The Moon Series - Series 3. My King

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My heart melts for you, only you.
It is no longer beating in my chest, but it has flowed to you, only you.

I can't think of anything, anybody, or anywhere when I see a glimpse of you, only you.

My stomach gets butterflies by seeing you smile, only you.

My eyes get shy when I see them meeting the eyes of you, only you.

I flip my hair, proudly, even if I see a photograph of you thinking, that someday you might become mine, only you.

I can't imagine the happiness of that day when we might be sitting under the moon turning its radiance from silver to love pink,
I want to experience that just with you, only you.

You have become my life, my laughter, my wet eyes, my fetish, my ride, my love, my day, my night, my moon, my sun, my rhythm of the heart, my sweet pain, my healer, and my complete soul are you, yes it's only you.

I Love you.

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