The Women Series - Series 1. A Hero

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I can do all the things you don't believe,

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I can do all the things you don't believe,

I can do all the things you can't see,

I can do all the things even if you don't want me to,

'Coz I'm a women and I'm a Hero.

I can be a rockstar,

I can be a doctor,

I can be a mother too 'coz it gives me utmost pleasure

I can do everything 'coz I'm a women and I'm a Hero.

I can burn a state,

I can be brutal,

I too have emotions and I too am brave,

I see things differently.

I can shoot tears,

I can smile in the worst pain.

I can do everything 'coz I'm a women and I'm a Hero.

I am beautiful,

I am strong,

I can withstand the strongest storm,

I can take risks and not only can bite my lips.

I can be superior in each way,

I can do everything 'coz I'm a women and I'm a Hero.

I can be a daughter to my father,

I can be a loyal wife to my husband,

I can care like no one does,

I can see the future,

I can rage a war,

I can even shed blood,

I can do everything 'coz I'm a women and I'm a Hero.

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