hope it never gets to that point.

Grace: [CONF: Rafael having the idol is making me extremely paranoid... but I mean, when I am not paranoid? And then James says that he's offering himself up in case Rafael plays his idol successfully. I... did not expect this to happen at all, considering how early we started butting heads. The possibility of voting for Olivia is definitely on the table... but c'mon, I have a chance to write down Rafael's name. I don't know when I'm going to get it again.]

[Scene: Olivia and Rafael, in the woods.]

Olivia: *walking with Rafael* I just had a little... chat with Sarah.

Rafael: About what?

Olivia: Audrey and James told Sarah that they're voting for me. Trying to flip her or something.

Rafael: *laughs* I'm surprised they're not voting for me, since Grace is so hellbent on getting me out.

Olivia: Maybe they're worried about you having an idol.

Rafael: Hopefully no one else knows about that. [CONF: So... Audrey and James are trying to vote for Olivia tonight. I was under the impression that it would be me, since Grace really wants to get her way. But... hearing about this definitely complicates things on who I should play my idol for. It would kill me if I use my idol on the wrong person. It's a lot to think about.]

Olivia: ...And that's not all.

Rafael: There's more?

Olivia: James wants us to vote him out tonight.

Rafael: Oh, we can't do that.

Olivia: What? Why not?

Rafael: Because James is not a threat to us. Audrey has more respect on that jury.

Olivia: *sighs* I guess I'll have to ponder about it. [CONF: This... is not good. Sarah wants to vote for James, while Rafael wants to vote for Audrey. If we don't stick together, they might not even need that fourth number. I'm just praying that Rafael knows what he's doing with that idol, because this could end badly.]

[Scene: Audrey and James, near the tide, watching the sunset.]

Audrey: I hope this date is good enough for you.

James: *laughs* It's perfect. I'm right here with you. You know, this might be our last day together. Let's make it count.

Audrey: It better not be!

James: I'll make sure to save a burger for you at Ponderosa.

Audrey: *chuckles*

James: Thank you for this.

Audrey: *smiles* Of course. I never would have thought my time out here would've been spent so much with you.

James: *smiles* Me either. *kisses Audrey on the cheek*

Audrey: *kisses James on the cheek and smiles* [CONF: James and I went on our little "date" to watch the sunset right before Tribal tonight. It was really sweet, and makes me really appreciate where I'm at right now. I never thought I'd be the girl falling for a guy on a reality television show, but here I am. This is probably my favorite moment from my entire time out here.]

James: [CONF: I couldn't ask for anyone else but Audrey to watch the sun go down on Day 36 of this crazy game. If I'm not here tomorrow, then at least I got to make it extra special with her. If I survive, that'd be even better. I'd say this was probably the best first date I've ever been on in my entire life. I really hope Audrey wants to keep this thing between us going, even after everything's all said and done, because I sure would. *smiles*]

[Scene: Everyone grabbing their torches and walking to Tribal Council.]

Petros Tribal Council: Night 36

Jeff Probst: We'll bring in the members of our jury -- Dwight, Edwin, Julia, Kirk, Michelle, and Zach, voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Zach: *glares at Grace and sits down*

Grace: *smiles at Zach, holding up her immunity necklace*

Zach: *rolls eyes*

Jeff Probst: *sits down* Alright. Grace, you barely escaped elimination at the last Tribal Council yet again, but you're still here, with immunity around your neck. How are you feeling?

Grace: It's the most relieving feeling in the world, Jeff. I have lost track of the amount of the votes I've accumulated already. So to not be paranoid that it could be me is just really nice. *laughs* I'm really proud of myself for winning today.

Jeff Probst: Rafael, today's challenge came down to the wire. How much did you want immunity today?

Rafael: I wanted immunity as much as everyone else here. You know, there's only six of us left. The targets are becoming limited. With my name being thrown around... it's a definite concern that it could be tonight.

Jeff Probst: Olivia, what are the dynamics of this tribe right now?

Olivia: I think it's been clear to everyone that it's split three vs. three with myself, Rafael, and Sarah on one side, and Audrey, Grace, and James on the other.

Jeff Probst: Sarah, would you agree with this?

Sarah: Yeah, I'd say so. When you have a tribe as split as this, the rocks conversation comes into play. Grace knew if she didn't win immunity today, she'd have Zach's Revenge Vote going against her. If you want to avoid rocks, all you gotta do is flip.

Zach: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: Audrey, with the alliances split, are you worried about the possibility of rocks?

Audrey: Oh, of course. I wouldn't wish for anyone to get out of this game that way... especially so close to the end.

Jeff Probst: James, how would you feel if a rock took you out of this game?

James: That would really, really suck, Jeff. But... uh, I should probably make it public knowledge that if y'all aren't so sure if you should vote for Audrey or I tonight, please let it be me. Audrey deserves to still be here.

Jeff Probst: Audrey, what do you think of James offering himself up in order for you to stay?

Audrey: I've kept telling him "James, you don't have to do this" throughout the day. But... he seems to be confident with his decision. Maybe this is some crazy way of his to avoid going to rocks. *laughs*

James: *chuckles* Wasn't my intention, but I'll roll with it.

Audrey: *smiles* I know.

Jeff Probst: Rafael, when you hear James say "Okay guys, just vote me out,"... what goes through your head?

Rafael: I see it as James offering himself up to go, since he believes Audrey has a better chance of winning... which isn't good for my sakes, since I wanna win instead.

Jeff Probst: Olivia, what about you? Do you think that keeping Audrey keeps a threat?

Olivia: Everyone is a threat in their own way, Jeff. James could have a better chance of winning than Audrey, and he might not know it. You just never know until the end of this game.

Jeff Probst: Alright, just to clarify something: this is the last night a Revenge Vote will be cast. Grace, what do you make of this?

Grace: I'm pretty sure I've received the most Revenge Votes out of everyone here, so it'll be a relief to not receive any more of those. Let's hope I don't get a final one at the end of the night. *laughs*

James: [whispers to Audrey] Who are we doing?

Audrey: *whispers in James' ear*

James: *nods* [whispers to Audrey] Okay. I hope it works out.

Audrey: [whispers to Grace] Grace?

Grace: *nods to Audrey*

Audrey: [whispers to Sarah] Sarah?

Sarah: *nods slightly to Audrey*

Rafael: *confused look*

Olivia: [whispers to Rafael] I'm getting worried...

Rafael: [whispers to Olivia] So am I. Shouldn't you be able to sense who they're voting for?

Olivia: [whispers to Rafael] I'll try.

Jeff Probst: Ah, the whispering...

[The remaining six players briefly whisper to each other.]

Olivia: *finishes whispering to Sarah* Alright... I think we're good here.

Jeff Probst: Just checking in... everyone else ready to vote?

[Everyone says "yes" and nods.]

Jeff Probst: Alright, it is time to vote. Audrey, you're up first.

[Audrey, Rafael, and James head to the voting podium.]

James: *vote not shown* I pray that the idol isn't played for you tonight.

[Sarah, Grace, and Olivia head to the voting podium.]

Olivia: *writing down a name, but her vote is not shown*

[Olivia sits down.]

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes.

[Close ups on Rafael, Audrey, and James.]

Jeff Probst: *brings back urn* If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and they would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Audrey: *looks around*

James: *looks around*

Grace: *looks at Rafael*

Sarah: Yeah, Jeff... *gets up*

Julia: [whispers to the jury] Oh my God!

Sarah: *walks up to Jeff and gives him her Legacy Advantage* This is the last time this can be used, so... I'm using it now. *walks over to her seat and sits down*

Jeff Probst: *holds Legacy Advantage* This is the Legacy Advantage, which can be used as a Hidden Immunity Idol either at the Final 13 or the Final 6. All votes cast against Sarah will not count. I will--

Rafael: Uh, Jeff!

Grace: *tilts head back in frustration*

Rafael: *gets up* [whispers to Olivia] Is it me or you?

Olivia: *looks around* [whispers to Rafael] Save yourself. I'm getting bad vibes.

Rafael: *nods and walks up to Jeff* Olivia's intuition hasn't failed me yet, so... I'm playing this idol for... myself. *gives Jeff his idol, walks over to his seat, and sits down*

Jeff Probst: *holds idol* This is, in fact, a Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes cast against Rafael will not count. I will read the votes.

James: *holds Audrey's hand* [whispers to Audrey] I'm sorry.

Audrey: *holds James' hand* [whispers to James] We'll be okay... no matter what happens.

Jeff Probst: First vote...

Rafael, does not count.

Rafael: *smiles*

Olivia: *smiles* [whispers to Rafael] What'd I tell you?

Jeff Probst: ...

Rafael, does not count.

Rafael, does not count.

Rafael, does not count.

Rafael: *raises eyebrow and looks at Sarah*

Sarah: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: ...

Grace. 1 vote Grace.

Zach: *laughs in the jury*

Grace: *rolls eyes*

Jeff Probst: ...

Audrey. That's 1 vote Audrey, 1 vote Grace, 1 vote left.

Audrey: *nods*

James: [under his breath] No, no, no...

Olivia: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: ...Thirteenth person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos - Revenge Island, and the seventh member of our jury... Audrey. Need to bring me your torch.

Audrey: *smiles* I knew it. *gets up*

James: *gets up and hugs Audrey* It should've been me. I tried--

Audrey: James, you can still win this thing. I believe in you. I... love you.

James: *gasps and smiles* I... I... I love you, too.

Michelle: *eyes widen*

Kirk: [whispers to the jury] No way...

[Heroic music plays.]

Audrey: *kisses James on the cheek and grabs her torch*

Grace: *pats James on the back* We can still do this.

James: *nods and wipes a tear*

Audrey: *sets torch down and smiles*

Jeff Probst: Audrey, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* Time for you to go.

Audrey: *blows a kiss to James* You know what to do. *leaves*

Rafael: [whispers to Sarah] You have some explaining to do.

Sarah: *looks at Rafael*

Olivia: *heavily exhales*


Audrey: *boards onto a boat* I knew James meant well by sacrificing himself to go instead of me, but I think it really backfired when Rafael and Olivia realized that I was a bigger threat than James. I take it as a compliment. It didn't come as a surprise to me, but... *sighs* poor James. I am rooting for him and Grace all the way until the end. But, yeah... I went a whole lot further than I ever would have expected. I was at the bottom for most of this game, so I'm incredibly proud of myself making it to Day 36. Me getting the last Revenge Vote of the season is almost ironic, considering that revenge was almost always on my mind. *laughs*

[Scene: A deserted island, with torches surrounding a parchment, pen, and urn.]

"Welcome to Revenge Island. Here, you may be able to get the last laugh on another castaway. On this parchment, write down a castaway's name. This vote will be read like any other vote at Tribal Council, so no one may suspect it is you. All Revenge Votes are immune to idol plays and those who win individual immunity. After you have cast your vote, you are asked to leave immediately."

Audrey: *reads and opens pen*

[Audrey is seen writing down a name, but it is unclear who. She sticks the vote into the urn, and leaves.]

[Credits roll]



Rafael: Audrey, Grace, James, Sarah
Audrey: Olivia, Rafael
Grace: Zach
Sarah: -

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