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Dear Sotus Wattpad community, 

In the words of gearanon, as an avid reader within the Sotus Wattpad community, I have unfortunate news to share with you all.

As I am sure you know. SK2818 is back. She is now under the pseudo name LumiLumi17. Over the past few days, I have seen many authors speak out against LumiLumi and try to defend the rights and property of writers that are no longer active online only to be ignored by her.

As a reader in the Sotus Fandom, I cannot sit by and watch as real and hardworking writers are seen as bullies for speaking up to a real bully and a thief. This person has constantly manipulated the Sotus Fandom and is now calling this a "witch hunt".

I am a silent reader on this platform. I read stories from all fandoms and I never comment on anything. But in regards to this injustice, I could no longer sit still while LumiLumi17 continues to lie and tries to cheat everyone once again. This time, she is simply denying the allegations and calling them "coincidences". 

I don't wish ill will on anyone. I do not wish for people to send hate to anyone. But when a person continues to constantly do the same things it tells me that they are not growing and they certainly do not feel remorse. 

My heart hurts as a reader. I am disappointed in this person's character or lack thereof. As a Peraya fan I feel ashamed that this person is amongst our ranks. They do not take accountability for their actions. Their last apology was a slap in the face to this fandom, Krist and Singto, and the YunhoxJaejoon fandom and writers that she stole from and continues to steal from. 

Krist and Singto taught us to repent our actions and apologize with sincerity. To have this person as a Peraya fan is shameful. Maybe I am still hurt because of the new alligations that have been made but what is more heartbreaking is that she just recently uploaded a new chapter for her story Marriage Gear, which is once again plagiarizing the original work of the real author. 

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