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you and hongjoong have been meaning to start watching [insert your favorite show], so when you finally do, you don't move for HOURS. hongjoong even has food delivered so you two don't have to leave. eventually, you fall asleep on the couch together.

mingi told seonghwa about this show called [insert your favorite show], and he really wanted to watch it. so on one of his off days, he told you about it and you started watching it, and couldn't stop. you ended up going to bed right as the sun was coming up.

you showed yunho this one show that you wanted to start, and he agreed. about 5 episodes in, however, he started getting restless. he keeps burying his face in your neck and leaving kisses, trying to distract you. it works. how could you ignore him?

you and yeosang don't have the intention of binging [insert your favorite show]; it just kind of happens. you decided to watch a couple episodes and, next thing you know, you're struggling to stay awake as the clock reads 4:13 am

san isn't really one for binge-watching, so while you do, he keeps you company. he works on his laptop until suddenly, he feels your head hit his shoulder. he scoops your sleeping self up and takes you into the bedroom, where he tucks you in and places a kiss on your forehead.

mingi decides to binge a show with you, just to make you happy, but he ends up loving it more than you do. you fall asleep on his lap and he absentmindedly plays with your hair as he watches 2 whole seasons. you wake up the next morning and he's still going strong.

wooyoung and you started [insert your favorite show] to set the mood for a netflix-and-chill, but in the end that never happened. you both got caught up in actually watching the show and didn't stop until it was over.

jongho had never seen [insert your favorite show], so you decide to show it to him! you set up a whole table of snacks and drinks to last you, and once you were cozy in each other's arms, you started. you ended up falling asleep, popcorn still in your guys' lap.

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