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January 12th 1984

Letter 500 and we're moving today.

You don't even know these exist, but it just makes this day that much more special to me. It's been a timeline of our history together from the day we met until now. I've gotten this far, so I might as well see how far I can go.

It's been a few months since we graduated from high school, since you asked me to move in with you. Another happiest day of my life might I add :) Besides when you took me back after I told you I loved you too.

I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have found someone like you.

There's been a lot of ups and downs and I know there's going to be more to come. Nothing is ever going to be easy for us, but as long as I'm with you, I don't mind the struggles.

You're calling my name, baby. Write you tomorrow.


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