First day

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Patton's pov

Everyone was standing at the station waiting for the train. I was standing there with my older brother Emile. I looked around. I noticed that a couple people around my age were practicing their powers so I thought I'd practice mine. I looked at my brother and focused only on him. I read his emotions. His emotions were the normal: Exited and a little bit nervous. But I saw something new. In love. "So~" I said making Emile turn to me. "Who's the guy. I read your emotions and it said exited, nervous and in love. So who is he?" He looked away. He was quite obviously blushing. "Bye guys. Be good this year Remy and have a good year Virgil and Janus." We heard a female voice say from nearby. "Bye." We heard 3 voices say in unison. We saw a girl leave. Nearby stood 3 boys. "Hi Remy. Are you exited for the new year?" Emile said to one of the boys. He walked over followed by the other two boys. "Hey Emile. Yeah I'n exited. Oh hi Patton." Remy said. I met Remy the day before because I had to come to the school because my dad is the principal and Emile had to meet with the other guides. "Hi Remy. Who was that girl who came with you? Who are those boys with you? When are you going to ask my brother out?" I asked. I gestured to the two boys behind him. I pointed to my brother when I asked the last question. They were immediately flustered by my last question. "The girl who cane with me was my older sister Angelica.  These are my little brothers Virgil and Janus. A-Also w-what was that l-last q-question?" He said. He gestured to one boy then the other. By now Remy was bright pink. "Oh no not you hot topic." We heard a voice from behind us. "Oh shut up Princey." Virgil said. Remy elbowed him. "Virgil don't be rude." Remy said. Virgil looked annoyed. "Well Remy if you didn't know. This is Roman Prince. I don't like him." Remy looked for a moment before he shrugged. "Remus where are you? JDelightful is here." Roman said. A figure stepped out of the shadows. "Well aren't you sugar spice and and everything nice." Virgil spoke again. "Well aren't you rudeness sarcasm and... and..." Roman trailed off. Virgil crossed his arms. "No please do go on. If you can find a word that rhymes with sarcasm that makes sense I will shut up right now." Virgil said. We all heard a voice walk past. "Aren't you rudeness sarcasm and lacking enthusiasm." The voice said. We looked at where it came from. We looked at a boy reading a book and holding a cup. He noticed us all staring at him. He clapped his hands and disappeared. Remy looked up and told the boy to make himself visible. He did. Remy ran up to him and went on his knees. "Is that coffee please give me some. Can anyone get me coffee?" Remy stood up by the end.

Emile's pov

I clapped once without anyone noticing. I teleported to the nearest Starbucks and got an Americano coffee. I remember last year when we had a conversation he told me his favourite drink was the Starbucks Americano. I clapped again drink in hand. I teleported back to the station. Remy was still begging the mystery boy for coffee. I tapped his shoulder. This action made him jump. He turned and faced me. "Oh sorry Emile." He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's fine. Also I got you an Americano from Starbucks. I remember you telling me last year that the Starbucks Americano was your favourite drink." I said handing him the coffee. He hugged me. Just as he pulled away the train pulled into the station. We all stepped into the same compartment. The mystery boy joined us.

Patton's pov

"Salutations my name is Logan Sanders. Would it be alright for me to accompany you in this compartment to school?" He said. I nodded, "That'd be ok." I said. Everyone else nodded. "Thank you." He said again. Remy and Emile looked at each other for a second before they both started laughing. "Remy isn't this the exact group that we are the guides for?" Emile asked. Remy nodded. "Yas gurl I think it is." Remy spoke very strangely but that only happens when he drinks coffee. I was bored so I wanted to do something. "Remy t or d?" I asked. I had something planned for both truth and dare. "Dare." He said. I chuckled. "I dare you to say a pick-up line to my brother." I said. I watched as Remy and Emile blushed deeply. "Ok." Remy said Reluctantly. "Hey Emile?" He said. I watched exited. "Yeah Remy?" Emile asked confused. "I see why they called you Emile cause you a snack." Remy said. He booped Emile on the nose when he'd finished the line. Emile looked down to hide the deep red on his face. Remy just smiled at him. Remy looked at me just asking me if we could switch places. I nodded and we switched. Remy was now sitting next to Emile and Roman. I now sat in between Logan and Virgil. I slowly got tired and started to drift off to sleep.

Roommates and soulmates{A Logicality, Remile, Demus and Prinxiety}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora