chapter 3

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As me and leon walked in to the house it was swarmed with people and the music was blaring through the house "hey where the hell have you two been" Vince yelled as he saw us walk into the room "running from the cops duh and dom is gonna be pissed that you threw a party when he's not here I swear you must have a death wish" I replied back rolling my eyes at him for all we know dom could have gotten caught and they don't even seem to care instead of worrying they choose to throw a party i swear they are idiots cause dom will be pissed off  maybe they are hoping that he did get caught just so he doesn't yell at them for this "chill de it will be fine lets just have some fun ok princess" leon said as he smirked at me I cant lie when he said that it put me at ease and that nickname and the smirk he did sent  shivers down my spine "ok fine just let me go change quick I'll be back" I say as I run up to Mia's room since she has better clothes then me and start to to quickly pick something out and change (pic up top) "what are you doing laney" mia said causing me to jump "oh hey u scared me I'm just changing there's a party downstairs why are you up here"  " because vince is down there acting like an idiot flirting with other girls which is pissing me off cause I can't even have a normal conversation with a guy without him being an asshole but its ok for him to do that to me ugh I can't stand him... so I'm just gonna stay up here for now" she said huffing in frustration "I don't blame you hes a hypocritical ass I will never understand why you dated him in the first place oh and do you know where letty is" I say "yea I have no idea why I did either and letty is down there playing video games or something how did it go with leon today" she said practically smiling ear to ear "it was good i really like him I just hope  he feels the same and isn't playing me I should probably get back to him though bye m" " i don't think he would do that to you laney but yea go  we'll talk about it later seeya" she says  and I walk out of the room and back down stairs to try to find leon i finally see letty and jesse on the ground playing video games "hey guys have you seen leon" " no not since you went upstairs he's probably with vince somewhere oh and don't forget to tell me about your date later ok" she says still focusing on her game " yea tomorrow you me and Mia will go for lunch and talk" I say as I look over to see jesse staring at me with a big grin on his face "you look beautiful tonight de "he says blushing and smiling at me and i smile back and say thanks before walking off not wanting to stay over there any longer because it was getting kinda awkward   see jesse has probably been in love with me since I met him but I dont really like him that way I mean he's a great guy and he's cute but he's not what I usually go for
After what felt like hours I finally find  him but he's not alone hes got some blonde bitch hanging off of him and starts kissing her i felt my heart sink to the ground and my eyes well up with tears but I forced them back cause no way was I about to cry over him no I decided it would be better to drink the pain away maybe get even i think as I walk to the kitchen to get the vodka

Right when I was about to pour my 3rd drink dom comes in  yelling about the party with that guy brian no Brandon or was it John I can't remember oh well it hard to think straight after drinking 3 cups of just straight vodka and his yelling didn't help i get snapped out of my thoughts by jesse tapping my shoulder "hey you ok de "he ask smiling at me hes so cute and sweet why can't I like guys like him he would never try to play me like leon did I should just try it see if I'll like him after he already likes me i should try to like him back yea I can do that right " I'm great especially now that your here how about we go somewhere more quiet and talk please j" I whimpering in his ear as I press my body closer to his and take his hand leading him up my room when he nods his head nervously once we got up there I shut and locked the door once I did walked back to jesse and led us to the bed where I immediately pressed  our lips together it was sweet and gentle nothing like kissing leon but I continued any way cause maybe passionate isn't what I need especially not from someone who played me i need someone sweet like jesse I snapp out of my thoughts and focus back on jesse  soon it got heated and you can guess what it lead to

Hey guys sorry it's been  awhile my sister and mom just moved to Georgia so I was busy helping them pack and i wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with the story and was stuck so I decided to add some drama till I figure it out hope u guys like it
- Gina

Complicated  (leon fast and furious fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon