Chapter 1

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"Is she alive?"

A voice pierced the silence of her mind, curious and inquisitive.

"You know perfectly well she is,"

"Can I go poke her? Just to make sure."

"You moonlicker, you don't go around poking dead bodies, I thought you already knew that,"

"HA! You said she wasn't dead before,"

A sigh from the second dragon. Then the first one said:

"But she isn't moving, and she was beaten up pretty good, left in the desert too."

"The healer would have told us if she had died,"

"Wait. Look! I saw her breathe,"

"Should we wake her? She's been sleeping for a few days now,"

"Fine, go ahead,"

She could hear the two dragons talking, arguing about something. Was it her? The desert? What were they talking about?

Suddenly, a talon touched her shoulder, tapping twice. What was that!?

She jumped up, surprised at the contact of scales against her own. She fell off a stone bench, landing with a thump on the hard gray floor of the cave. Ouch!

Her eyes flashed open, taking in the rather unimpressive view of the room she was in. She was in a stone cave, big enough for five, no, six full-grown dragons at maximum, with three slabs of paler stone set in the middle, one after another in a neat row. She had been lying on the one furthest to the left, and it was the only one laden with large green leaves.

The walls were circular, sloping smoothly upwards in a graceful arc, coming to a small metal lamp inlaid into the ceiling. The lamp cast a faint orange glow, illuminating the two dragons by the doorway, looking at her with reproachful and curious expressions.

They were quite similar, expressions, and with how they stood, they could be twins if they weren't from different tribes.

The one who had first wondered if she was alive (she guessed anyway, she hadn't seen him speak yet) was a small MudWing, his stature smaller than an average dragonet, and had very pale brown scales, his underbelly was a startlingly dark. He had dark brown eyes, almost black, that seemed to be mocking her in a kind way.

The second dragon was almost identical in every way, with the same colours and stature, but the most noticeable difference was his eyes. Bright orange and that seemed to be looking into her soul.

The first dragon began talking:

"Hello," He began reproachfully, "What's your name?"

"Why should I tell you?" She retorted, not trusting these strangers. "And who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?"

"Okay, okay, calm down!" The orange-eyed dragon said. "You must be wondering who we are and since you so bluntly asked, I'll tell you."

She relaxed a bit at this, the SilkWing had a calming voice. He continued.

"My name is Weasel, and this MudWing is-"

"Mink." The MudWing interrupted. "I can say my own name, thank you very much Weasel."

Mink gave a kind glare at the dragon beside him.

"As he was saying, the MudWing beside my twin, and try not to mess us up," He said with a grin.

"Can you tell me where I am now? And why?" She demanded, wanting answers.

Weasel spoke: "Hold up, Miss Curious, you have to tell us your name, it's only fair now that you know ours."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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