22.Family Reunion Pt. 2

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Ridiculous as it may sound but that's that;

I feel in love with him...
The entirety of him...
His laugh...
His crazy antics...
I was supposed to hate him but now it's the other way around.

Lucas' PoV

It's already 4:03 am as my men finished loading up the guns and ammo inside an not-so-suspicious moving van and there's no sarcasm there.

"Alright let's go" I yelled and slide myself back into the car.
The crisp wind of dawn was petting my gelled hair smoothly as if its some puppy.

As time passes, I grew more and more anxious as to what was happening to my beloved Y/n and our child.

I still haven't known the gender of our baby but the way Y/n acts,something tells me that it's a boy while she says that the baby's a girl because she would oddly stare at anything that's pink, be it baby pink or pastel pink;if it has pink on it she'll stare at it all the while caressing her swollen belly.

Its weird but I love it,she's the one for me,she's only for me and she is mine.

I hope that she's alright.


I looked at the clock as it struck at 4 am.

Lucas where are you?save me please.

I mentally begged even though he can't hear my pleads to him,I couldn't grasp the concept of loneliness anymore.

Given that there was no window in this hell hole,My only source of entertainment was the echoing sound of the water dripping from the bathroom.

I got this bad feeling that something's not right...like something horrendous is going to happen and yet I don't know what.


Homayghad Ahendjekdnxnsk thank you for the 1k reads guys😭😭😭

Sorry for not being able to update as of now since online classes have begun.

I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Thank you so much lovelies ❤️❤️😭👏🏻

Don't Touch Her,She's Mine (Yandere Lucas x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ