Powers(That they know). (Everyone has 2-4 powers)

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Some people have more then 4 powers. These people are seen as descendants of gods and they are also seen as being either royal or a god/Demi-god.

Logan: Ice. Experience-High
Logan: Water (Magic element). Experience-Very high
Logan: Invisibility. Experience-High

Patton: Can see people's emotions and feelings. Experience- Very high
Patton:  Wood (Magic element). Experience-Very high

Roman: Electricity. Experience-Low
Roman: Fire (Magic element). Experience-Medium (Almost high)

Virgil: Mind reading. Experience-High
Virgil: Vox (Magic element). Experience-Very high

Remus: Telekinesis. Experience-High
Remus: Metal (Magic element). Experience-High

Janus:Shape shift. Experience-High
Janus: Earth (Magic element). Experience-High

Remy: Control dreams(Sleep wise). Experience-Very high
Remy: Lightning (Magic element). Experience-Very high
Remy: Make people sleep: Experience-Very high
Remy: Telepathy. Experience-High

Emile: Teleportation. Experience-Very high
Emile: Wind (Magic element). Experience-Very high
Emile: Can see people's problems (Similar to Patton). Experience-Very high
Emile: Can make the red string of fait appear for everyone within a mile of him in all directions. Experience-Medium


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Roommates and soulmates{A Logicality, Remile, Demus and Prinxiety}Where stories live. Discover now