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*kyle pov

it's been 4 years since my and the guys fell out with stan, life without him is really hard and has only been made harder by my parents and ike moving to jearsy leaving me a broke ass college student living in a house all by myself but enough wallowing in my shame i should probbably get up and make breakfast and see if butters and kenny want to hang out at tweak bro's

*phone ringing, phone id:mcwhoredick

[bold=kyle italics=kenny]

"whats up kenny"

"nothing much but me and the butterfly wanna do somthing"


"ugh.... butters"

"ok...... tweak bros?"

"sure, see ya then"

im got dressed and headded straight towards tweak bros while on the way there i saw my ex sbf with his manipulative girlfriend, when she saw me she ran up to me

wendy: hey kyle, what are you doing here

me: walking, its a free counrty right?

wendy:dont you fucking dare come near me or stan ever again 

me: why would i want to?

wendy: you think you hid it well?

me:hid what *visibly sweating*

wendy:just keep away from my man fag

those words broke me... how did she know, I only told stan when he was drunk and he never remembered, the only people who know are kenny, butters, craig and tweek but none of them would tell her.I need to get to tweak bros i ran the 3 more blocks to tweak bros and saw that they were devoid of customers, all i could do was run in and break down after craig calmed me (he was remarkably good at it)

craig:jesus what happened

me:i....ah....sh..she fff...foun...she found out

tweek:who found out what

me: wendy 

craig: oh shit...what if she tells stan?

tweek:or the fatass

craig:or the lgbtk

tweek:why didn't they come after us again

craig:somthing about us being glue for the town

me:what am i going to do 

*kenny and butters walk in hands in eachothers pockets

butters:well heya fellas

all: hey butters

kenny:don't forget about me

craig:we've got bigger issues

tweek: yea no shit, wendy found out kyles secret

kenny:jesus man,

kenn, craig and tweek continue talking about what we are going to do when butters came and took me to the back and sat me down

butters:i.....i have to you something

me:*between sobs* what

butters: remember awhile ago when cartman kidnapped me for like a week

me:*still sobbing* which time?

butters:after graduation, anyway

💥rape and toture ahead💥

*flashback frombutters pov*

i was stuck in a black room tied up in a chair

a deep voice: hello butters

me:who are you?, where am i?, and why the heck am i naked 

the voice moves closer revealing it to be cartman

eric: you are going to tell me everthing you know about the jew

me:why would i do that eric

eric:because my buyer will not take no for an answer

me: i won't tell you anything about kyle

eric: i thought you'd say that, so you have 3 options the easy way, the dangerous way or "my way"

me: kyle is my friend and i won't tell you nothing 

cartman then picked me up out of the chair and brought me to a tub, he hung me upside down and then turned on the tap above it it slower filled up and he repeatedly shoted "what do you know" i refused to speak i after it reached my nose he let it sit for a minuite before he brought me to a chair where he... he....he

*end of flashback*

*kyle pov*

me:you dont have to go on

butters:but,but kyle i told him everything and now the lgbtk are going to be after you 

me:i would have folded way before you did 

butters: thank you

when we were about to walk out when we saw cartman and his homophobic crew looking aroud

eric:we got news from someone that the jewfag is here

craig: eric we only have like 2 jews in south park and if kyle was gay he would've told us

tweek:look eric we already pwe you a lot for not killing us, so why would we help this "jewfag"

eric:fine but if you find him tell me, right?

tweek:of course 

eric:also kenny if you see butters, tell him to get out of south park and don't talk to the jew 

kenny:sure, on one condition


kenny: tell me why

eric:because he's a crossdressing bi bitch fag

kenny:oh ok..... WAIT BUTTERS IS BI?

eric: yeah, why do you care

kenny:im surprised

eric proceeded to leave and me and butters left the back to where tweek was barely not having a panic attack. i wished that this had never happened i wish i had moved university to jearsy with mom and dad, i wished i wasn't a diry, evil faggot

725 words

why do you do this to him (stlye south park fanfic {smut})Where stories live. Discover now