Chapter 18

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Belle's POV

As I take another step forward, the automatic doors move apart slowly, granting me to enter.

The smell of the hospital is so distinct, reaching my nose I choke a little on the uncanny smell. Putting a hand just above my lips.

"Hello, Belle." Davids voice calls, "thankyou for coming." He then adds as I walk over to him.

"Hello, David. Snow." I reply politely. "So, what do you need me for?" 

"We want to know if you could take care of Henry. You see, Emma's not capable of it, We're staying here with her and Regina... well... don't get me started with that cow..." Snow answers, trailing off when she starts to get in a rag with the though of such the evil figure.

I choke a little on the air I'm breathing. "Me?" I shout aloud, unintentionally.

"Y-yes. We've asked others, but they can't. Please?" David pleads, then holding onto Snow as she starts to get emotional.

No! No way! I want to shout, but I bite my tongue. They need my help, I shouldn't let them down. "Yes, okay." I smile.

"Great, thank you." He says, nodding. Almost unable to smile back.

They turn to go into the room and I follow them, walking over to the seat where Henry is. I stare at Emma for a little while, just feeling every little bit of sympathy I have for her. I kneel down and start to whisper. "I'll be looking after you for a while, okay?" I grin, grabbing his small hand a shaking it. He doesn't smile, he doesn't speak. Just stares over at the hospital bed.

"Come on, I think you've spent too much time here." I then say, standing up. Then, shockingly, he nods and copies my actions, grabbing my hand as we walk out together.

We walk in silence for such a long time, my mind's set on Henry for now. I even walked passed Rumple's shop without giving a second look... maybe.

When we get to my room, I open the door and pick him up. Throwing him on the bed causes him to squeel a little, but smile too. When I shut the door and turn back, he's back to his unhappy self again.

"Come on, I'll get you some juice." I say, walking into the kitchen and pouring some orange into a glass for him. When I walk back in, he throws his backpack to the floor and gets comfy. "Here." I offer, passing him the drink.

"Thankyou." He says quietly, his voice cracking as though he hasn't used it in years.

"You're welcome!" I express my joy, when jumping on  the bed next to him. My arms wrap around him as he puts his head into my shoulder and lets out many tears.

"Hey, hey, hey." I say, rubbing his back as he starts to sob. "Emma, she's fine. She's alive, she's just recovering. You need to think a little less about her and a more about you, because spite the fact your mom's had an accident, everything else is working out fine, right?" I attempt to sooth his pain, just like Rumple would to me...

Successfully, he pulls away, nodding. 

"Now, I heard you had a story book, Am I right? That's about our old land?" I question him, taking his mind off things.

Wiping his tears, he begins to talk. "Yeah, I do. Want t'see?" His voice sounding much more happier than it was before.

"Of course I do, silly. Show me the book! Am I in it?" 

He gets his bag then pulls out a brown leather-like book, placing it down beside me. Once upon a Time. 

"You are!" He smiles to me, flipping through the pages. It takes him some time, but he finally seems satisfied with a page. He lifts up the book and shows me the picture. It's got a girl with a blue dress at the top of some ladders, with a green man standing below her, watching up.

It doesn't take me long to realise who it is. 

"So, erm, you know about what happened with me and Rumplestiltskin?" I hesitantly ask, blushing at the sight of the picture.

"Yeah. It was quite sad actually. There's one thing that confuses me. Why did you love him?" He asks, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Oh, Henry, my dear boy. Love is a magical thing. The best part about it... is that it's a mystery. You never know who you'll fall for untill you do. It's honestly a great thing to have... to feel. It just... happens." I reply, almost dazing off, thinking about back when I was telling Rumplestiltskin a similar story.

"A bit like my mom loves August?" He asks, breaking me out of my thought bubble.


"Pinocchio!" He shouts, as though it's an obvious thing.

"Yes, just like that." I say, not having a clue who he is. Snow was right. I think again. She does have someone. 

He starts to yawn and rubs his eyes. It's only 12pm. 

"Come on, Henry. You're tired. You lay in bed and I'll read you one of these stories?" I suggest, putting my hand out for him to place the book into.

He looks at me funny for a second, then nods and passes me the book. "Okay." He yawns. I smile, finally being able to read something again.

He crawls under the covers and lays down, closing his eyes. "Read me the one about my grandparents. Read me the Snow White and Prince Charming story." His tired voice kindly asks.

I giggle a little before laying back and opening the book. 

"Once upon a Time..."

Thanks for reading guys, sorry for the short chapter, promised I'd do one every day, but my head is bangingggg! So this was bound to be small and not as good, so I hope you liked it! The next chapter will be going back to just after Rumple got out the cup so don't be confused! Ahaa. Thanks for reading guys and I'd love to see what you thoughttt<3

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