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Drip drip drip was all I could hear as I was waking up panic filled my body where am I what is this place I tried to look around but all I could see was darkness no shrewd of light anywhere my hands start to feel what's around me the cold stone was all I felt my heartbeat quickens "hello" I called out wanting to hear a friendly reassurance in this horrible place but why I think I would get that I don't know guess just hoping "hello" I called out again more desperate still no reply my mind starts racing to try to think about the last thing I remembered and then it all came back to me the car I was in the car

7 months ago

"You need to get this in your head Elizabeth otherwise you won't make it," the officer said to me

"I'm sorry it's just all moving too quickly I haven't had time to breathe, where are my parents are they ok?" I asked

The officer turned to me with sympathy in his eyes "I know this is hard but you must try your parents are fine. you know there is to be no more contact with them till this man is taking to court so say it all to me one more time just so I know you have got it" he said

"My name is Jane Gardner my parents died in a house fire 4 years ago I live with my mum's old school Katie friend and her husband Frank we have just moved into the village, I attend the local college where I study photography," I said relaying all the new information I have been told about my new life I don't want a new life I don't want to be Jane Gardiner I want to be Elizabeth smith

"why I am doing photography at college I have no idea I know nothing about photography I was doing literature," I said

"That's the point you're meant to not be you, you will soon pick it up along the way"

Oh yeah I'm not Elizabeth anymore Elizabeth did literature I'm Jane now and Jane apparently is aspiring to be a photographer

"Anyway we're hoping you won't have to hide for too long, A year at the longest"

My face dropped "a year at the longest I was hoping 3-months would be all it took" I complained

"You have to be patient we are trying too hard as we can the man your dad messed is a big deal it won't be easy for us to find him especially now we have three witnesses to the crimes he has committed he will be hiding in some hole somewhere"

I didn't mean to sound ungrateful I really am grateful for all this officer has done for us in the last 10 hours but a year of not being who I really am and not being with my family and not even being able to talk about them or even the real me breaks my heart. I just want this all to be over with and forgotten about

"I know thank you for all your help" I smiled at him

"There's more I've got to tell you there's someone I need you to meet," he told me

I was so confused who is it I am meeting it might be this Katie and Frank that are my new guardians, I was taken to a private room I assume it's one of the rooms like they used for questioning and in there stood a tall blonde boy who looks like he must be a few years older than me, I wonder what he's got to do with me

"Jane meet your twin Luke," the office said I scrunched my face in confusion what I have a twin brother now we don't even look related

"Luke works with us he will be your bodyguard while you are you in hiding he will be joining you on your photography course and please no telling each other what your real names are," the officer said I still stand there confused

"How are we supposed to be twins when we don't even look related if there was an award for the least look-alike twins we would win it," I said

"Actually we wouldn't because I'm guessing you would have to be actual twins to enter," luck said a great he's one of these guys the type of guys that have to make a ca comment like that.

"Well Luke for however long I am stuck being Jane Gardiner you are my twin and I think a few people or notice different we look"

"There's plenty of unidentical twins," he said

"We don't even look like we could pass as cousins let alone unidentical twins," I told him

"Stop," the office said looking at both of us with a tired expression "it will be fine don't worry Jane"

"Ok," I said

"Right now, we get you to your next location come on," the officer says while walking out the door. Next location I hope a bed I am exhausted Luke walks past me "come on sis" he says on his walk out the door, I follow after him "don't call me that" I said

"Why not that's what you are my sister," he says without looking me just keep looking ahead along the corridor we are walking down "Jane Gardner is your sister, not me" I've never had a brother or sister always been just me. I remember one time when I begged my mum and dad for a sister but they were quite happy with only the one child.

"That is you. Jane is you and I am your brother" he said plain and simple Jane is me now.

"Yeah, I am," I say not being able to hide the sadness in my voice. Why did my dad have to get involved with that gang? I know we were desperate for money but at least right now, we would have been together as a real family, not just some strangers all stuck together pretending to be a family.

" I know this can't be easy for you but it's the only way to keep you and your family safe", Luke said

"I know it is"

We reached the end of the corridor and reached a door It looked like a fire exit door. The officer opened it up. I felt the cold air hit my face it was very refreshing I hadn't noticed how stuffy it was in here. Outside was a black car waiting.

Hidden WitnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang