Episode 9: Goat Yoga

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Jeff Probst: Previously on... Survivor. Grace told Julia about her Secret Vote advantage immediately following Tribal Council, after Julia had voted for Edwin with her. At the Reward Challenge, Audrey, Grace, James, Kirk, and Zach enjoyed a trip to Dragonisi Island, while the remaining six players suffered through a rainstorm, being stuck in a shelter and chasing chickens. At the Immunity Challenge, it came down to Audrey and Olivia, with the former pulling a victory for herself. Back at camp, Audrey put her plan in place to target Zach. However, this information quickly was brought to Zach's awareness, causing a public commotion. Because Audrey had immunity, Zach attempted to target Grace instead, followed by Julia, in which Julia ended up overhearing. At Tribal Council, Sarah, Olivia, Rafael, and even Grace were undecided on who to vote -- with the latter playing her Extra Vote for Zach and Edwin because of this dilemma. In the end, the majority decided to make Edwin be the one to become the next one voted out, becoming the second member of the jury. 10 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Petros: Night 22

[Scene: The remaining ten tribe members head back to camp with their torches, and set them aside.]

Michelle: [CONF: The way that Tribal Council went tonight... was just not good, at all. Of course I've had my share of Edwin rubbing me the wrong way, but he was the one person I trusted the most in this game. I mean, at least there's still the Power of Three, and I have my idol in the back of my pocket. Edwin wanted me to keep my idol for myself, so that I will.]

Zach: Thanks everyone, I think.

Audrey: *laughs*

Zach: You won't be laughing when you're gone next.

Audrey: Are you threatening me?

Zach: I don't know, am I? *raises eyebrows*

Audrey: *rolls eyes and walks away*

Zach: [CONF: I received four votes last night, which I was obviously not pleased to see. Audrey led the charge to get me out, and she failed, so now I'm going to make sure she pays for what she did.]

Olivia: I'm so glad there won't be snoring in the shelter tonight!

Sarah: *laughs* Thank God.

Julia: *smiles* [CONF: I am ecstatic. I was finally able to get rid of Edwin, once and for all. I tried so hard to make our relationship work, but I was left with no choice. I'm hoping that my alliance with Rafael, Olivia, and Sarah can come together and get Zach out next.]

Audrey: *privately talking with James* What now? We are f**ked.

James: No we're not, Audrey. We still have two idols. And Grace.

Audrey: Grace? Are you really sure about that?

James: You could go and talk to her.

Audrey: Oh my God, just go talk to her yourself!

James: She won't listen to me!

Audrey: *exhales heavily* [CONF: This is absolute hell. Zach, unfortunately, is still here. Thankfully, James and I still possess two idols together we can use to save ourselves. I just need to pray to literally all the gods and goddesses that Zach doesn't win immunity, so that we can go for a Round Two at this.]

Petros: Day 23

[Scene: Grace, near the shelter.]

Audrey: *approaches* [under her breath] Here goes nothing.

Grace: *looks up* Oh, hey Audrey. What do you wanna talk about?

Audrey: *sits down* We have a common enemy, don't we?

Grace: *chuckles* Don't remind me.

Audrey: I... really think we should work together and get Zach out. I know you probably don't fully trust James, though.

Grace: Can you blame me?

Audrey: *brief silence* What if I told you I had two idols with me?

Grace: Are you serious?

Audrey: *digs through bag and brings idols out* James found this one by bonking his head on a tree, and this one I found inside of a coconut. I wouldn't let you know about this unless I didn't trust you. Just... please. James is more than willing to vote Zach with us. If he did it last night, he'll do it again.

Grace: [CONF: I guess I really never considered aligning myself with Audrey. Although she's still all over James -- who I still really don't quite trust -- her sharing about how she and James have two idols shows that they really want me to work with them. If they were just desperate, they'd probably only let me know about only one. Julia should easily get on board with this plan, and I think Kirk will too. I know damn well that Edwin's Revenge Vote wasn't for Zach, so I'm going to have to find a sixth number somehow.]

Reward Challenge: Day 23

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[The remaining contestants walk into the challenge.]

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today's reward challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: For today's challenge, you will be divided into two teams of five. On my go, three of you will swim underwater, where you will each untie a bag of puzzle pieces. Once all of the puzzle bags have been untied, the remaining two members of your team will solve a puzzle. First team to finish wins reward. Wanna you know what you're playing for?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: ...A spa day, including showers, massages, and lunch. Worth playing for?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: Alright. We'll get started.

[At the challenge, the Orange Team consisted of Audrey, Grace, James, Julia, and Zach. The Blue Team consisted of Kirk, Michelle, Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah. Audrey, James, and Zach swam for their team with Grace and Julia on the puzzle; Kirk, Michelle, and Sarah swam for their team with Olivia and Rafael on the puzzle. In a narrow race, Grace and Julia are able to solve their puzzle in a quicker amount of time.]

Jeff Probst: Audrey, Grace, James, Julia, and Zach win reward!

[The group celebrates with each other.]

Rafael: *throws puzzle pieces on the ground* Damn it.

Olivia: *heavily sighs*

Jeff Probst: Congrats, you guys. You will be taken to your reward later day. Kirk, Michelle, Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah -- I got nothing for you. Head back to camp.

Olivia: [CONF: Losing the reward challenge today was incredibly frustrating, especially when it was so close. I absolutely would kill to have a spa day right now. But... the only thing I can do right now is to keep my head held high, and to just try harder next time.]

Day 23

[Scene: A spa, in a remote location.]

Grace: Oh my God!

Audrey: *gasps* [CONF: Winning the reward challenge for the second time in a row was such a great feeling. Unfortunately, Zach is with us again, but at least the other remaining four of us can talk together and see if we can take him out.]

James: *looks at himself in the mirror* Wow, look at ourselves!

Audrey: *looks at James* Hey, your beard looks really h-- good on you!

James: *smiles at Audrey* You really think so?

Audrey: *nods*

Zach: I'm going to have to shave all... this.

Julia: *laughs* My hair looks disgusting!

Grace: No kidding. [CONF: Going twenty-three days without brushing your teeth or taking a proper shower really makes you feel just... simply gross. So, I was quite happy to be at today's spa reward.]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, James, Julia, and Zach receiving massages.]

James: [CONF: I think the massage was my favorite part of the entire day. I really needed it, especially after all of the stress that Audrey and I have been dealing with recently.]

[Scene: Audrey, Grace, James, Julia, and Zach, drinking wine together.]

Zach: I'm going to use the bathroom. I'll be right back. *leaves*

Audrey: *watches Zach leave, takes a sip of wine, and sets it down* Alright, guys. I am asking you all... as a group... that we need to get Zach out. For real this time.

Grace: Agreed.

James: *nodding along*

Audrey: Julia?

Julia: Huh? Oh, yeah. Of course. I'll vote for Zach with you guys. [CONF: Audrey is still pushing to get Zach out. However, I need to really think about this. Zach is acting like the second coming of Mario, which means Audrey will stop at nothing to get him out. I would love for these two to continue tearing each other apart for as long as I find them to be beneficial. Therefore, there's only one only option left... James.]

[Scene: Julia and Grace, alone together.]

Julia: Do you trust Audrey and James?

Grace: I trust Audrey more than James, if that's what you're asking.

Julia: Oh yeah, I agree. I was actually thinking about getting James out next.

Grace: *surprised look* Oh, really?

Julia: Mhm. Audrey and Zach are just gonna keep going after each other, so they should be left alone. James has voted for both of us, so this is perfect.

Grace: *fist bumps Julia* Awesome. [CONF: I'm definitely listening to what Julia has to say. However, I am simply worried that Zach is going to go after me first, rather than Audrey. So... I may want to go after him before he gets me. Then again, there's James' idol that I'm terrified about going against my favor, since I still don't quite trust him. It's just... so overwhelming right now.]

Petros: Day 23

[Scene: Kirk, Michelle, Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah, near the shelter.]

Olivia: *breaking sticks and putting them into the fire*

Sarah: Much better job than Edwin.

Olivia: *laughs* Thanks.

Sarah: [CONF: Losing the reward challenge today was a bit of a downer, but it wasn't the end of the world. Just for today, I will be opening up Sarah's Spa. As a yoga instructor, I've learned to give my students massages. So, I'd like to make sure no one gets left out, and that everyone gets their share of a well-deserved massage today.]

Kirk: *lies on his back in the shelter* Alright, I'm ready.

Sarah: *massages Kirk's feet*

Kirk: *smiles* Oh my God. This is amazing. *laughs*

Sarah: *smiles back*

Kirk: [CONF: Sarah was really generous to massage all of our feet massages today. It made feel like I was part of the reward in a way, even though I'm still stuck at camp with everyone else. *laughs*]

Sarah: *massages Michelle's feet*

Michelle: Aah. Right there. Really, thank you, Sarah.

Sarah: Of course!

[Scene: Kirk, Michelle, Olivia, Rafael, and Sarah, doing yoga.]

Sarah: Alright, we'll be doing the downward-facing dog today. Olivia and Rafael, you should be pros at this by now.

Olivia: Yep!

[Everyone gets into position.]

Michelle: *looks to the right and gasps*

Rafael: What is it, Michelle?

Michelle: Baby goat!

[A baby goat baahs from a distance.]

Sarah: *looks at the goat and smiles*

Michelle: [CONF: In the middle of Sarah's yoga session, I noticed that a baby goat was coming towards us. And I thought to myself... oh my God, goat... yoga... this is perfect. I've never done goat yoga before, but I've always wanted to. Maybe I'll be finally able to reach my number one goal in life. *laughs out loud* Kidding.]

Sarah: Have you guys ever done goat yoga before?

Rafael: Wait... you have?

Sarah: I know some people.

[A baby goat approaches Michelle.]

Michelle: Hey there, little guy!

[The goat jumps on Michelle's back.]

Michelle: Oh my God! Oh my God! *laughs*

Kirk: *looks at Michelle and laughs*

Olivia: I think it likes you!

Michelle: *continues to laugh* [CONF: I was not expecting for a goat to not only approach me, but to jump on my back. I guess the animals and I really have a connection out here. *giggles*]

Rafael: This is amazing.

Kirk: They're really missing out on this.

[The goat jumps off of Michelle's back.]

Michelle: *gets out of position and crouches down to pet the goat* Hi! *continues petting*

Rafael: [CONF: Today was a lot of fun. Morale around camp has definitely improved ever since Edwin's departurate. We all got our share of practicing goat yoga, which is something I would have never thought was even possible coming out here. It was an experience that I'm never going to forget.]

Petros: Day 24

[Scene: Grace and Kirk, in the woods.]

Grace: I'm sorry you weren't on Reward yesterday. Oh my God, it was great.

Kirk: Trust me, I had my share of Reward back at camp. ...I'll tell you later.

Grace: *laughs* So, what do you think is our next best move moving forward? Because... I was thinking about doing Zach for this upcoming vote. Audrey, James, and Julia will move with us.

Kirk: Zach? Yeah, that's fine with me. [CONF: Zach has kind of... turned into the lone wolf out here. Then you have your Ftelia Power alliance -- Julia, Olivia, Rafael, Sarah, plus Michelle -- who I have in my pocket; Audrey and James together; and then there's Grace and I going wherever we need to. I'm not sure if Zach going is the best option for me, since he and I trust each other. The only person who I don't quite have wrapped around my fingers is... Audrey. She reneged on the alliance, so I don't think I can exactly trust her word right now.]

[Scene: Kirk and Zach, in the woods.]

Kirk: So, what are you thinking right now?

Zach: Right now... Audrey. She tried to get me out, and I can't let that happen again.

Kirk: Do you think we should split it?

Zach: *shakes head* Nah. She probably doesn't have an idol.

Kirk: You think so?

Zach: C'mon, what are the chances she has one?

Kirk: I hope you're right.

Zach: Oh, I know I'm right.

Kirk: [CONF: This is... very annoying. Zach doesn't know that Audrey and James possess two idols. However, if I tell him this, he's going to want to split the votes between Audrey and Grace. And... I really don't want Grace to go... yet, so I had to pretend like they didn't have anything. *groans*]

[Scene: Julia and Grace, walking on the beach.]

Julia: [CONF: So, throughout the merge, Grace and I have grown closer and closer together. And since the swap, me, Sarah, and Michelle have formed the Power of Three. I hope there's not any bad blood between Michelle and Grace, because I think us turning into the Power of Four would be even more powerful.] *sits down on the sand with Grace* So, I've been thinking...

Grace: Thinking about... what?

Julia: Ever since Day 1, I've gotten good vibes from Sarah. Ever since the swap, Michelle and I have been getting along pretty well. That brings us to... you, Grace. I was thinking about us girls coming together and forming an alliance called the Power of Thr-- excuse me, the Power of Four.

Grace: Power of Four, huh?

Julia: I mean, I would absolutely love for one of us girls to take control of this game and ride it to the end. What do you say?

Grace: Yeah, of course! [CONF: Julia and I's conversation on the beach was... *laughs* Well, it sure made me feel like #4 in an alliance of four. Besides, I don't think Michelle is exactly wanting to work with me right now after voting out her #1 ally. So... this Power of Four idea? I mean... I'd be stupid to decline an alliance offer, but I just don't see this going well.]

[Scene: Sarah and Michelle, on the other side of the beach.]

Grace: *approaches with Julia* Hey.

Sarah: Hey.

Julia: So, I was thinking... us four girls could come together and run this game. *raises eyebrows at Sarah and Michelle*

Michelle: Oh... yeah! That sounds awesome!

Sarah: Of course.

Michelle: [CONF: I haven't exactly been a fan of Grace going after Edwin, but... an extra number shouldn't hurt, right? I mean... it's not like she's really betrayed one of us yet. Either way, I have my eye out on her.]

[Scene: Olivia and Rafael, near the shelter.]

Grace: *approaches* Rafael, Olivia...

Olivia: Grace, hey.

Grace: *sits down* I haven't really gotten to talk to you guys all that much, have I?

Rafael: *laughs* At least you are now.

Grace: Listen... have you guys ever... I don't know, thought about what our alliance is going to do after we take Audrey, James, and Zach out?

Olivia: Not exactly... why?

Grace: Call me paranoid, but I'm worried that Julia, Sarah, and Michelle are forming something behind your guys' back.

Olivia: *eyes widen* What?

Grace: Something about the Power of Four... and I am their number four. I did not come here to getting f**king fourth. Us three can run this game together.

Rafael: [CONF: If what Grace is telling us is true, it is definitely concerning. I mean, of course we have to start thinking about thinking ahead. I don't want to have three easy votes in a row, and then... all of a sudden, I'm gone. So, yeah... I'm definitely thinking about this idea.]

[Scene: Audrey and James, in the woods.]

Audrey: *sighs* I'm getting worried.

James: Hey, relax.

Audrey: What are we going to do if Zach wins immunity tomorrow? I... I--

James: *grabs Audrey's shoulders* We are not going to let Zach win today. You won the last immunity, you're going to win now. You are strong, Audrey. Fight like hell.

Audrey: *hugs James* Thank you. I was just... thinking realistically, you know? What if?

James: *hugs Audrey* Our backs may be against the wall, but we will get through this. If Zach wins, we will find a way out. Plus, we have two idols if we ever get in trouble.

Audrey: I know, I know. I just want to make sure I'm using them wisely. But at the same time, I don't want to be the person that goes home with two idols.

James: You won't.

Audrey: What if Zach goes after Grace instead of us?

James: Well... we have to keep anyone willing to work with us safe.

Audrey: Wait, you're willing to work Grace?

James: If it keeps it alive, absolutely. [CONF: Audrey has been paranoid all day, and for good reasons. Zach is probably more determined than ever to win immunity tomorrow, but Audrey, Grace, and I are going to work our asses off to make sure that doesn't happen. And yes, I am starting to trust Grace more and more, even though I did try to vote her out at the first Tribal Council. She wants Zach out as badly as we do, plus -- she has been the only one willing to really work with us. Tomorrow's immunity challenge is absolutely crucial, and we just need to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.]

Immunity Challenge: Day 25

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[The remaining contestants walk into the challenge.]

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for today's immunity challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: But first... Audrey, I gotta take it back. *approaches Audrey*

Audrey: This better come back.

Jeff Probst: *laughs* Well, let's see if you can earn it back. *takes off necklace and brings it back* Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you will be stacking blocks with three tiers. However... you will only be allowed to use your feet. Once your tower is assembled, you must place a flag in the middle of your block tower. The first person to finish, wins immunity, and has a 1 and 9 chance of winning this game. Everyone else is vulnerable to becoming the ninth person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos, becoming the third member of our jury. We'll draw for spots, and we'll get started.

[At the challenge, Michelle, Audrey, Kirk, and Zach were mostly neck in neck, while everyone else struggled to properly stack their tower without toppling it over. Audrey had a slight lead over Zach, but she accidentally ran her foot into her structure, causing Zach to get ahead and place his flag into his tower.]

Jeff Probst: Zach, wins immunity!

Zach: YES!

Sarah: *looks at Kirk* I should've given you a better foot massage.

Kirk: *laughs*

Audrey: *looks completely defeated*

[Scene: The remaining contestants lined in a row.]

Jeff Probst: Zach, come on over.

Zach: *walks over to Jeff with a smile on his face* I really needed it today.

[Everyone claps but Audrey.]

Jeff Probst: *puts necklace on Zach* Zach is guaranteed safe tonight, with a 1 and 9 chance of winning this game. As for the rest of you, someone is about to become the next person voted out of this game will be. See you tonight at Tribal.

Audrey: [CONF: I'm pissed. I'm frustrated. I'm gutted. Not only about the fact that Zach has immunity, but the fact that I was SO close from taking it away from him. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do now.]

Petros: Day 25

[Scene: The tribe walking back from the challenge.]

Zach: [CONF: *laughs* Oh my God. I f**king pulled it off. Now that Audrey is vulnerable, it's finally time to finally get her out. Kirk was talking earlier about how she could have an idol, but the way she acted at the Immunity Challenge confirmed that she has nothing of the sort. No person with an idol would act like that... so, goodbye!]

[Scene: Julia and Grace, in the shelter.]

Julia: Are we uh... still good with voting out James?

Grace: *nodding* Yeah.

Julia: You sure?

Grace: Mhm.

Julia: Is there something you're not telling me?

Grace: No, no. It's just... Zach won immunity, so I don't really have much else of a choice.

Julia: Alright. Just checking. [CONF: Grace is worrying me. I'm getting flashbacks to the one-note answers that Dwight was giving me when we were all supposed to vote for Amy. And the last time that happened, Dwight was trying to vote me out. I need to figure this all out, because I don't want to barely make it out alive again.]

[Scene: Rafael, Olivia, and Sarah in the tide.]

Zach: *approaches* Hey. I hope you guys are willing to vote Audrey out tonight.

Rafael: You want all of us to vote for Audrey?

Zach: Yes. If she had an idol, she'd look a little less upset today.

Olivia: So, that's it?

Zach: I mean... there's nothing else to discuss, right? Audrey, Audrey, Audrey, Audrey. Kirk and Michelle will do the same thing.

Sarah: And you're sure about this?

Zach: Yes! Now, I'm going back to the shelter in case one of you guys wanna talk to me later. *leaves*

Olivia: *watches Zach leave* [CONF: Oh, Zach. You naive little soul. Grace told Sarah and I that James has an idol, which essentially means that Audrey does too. Even if I told him this, he still wouldn't believe me. He is that sure of himself. I would have much preferred if he left today -- if only he didn't have that necklace. At least he'll keep voting for Audrey... which means...] We need to vote out James.

Rafael: James? Really?

Olivia: Let Zach convince Michelle and Kirk to vote for Audrey. James has an idol--

Rafael: Wait, James has an idol?

Olivia: Yes, unfortunately. He's either going to end up playing it on himself or Audrey. But... I'd rather him leave first. Audrey and Zach are going to keep going after each other.

Julia: *approaches* Hey, sorry guys for coming over here later. I was just talking to Grace.

Olivia: Oh, good. What about?

Julia: Getting James out.

Olivia: Look who's the psychic now! That's exactly what we were thinking.

Julia: Oh, great!

Rafael: Hey, speaking of Grace -- you two don't happen to know anything about a Power of Four alliance, do you?

Julia: *nervous laughter* What?

Rafael: She was talking to Olivia and I about how you, Sarah, and Michelle were trying to form an alliance against us. I wanted to make sure how... factual it was.

Julia: No... no, no... what the f**k? [CONF: Apparently, we can't get an all girls alliance together because Grace sucks. I am absolutely furious right now, because Grace just exposed an alliance that could've formed an all-women final four. I am literally baffled by this. I really trusted her. Ugh!] I'm sorry. *leaves*

Rafael: Oh, crap. I didn't realize...

Olivia: *sighs*

Sarah: [CONF: This is not good at all. First, Grace exposes our alliance... and tells Olivia and Rafael. What? Not only that, I have to convince Julia that we need to stick to the plan and vote out James. This is an extremely crucial vote, and we need to make sure all goes according to what we planned out.] I'll be right back. *leaves*

Olivia: What are we going to do now?

Rafael: That's a good question...

[Scene: Grace, in the shelter alone.]

Julia: What the f**k, Grace?

Grace: *gets up* What is the meaning of this?

Julia: Why did you tell Rafael and Olivia about our alliance?

Grace: I don't know, ask the Power of Three!

Julia: Um, actually, it's the Power of Four.

Grace: Oh, come on. You know that the Power of Four isn't a real thing. And yeah, I heard you slip up the name. You guys can keep your Power of Three to yourselves, because I am not going to allow myself to just be your extra number.

Michelle: *approaches* What's going on here?

Grace: Hi, Michelle! Care to explain about the Power of Three to me?

Michelle: Uh, what are you talking about?

Julia: Grace thought it would be a great idea to expose the Power of Four...

Grace: ...Three.

Julia: *glares at Grace* ...to Olivia and Rafael.

Michelle: Seriously? What'd you do that for?

Grace: Hellooo... I am clearly your fourth wheel. It's obvious.

Michelle: *rolls eyes* Whatever. It's not like I trusted you after you tried to get Edwin out.

Sarah: *approaches*

Grace: Ugh. *leaves*

Sarah: *exhales* Damn it.

Julia: She's dead to me.

Michelle: I should've just voted for her last Tribal...

Sarah: Guys, we need to think rationally about this. Yes, I get it -- Grace broke from our alliance, but is that really a smart move right now?

Julia: Honestly, it might just be.

Michelle: *shrugs*

Sarah: [CONF: Oh my God, I did not expect the girls to get so nasty towards each other so quickly. I thought maybe I could do some damage control with Grace, but I feel like that ship has sailed now. However, I still have to deal with Julia and Michelle -- who could base their vote tonight on their emotions, which could totally screw things up.]

[Scene: Olivia and Rafael, on the other side of the beach.]

Kirk: *approaches* Hey, did I miss something again?

Olivia: *chuckles* Yeah... but you don't wanna know.

Kirk: *sits down* Well, I'm assuming you guys have been thinking about the vote tonight.

Rafael: Yeah, we've been thinking about voting for James tonight.

Kirk: James?

Olivia: That was until Grace must've exposed some alliance to us -- one with Julia, Sarah, and Michelle.

Rafael: I asked Julia and Sarah, but Julia seemed pretty... defensive.

Kirk: Oh... [CONF: These people continue to tell me... everything. I'm very glad that I learned about this, because one of my former allies, Michelle, was trying to form an alliance behind my back. That's definitely concerning. Do I try to get something together, or do I stick with this original plan?]

[Scene: Julia, Michelle, and Sarah, near the shelter.]

Julia: I am highly considering writing down Grace's name tonight. I'm pissed.

Michelle: Same.

Sarah: I mean, if that's what you girls wanna do.... But, James has an idol. Grace might run to them and try to get the idol played on her.

Michelle: *sighs* So, should we stick with this plan to split the votes between Audrey and James?

Julia: What about splitting it between James and Grace? James is more likely to play his idol on Audrey. Zach is doing everything he can to get her out.

Michelle: That's definitely a possibility. I have my idol in case things go south.

Julia: Good, good.

Sarah: [CONF: I am definitely worried about tonight. I have no idea what the hell Grace is going to do. Julia and Michelle are considering voting for Grace, but I'm trying so hard to make sure we stick to our plan so that we split it between Audrey and James. Hopefully they will change their minds sooner rather than later.]

[Scene: James and Audrey, in the woods.]

Grace: *approaches* Guys, I'm f**king screwed.

Audrey: What happened?

Grace: Julia and Michelle are pissed at me. They're either splitting the votes between me and James or you and James. It totally depends on how they vote -- strategically or emotionally.

Audrey: I'm bringing both of my idols tonight.

Grace: Oh, thank you. Ugh... this all could've been avoided if Zach didn't have immunity.

James: I already tried.

Grace: What do you mean?

James: Well...

[Flashback to earlier in the day]

James: Have you considered giving up your immunity?

Zach: What? No! Are you crazy?

James: Just asking...

[Flashback ends.]

James: I didn't say it went well.

Grace: *rolls eyes* You really thought that was going to work?

James: It never hurts to try.

Audrey: So who are going to vote for?

Grace: Julia told me Michelle has an idol. I have no idea who she's going to play it for.

Audrey: S**t. We need to make sure we vote for the right person.

Grace: [CONF: This is going to be the most terrifying Tribal Council yet. I have no idea what Julia and Michelle are going to do, because they could easily be plotting against me to try and get me out. To make matters worse, Michelle has an idol of her own, so Audrey, James, and I need to make sure it doesn't get played on the person we're voting for. And what's driving me even more crazy is what Edwin's Revenge Vote is going to be, and it's especially stressful, because idols do not negate Revenge Votes. Audrey better make the right decision tonight. God, help me.]

Petros Tribal Council: Night 25

Jeff Probst: We'll bring in our jury -- Dwight, and Edwin, voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Edwin: *smiles at Michelle*

Michelle: *smiles at Edwin*

Jeff Probst: *sits down* Alright. Let's start with the immunity challenge today. Audrey, you were very close today. How did you take today's loss?

Audrey: It was extremely maddening. I mean, it does no good beating yourself up, but if I just got my feet out of the way, I could've been safe again. Now I'm definitely feeling vulnerable.

Jeff Probst: Zach, do you feel like you would've gone home tonight if you didn't have Immunity around your neck?

Zach: Yeah, I do. I was the backup plan last time, and I bet Audrey was going to try to get me out. Now it's time to get her out.

Jeff Probst: Wow. Audrey, what are your thoughts on this?

Audrey: Zach coming after me shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I mean, yeah, I will admit that I tried to get him out, but he's still here... and yet so am I.

Zach: [under his breath] Not for long.

Jeff Probst: Who else is feeling worried?

[Everyone but Zach raises their hands.]

Jeff Probst: Wow. James, why are you worried?

James: Because it's clear to me that Audrey and I are on the bottom of the totem pole.

Jeff Probst: On the contrary, Grace, why was your hand raised?

Grace: *laughs* Oh, Jeff... it seems like I can't avoid any drama at camp.

Jeff Probst: Care to explain?

Grace: Of course. So, Julia comes up to me and says that I talked to Sarah, Michelle, and now you about forming an all girls alliance called the Power of Four. However, not only did she list my name last, but it was clear that those three already have an alliance called the Power of Three.

Julia: *rolls eyes*

Jeff Probst: Julia, I see you're rolling your eyes. Why's that?

Julia: It's absolutely ridiculous, Jeff. Why would you expose an alliance so quickly?

Grace: Because I knew that if it ever came down to it, you three would vote me out.

Julia: That's not true.

Grace: Really?

Julia: Yes!

Grace: Are you sure you're not going to write my name down tonight?

Julia: Grace, I don't WANT to write your name down tonight.

Grace: Then who are we voting for?

Julia: *brief silence*

Grace: *raises eyebrows*

Jeff Probst: Audrey, do you think this raises the target off of your back?

Audrey: I hope so... but I can't guarantee anything.

Jeff Probst: Michelle, after hearing Grace that exposed this supposed alliance between you, Julia, and Sarah, what do you make of this?

Michelle: I was pretty furious, too. However, I was told to stick to the plan.

Jeff Probst: And what would that be?

Michelle: *smiles* Secret.

Jeff Probst: James, does this worry you?

James: For sure. If their plan is what I think it is, then I'm definitely worried it could be me tonight.

Jeff Probst: Olivia, how have you been able to process what's all going on?

Olivia: It's been nuts, Jeff. However, I agree that we need to stick to our plan.

Grace: [whispers to James and Audrey] What are we going to do?

Audrey: *whispers in Grace's ear*

Michelle: [whispers to Julia] I'm worried it's me.

Julia: [whispers to Michelle] I am too.

Michelle: [whispers to Julia] S**t.

Kirk: *whispers in Grace's ear*

Grace: *whispers in Kirk's ear*

Kirk: [whispers to Grace] Well?

Grace: [whispers to Kirk] I'm worried about an idol...

Jeff Probst: Sarah, once again, there's whispering. Any thoughts?

Sarah: People are really getting worried, Jeff. I'd be pretty happy to be Zach right now.

Zach: *smiles*

Jeff Probst: Kirk, anything you'd like to say before we get to tonight's vote?

Kirk: Just... that no one except Zach should feel safe tonight. That's all I have to really say.

Jeff Probst: On that note, it is time to vote. Rafael, you're up first.

[Rafael, Michelle, Audrey, Kirk and Zach head to the voting podium.]

Zach: *voting Audrey* The king dethrones the queen.

[Olivia, Julia, Sarah, James, and Grace head to the voting podium.]

Grace: *vote not shown* Please, please work.

[Grace sits down.]

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes.

[Close ups on Grace, Michelle, and Audrey.]

Jeff Probst: *brings back urn* If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and they would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Audrey: Yeah, Jeff. *digs through bag*

James: *smiles*

Julia: *rolls eyes*

Audrey: *walks up to Jeff and brings him an idol* This is for James tonight.

Jeff Probst: *grabs idol and looks at it* This is, in fact, a Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes cast against James will not count.

Audrey: And Jeff...

Michelle: [under her breath] Oh, s**t.

[Dwight and Edwin gasp.]

Audrey: *looks at Grace*

Grace: Do it.

Audrey: *smiles, and turns back at Jeff* Idols are more fun when you play 'em for others. That's for Grace. *walks back and high fives Grace*

Grace: *high fives Audrey*

James: *holds Audrey's hand*

Jeff Probst: *grabs idol and looks at it* This is also a Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes cast against Grace will not count. I will---

Michelle: Yeah, Jeff.

Grace: [under her breath] Oh, God.

Michelle: *walks up to Jeff* Uh... I'm not sure how confident I am about this, but this is for me. Edwin told me that I use this idol for myself, and that I will.

Jeff Probst: *grabs idol and looks at it* This is... also a Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes cast against Michelle will not count. I will NOW read the votes.

Michelle: *holds Julia and Sarah's hands*

Rafael: *looks at Olivia*

Jeff Probst: First vote...

James, does not count.

James: *smiles*

Jeff Probst: ...

James, does not count.

James, does not count.

Grace, does not count.

Grace: *smiles*

Jeff Probst: ...

Grace, does not count. We are currently at no votes for anyone.

Grace: *looks at Audrey*

Jeff Probst: ...

Audrey. 1 vote Audrey.

Audrey: *nods*

Jeff Probst: ...

Grace, does count. 1 vote Audrey, 1 vote Grace.

Grace: [under her breath] Edwin...

Jeff Probst: ...

Julia. 1 vote Audrey, 1 vote Grace, 1 vote Julia.

Julia: S**t.

Jeff Probst: ...


Julia. 2 vote Audrey, 2 votes Julia, 1 vote Grace. 1 vote left.

Julia: *looking nervous*

Audrey: *looking nervous*

Jeff Probst: Ninth person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos - Revenge Island, and the third member of our jury...

Julia. Need to bring me your torch.

Audrey: *clapping* Yes!

James: *smiles*

Julia: *gets up* Good luck, Grace. You're going to need it.

Grace: *rolls eyes*

Michelle: [whispers to Sarah] Great...

Sarah: [whispers to Michelle] We'll get through this.

Olivia: [close up shot]

Julia: *sets torch down*

Jeff Probst: Julia, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* Time for you to go.

Julia: *glares at Grace and leaves*

Zach: *smiles*

Kirk: [close up shot]


Julia: *boards onto a boat* Unbelievable. I can't believe Grace betrayed us like that. I am absolutely rooting for Michelle and Sarah to take it to the end, and I'm going to make sure one of them gets this little Legacy Advantage.

[Scene: A deserted island, with torches surrounding a parchment, pen, and urn.]

"Welcome to Revenge Island. Here, you may be able to get the last laugh on another castaway. On this parchment, write down a castaway's name. This vote will be read like any other vote at Tribal Council, so no one may suspect it is you. All Revenge Votes are immune to idol plays and those who win individual immunity. After you have cast your vote, you are asked to leave immediately."

Julia: *reads, smiles and opens pen*

[Julia is seen writing down a name, but it is unclear who. She sticks the vote into the urn, and leaves.]

[Credits roll]



James: Olivia, Rafael, Sarah
Grace: Edwin, Julia, Michelle
Julia: Audrey, Grace, James
Audrey: Kirk, Zach
Michelle: -

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