You're welcome

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Logan's pov.

Patton was still hugging me. I don't know why but I'm getting a weird feeling from him like even though he's my friend we should be fighting. I still had his jacket on even though it is kind of small on me. The others came into the room after they noticed that my brother had left. I knew exactly why my parents and my brother hate me. It's because I'm not alive well not properly. I noticed the sun was setting which is a really good thing. "Hey guys it's time for dinner it's in the dining hall." Virgil said. I pulled away from Patton and nodded handing Patton his cardigan back. I stood up and went to Emile. "Hey Emile?" I whispered looking at him. Emile turned to me. "Hey what's up Logan?" Emile asked. "Umm I need the key for the cupboard because I can't really eat and what I can eat is in the cupboard." I explained. He tilted his head but shrugged it off. "Here you go. But I recommend you still join us in the dining hall I'll stay here with you and take you there after." Emile said handing me the key. I nodded and unlocked the door. I reached for a 'special' bag that I bought with me. I took out a flask of a claret red liquid. Emile looked at me concerned. "Is that alcohol or what I really think it is?" Emile asked. He sounded scared. "I am legitimately 14 do you think I would be drinking alcohol? Also it depends what you think it is." I said. He looked scared. "What do you think it is?" I asked him. "Is it b-b-blood?" He asked stuttering out of fear. "Yes." I spoke seriously. His look of fear changed to a look of pure horror. "Yes I'm a vampire but I am very against drinking human blood except for the odd occasion when animal blood isn't filling enough. But this is blood from a deer. Please don't tell anyone." I explained begging. He calmed down before his look turned to pure concern. "I won't tell anyone but the one person you can not let know about this is Patton. He hates vampires with a capital hates." Emile said. This got me thinking. But Patton doesn't seem like he could hate anyone or anything. Especially someone like a vampire. Unless... no he couldn't be... could he. Maybe I should ask Emile I mean they are brothers he would know right? I decided to ask Emile about my theory. "Hey Emile is Patton a werewolf?" I asked quietly but still loud enough for him to hear. "H-How did you f-figure that o-out?" Emile asked as we made our way to the dining hall. I took a sip of the blood. "Well Patton doesn't seem like he could hate anyone or anything especially something undead like a vampire unless he is the supernatural creature that is the immortal enemy of vampires." I explained in a monotone voice. He gave a small nod. "But please try not start anything with him. The only things he ever argues with are vampires. If he knew you were a vampire there's no telling what he would do." Emile begged. I nodded. "I can try but I can't promise anything." I said sincerely. "Well as long as you try that's all I can ask of you." Emile said as we approached the door to the dining hall. I took another sip of blood. This time it got around my mouth so I licked it off. We walked into the hall and saw our friends immediately. We walked over to them and sat down. I sat next to Patton to try and prove that I will try not start any arguments. Emile sat next to Remy and they all started eating. I just discreetly took another sip of blood. Patton opened his mouth to speak I'm guessing before he closed it. I couldn't help myself. "What you got something you wanna say you little flesh eater." I said angrily. "Oh shut up you neck biter." He said in response sounding annoyed. "How'd ya know?" I asked. "What you think I didn't notice you're reaction to the lights or the little dots on your neck or how pale you are and you must be an idiot if you think I didn't notice you drinking that flask of blood in your hands." He said in a somewhat cocky way. I hissed at him accidentally showing my fangs but I didn't want to hide them. "Alright alright. Don't get your fangs in a twist." He said in a teasing tone. I took a gulp of blood from the flask. Although because I drank a bit more this time it stained my teeth. "Just shut up both of you." Emile said. "Logan you said you wouldn't argue with him." Emile said. I snickered. "Correction I said I would try not to argue with him but I can't promise anything. And I did try but it's so difficult when he is my immortal enemy." I explained. Emile gagged at the sight of my blood stained teeth. Remy covered Emile's eyes. Patton and I were silent before he spoke. "So are you a real vampire or a ridiculous fledgling?" Patton scoffed. "Oi fledglings are no less of an actual vampire. But I am an actual vampire. By the way Patton it's the blue moon tonight." I said in an annoyed tone. "Oh damn it. I have to talk to your kind like a stupid omega would." Patton said. "Wait what rank are you then?" I asked curiously. "That's kinda complicated because my birth mother was an alpha and my birth father was a beta. So I'm a mix between beta and alpha." Patton explained. I nodded. "Ok well Patton I know we don't get along but I saw some fledglings talking to some Omegas. And I heard them talk about an alliance they have and a plan to take down normal vampires and the other ranks. Just thought I'd warn you." I said. He nodded. "Ok thanks Lo." Patton said gratefully. "Oh well it's no problem." I replied with a hint of surprise in my voice at the nickname. "Ya know what you're not that bad." Patton spoke after a minute of silence. "Oh well neither are you I supposed. Also I'm terribly sorry for my rude outburst earlier." I apologised. Patton nodded. "Me too." Patton said. He gave me a small hug. I hugged him back. I continued to drink from the flask small sips at a time while Patton wolfed down (Pun intended.) his cookies. You know what I'm glad that our friends know. "I'm extremely confused I thought nobody could ever have a worse argument then me and Princey here." Virgil spoke cautiously. "I'm a werewolf and Logan is a vampire. Does that explain the argument?" Patton explained. "By the way what kind of blood it that?" Patton asked pointing at the flask. "Deer blood." I said simply. "Oh ok." Patton said. I finished the blood and stood up. "Well now that our secrets have been revealed I shall take my leave." I said leaving the hall. A few seconds later Patton came out and hugged me. "Thanks for reminding me. And for giving me my cardigan back." Patton said. I hugged him. "You're welcome."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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Roommates and soulmates{A Logicality, Remile, Demus and Prinxiety}Where stories live. Discover now