chapter 1

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lances pov:
it was my 1st day at Barb Academy. i hadn't made any friends throughout the day and was bullied in my math class for my trump hat. "just because i'm in love with donald i deserve to get body slammed?" i thought. a voice over the intercom interrupted my thoughts.

"hello students. this is your principal speaking. after school today there will be a gay-straight alliance meeting today after school. if you are interested, please make your way to the lunchroom. gay rights, period." the intercom cut off.

i thought about the announcement while putting my books in my backpack:

i thought about the announcement while putting my books in my backpack:

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(lances backpack)

i decided its was worth attending the meeting. i made my way towards the lunchroom like the principal had said. i found a small group of kids sitting at a table.

"hello, is this the gsa meeting?" i asked. one of the kids spoke up. "yasss it is uwu. do you like steven universe?" the kid asked. "no. what's your name?" i replied. "ok. my name is todoroki hehe xD". i scooted away from todoroki. "sorry i'm late" a voice said. i turned around to see a boy i recognized from one of my classes.

lancey pants: nick x lanceWhere stories live. Discover now