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[scenario: you can't sleep, so ateez helps you out]
sorry, these reactions will be a bit longer than my usual!

you absentmindedly play with the blankets, and the motions wake hongjoong. "what's up?" he says, spooking you. "ah! sorry, joongie, i didn't mean to wake you, i just-" he takes your hand under the covers. "shh, it's okay, i don't mind. he rubs his thumb in circles on the top of your hand, which strangely calms you.

you feel your eyelids get heavy, and you turn to hongjoong, placing your head on his chest. with his other hand, he slowly strokes your hair. "shh," he whispers softly, eventually lulling you off into a deep sleep.

sighing, you stare at the ceiling. why couldn't you sleep? it was 2 am, you had worked all day, and you'd even cleaned the house. yet your energy levels were through the roof. you didn't even notice that you were tapping your fingers on your thigh. that was, until you hear seonghwa groan next to you.

"yahhh, y/n, why are you awake?" you bite your lip, trying to think of an answer. "come here, let's sleep." he opens his arms, and you scoot closer as his warm arms envelope around you, calming you to the point of slumber.

after what seemed like hours of counting sheep, you slowly get out of bed, being careful not to wake yunho. you sneak into the kitchen, turning on lights as you find a snack. you happily prepare instant noodles when you hear a door creak. there, you see a shirtless yunho, bedhead and all.

"hi," he croaks in a raspy voice, and you smile as he makes his way to the stove, hugging you from behind. "are you gonna share?" you chuckle as you get an extra pair of chopsticks from the drawer. "for you? always." he kisses the top of your head and you guys dig into the noodles.

you wake up tangled in yeosang's arms, your face in his chest. the room was... still dark? you groan silently as you question everything. why were you up? nothing had woken you. you glance up at yeosang, only to see him sleeping soundly, a small, content smile on his lips. without thinking, you kiss him.

he wakes up slowly, and is kind of shocked. you realize what you did, and you hear him softly chuckle before pulling you closer, his body warmth making you drift off to sleep before you know it.

you sing songs in your head, trying to convince yourself to go the heck to sleep. luckily, san feels you squirming, and he wakes up too. "is everything okay, jagi?" you nod as you both sit up. "yeah... i just... i cant sleep!" he smiles as an idea comes to mind, and he reaches for the tv remote.

"are you down to watch 50 First Dates?" you gasp as you nod. this man knew you so well. he kisses your nose and puts it on. you snuggle into his arms, and before you know it, the movie is over. you end up falling asleep on his chest, his breathing like a lullaby.

at around 2am, something feels different. your eyes flutter open and the bed is... cold? where is mingi??? you groan, because you know you can't sleep without his warmth. it takes forever, but you finally awaken to a point where you can get out of bed. walking into the living room, you see mingi on the couch, watching a drama.

"mingiiiiii," you groan, joining him on the sofa and burying your head in his chest. "why'd you leave, i was cold and lonely!" he kisses your cheek. "i'm sorry, jagi, i couldn't sleep." you stick your tongue out at him. "well, now I CAN'T either. so you're stuck with me."

you sigh to yourself as wooyoung holds you close, his soft snores filling the room. you loved him, so so so much, but sometimes, his snoring meant you had to sacrifice a good night's sleep. without thinking, you kiss his chest, and he stirs in his sleep. "mmmmm~" he groans, making you chuckle.

his snoring ceases as he turns on his back, lightly pulling you closer. you gently put your head on his chest. "mmm... love you, jagi," he says, and you can't tell if he's dreaming or partially awake. you place another small kiss on his exposed chest and drift off to sleep in his arms.

jongho was a HEAVY sleeper. meaning, if you couldn't sleep, you could sneak out of his arms and he wouldn't notice. which was exactly what you were doing now. you sneak away into the living room where you pop on [insert your favorite show], making sure the volume wasn't too loud. then, you hear a groan.

a zombie-like jongho stumbles out of the room, walking over to you and putting his head on your shoulder. "come back to bedddd, i need cuddles," he whines. you chuckle, kissing his lips as you shut off the tv and lead him back to your bed.

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