Under the Surface

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Dear Diary,

It's been almost 2 months since the skyscraper fire. Pruitt made a full recovery after collapsing and Travis is almost ready to come back to work. The first few days after the fire, I spent almost all of my free time at the hospital. I bounced between Travis' room and Pruitts, keeping them company and updated on everything going on at 19. They really had me worried for a while, so needless to say I'm glad they've both recovered well. Oh, also we have a new captain! His name is Robert Sullivan and he has a serious stick up his ass. He gave me a hard time about working at 19 since I'm not a firefighter and tried to have me removed from the team. Luckily Chief Ripley had my back. He sat Sullivan down, pulled up my records, and showed him that I have more saves, and a higher rate of good outcomes than anyone else on the team. Apparently that was enough proof for Sullivan to trust me and realize that I am actually a valuable member of the station 19 team, not just some kid looking for a part time job.

Anyway, I guess that brings me to today. I brought a patient into Grey Sloan with Andy and Dean. Miller kept looking for reasons to stay at the hospital and Andy finally realized that it was because he was into Dr. Pierce. I couldn't help but laugh, knowing full well that Maggie is seeing someone. I probably should've told him, but hey, it was waaaay more fun to watch him get all awkward and flirty. I was only going to stay quiet about it for a few minutes, but then we found out that our patient's son had gone missing and we sprang into action.

We got the call that the little boy, Max, had run off and fallen into a storm drain. Ryan called in for backup from an SFD rescue team. Dean, Andy, and I ran back to the rig, and even though it's against protocol let Max's dad ride with us in the aid car. Maggie and Deluca decided they were going to come too and met us at the scene. When we got there the rest of 19 had already started search and rescue.

As we gathered the supplies we needed Andy, Maya, and I chatted. Andy was complaining about her dad and said that she realized she needed to move out of his house, so she doesn't live there another 30 years. Maya was quick to agree and told Andy that she should move into her place. Maya then looked at me and said that while we were on the topic of needing to move out of our parents' houses, it was probably time for me to move out too. Andy immediately agreed, telling me not to end up like her and said I should get out while I could. Maya reminded us that she lives alone in a beautiful 3 bedroom place and that she had already decided we were moving in there. So... I guess I'm moving in with Andy and Maya? Ha, this is going to be an interesting conversation to have with mom. She got used to me being away for college so I'm hoping it's not too big of a deal. At least Maya only lives 15 minutes away by car, not 6 hours away by plane.

Anyway, we made it back to the scene and Jack gave us an update on the cameras they had lowered into the pipes. Ryan came over to get an update too. Maya and I looked over at Andy. She and Ryan broke up a few weeks ago and they hadn't seen each other since. I definitely understand how awkward it can be to see your ex for the first time after a break up. I ran into Connor the other day at our favorite coffee shop. He must have been home to celebrate his sister's birthday. We made eye contact, and kinda waved but it was so awkward that I got my matcha latte to go and just left with my backpack full of work I had fully intended to do at the cafe. So needless to say, I felt for both Ryan and Andy.

Sullivan called everyone together to discuss the plan of attack. He put Maya in charge of the engine and said that if anyone had to harness up and go down into the drains, it was going to be her. I hopped back in the aid car with Miller, and Hughes, and Deluca came with us. Dean started talking about Maggie again and Deluca and I looked at each other smirking. I let him break the news that Maggie is off the market. Dean immediately turned around to yell at me asking why I hadn't told him earlier. I reminded him that we got a little busy, gesturing at the scene around us.

We got to the drain access and Deluca recommended we set up a decontamination station for once Max was out. Sullivan agreed and sent him, Dean, and Vic to make it happen. He asked me to stay at the access point to monitor the situation and be the first to assess Max once he was brought up. They were getting Maya ready to go down and get him but got slowed down by an issue with her oxygen line. As they were fixing her line Andy, being Andy, jumped into the drain. I yelled down asking what the hell she was doing. Obviously she didn't get Max and then we had to rescue her from the drain. It was a really risky move and it didn't pay off. Not only was Sullivan upset with her for breaking protocol, but Maya was really mad. She wasn't just  upset that Andy did something reckless, but that Andy didn't let her go down like she was supposed to. Maya felt like she didn't trust her to do her job.

Finally we lowered a ring down into the access point for Max to grab onto so we could lift him up. He was too scared to grab it and his dad tried to talk to him but was only making the situation worse. Andy finally pulled the dad aside and told him that he needed to tell Max the truth about his mom, that she was dying. I could tell that this call, this family, was bringing up memories and feelings about her own mom. Mrs. Herrera died a few years before I moved to Seattle but Andy used to talk about her sometimes when we were younger and I saw pictures of her around their house.

After a long search and rescue mission we got Max out of the storm drain and safely back in his dad's arms. We packed up all of our equipment and sent the engine and ladder back to the station while Dean, Andy, and I got back in the aid car and took Max to the hospital. We stuck around to see how he was doing and that actually gave Dean a chance to talk to Maggie. While they were chatting I pulled Andy aside to check in.

"You doing okay after that call?" Mattie asked as she pulled Andy to the side of the hall.

"What you mean after having to get rescued by the team cause I broke protocol and totally pissed off my boss? Yeah, never better" Andy quipped back with a laugh.

"I mean yeah there was that," Mattie said. "But I meant more with the case itself. I heard you talking to Max about missing your mom."

Mattie saw a twinge of pain in Andy's face, "oh you heard that.. Yeah I'm fine. It's just sad to think about sometimes ya know?"

"Yeah I know. If it was his dad dying and not his mom, I wouldn't have been totally okay so I just wanted to ask."

Andy pulled Mattie into a hug, "Thank you."

As they parted Andy looked at Mattie and shook her head laughing, "you really are the little sister I never had, huh?"

Back at the station Maya, Andy, and I were getting changed in the turnout room while Andy was venting about Ryan. She finally realized that Maya was mad at her and I just kinda stepped back and pretended I wasn't there while they yelled at each other. Maya didn't want to yell at Andy so she said she was going to turn in early. I could tell Andy felt bad and she wanted to go after her to talk, but I stopped her, knowing that it would only make matters worse. Instead Andy asked me to check on her; even when they're fighting she still wants to know she's okay.

I went to Maya's bunk and knocked on the doorway. She was getting her things situated and clearly still stewing. She asked if Andy sent me. I admitted that she had and told her that Andy knew she messed up, and just wanted to check on her. Maya asserted that she was fine, but I knew she wasn't. She looked up at me and could tell I wasn't buying it. She sighed and explained that it just sucks. It sucks that Andy didn't trust her. I told her I understood, and that it was a totally valid feeling. But I also told her that I'm sure Andy wasn't thinking that she couldn't trust her. She probably wasn't thinking at all. That made Maya laugh a little. I could tell she was still annoyed but figured things would be better in the morning, so I left her alone and went to bed myself.

I'm realizing living with them, as necessary as it is for me to get out of my childhood bedroom and as fun as it's going to be, is going to involve a lot of me being the middleman when they fight. Ugh. Anyway, it's been a long day so far and the shift isn't over yet, so I'm going to get some sleep while I can. God knows I'll need it if I'm telling mom about my move tomorrow.


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