LumiLumi17 Statements and My Challenge to Her

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Here are a few screenshots of LumiLumi17 replying to people's criticism. 

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To LumiLumi17 here is my challenge to you

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To LumiLumi17 here is my challenge to you. You claim that all these works on your page are indeed yours. Please show us proof. This is not a witch hunt we are not here to destroy you. All we want is that you take accountability for your actions. If you continue to post someone else's work at least give them credit where credit is due. You say that this is your work and you also claim to have a partner in several other replies who might have given you these "ideas". Show proof of that so that this person is held accountable instead if that person exists. 

I am not asking for an apology this is not what everyone here wants as it is clear you do not reflect on your actions and you do not mean any apology that you have given. At least be honest to yourself if not to your readers. These writers on this platform are not a joke and your readers are also not a joke. Take some accountability for your actions. I am begging you as a reader whose heart you have broken. Please give credit to the authors since you continue to use their work. Otherwise, delete those stories. 

To everyone else, I can only tell you this. 

As of today June 27, 2020, I would like to give everyone some hope. Do not be discouraged because there are many authors here that work hard to write their own stories. They might be fanfiction authors but none the less they work hard to give you the content you all love. At the end of the day, I think we should focus on them and highlight them instead of a person who continues to lie. I did not want to reach out to LumiLumi17 personally simply because anyone that has reached out has been met with the same excuses. 

I will leave this here for everyone to reflect on this and I hope you continue to support the Sotus Fandom, Krist and Singto, and everyone else on this platform.

Thank you for Your Time. 

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