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A god governing a universe, raising another god for their duty. The universe was made very carefully, with Physics keeping the world intact. Events happen very frequently, and it always changes how the outcome would be like, but the gods made it in a way that it starts with a boom, and ends with nothing, eventually taking their god that they were raising and leave the universe alone. 

How does a god raise a god? It's a very bizarre question, but I'll explain things carefully for you. What happens is that a single piece of conciousness gets placed in the universe. What happens to it and why is there only one? Because all life that has happened and ever will, is only one person, and should only be one. Here's an example to get your mind wrapped around the idea. You are one peaceful girl living in New York, you are the one who assassinated her by a request and you were also the one who requested it. Everyone, is you. You end up playing all the roles that have been made and ever will. The god is being raised in a way that they are collecting experience and memories, very vast so they can be a god that can govern another universe of their own, and be the wisest that there has ever been.

When the conciousness dies in a life, they get sent in an empty black void. The black void is just nothing, an infinite space of nothingness. The governing god has a couple of things to do. First, they meet the conciousness. They shouldn't speak much, and only do what they should, and that is to take them and get all their memories separated from them, and be locked up deep within the black void. The stored up collection of memories constantly moves around the space, and it can be commanded by the governing god, meaning, they can move it around as they wish. Once the memories have been taken away, A deep hole just behind the conciousness is there, for the governing god to take them towards their next life. It's a portal to their new experience. But that all changes with this one boy that was so stubborn in their question, he managed to pull something incredible towards a god.

Cale, a quiet but stubborn boy living in New York, in the year 2053. Technology is very much more convenient than it is in 2020, and it's something that they can rely on. Kayla, a very trendy and social girl that also lives in New York, and is Cale's best friend. They're quite the good pair of friends as they have been for almost the entirity of their lives, and how well they compliment each other too.

News here, news everywhere. A war between two countries for their satellites suddenly crashing into each other and creating a disturbance in both the population relying on the satellite, and the near satellites in the same orbit as them. Constant accusations of both countries saying it was being controlled to intentionally crash into the other satellite.

"Hm, same news huh?"

Cale said, as he swiftly moves around his apartment room preparing for a meeting with Kayla outside. He goes in front of the mirror once more and handcombs his straight black hair upwards, and showing a look of doubt in front of him thinking that he looked messy and weird. He'd then open his door, loudly screeching in the entire hallway. He'd step outside and close the door behind him. All furniture, running water, and lights automatically turn off once he closed the door. Quite the convenient technology there.

"Message Kayla, I'm on my way now, are you on your way too?"

He spoke in the empty hallway as he made his way towards the staircase headed downstairs.


A robotic woman's voice responded, which came from his watch on his right hand. He then walked outside and went to the sidewalks towards the park, which was apparently mostly unoccupied as Kayla said to him. A transparent and constantly blinking red screen will occupy the near front of his left eye, with a 3d like arrow pointing to the south-east, indicating danger coming from that general direction. That was bad timing for the attacker since Cale was in a street corner, so Cale quickly strafed to the left, and ran towards that direction. 

The thing that notified him was an intelligent AI software connected to his eye chip notifying him of any danger coming from any direction, and is able to give analyzed conclusions to what has happened and predictions to what might happen. The eye chip is a nano-chip implanted near the eye and projects a transparent image to show the user what they ask for. You can install a lot of things in it, such as a connection to their phone, direct control to their belongings, and a couple of safety AIs, in which that was one of them. Widely popularized in 2052, for a breakthrough in AI technology, expanding it's range of sensibility.


Cale said as he continued running to avoid any more incoming attacks.

"Silenced Bullet from a rooftop of a 5-story building 3 blocks away. News came out that New York is being invaded by an unknown country. Multiple armed men coming from multiple directions, unknown status. Recommended to go to the park and meet-up with Kayla. Unlikely chance for a silenced sniper bullet to hit you again in the next 7 minutes."

The AI responded to him with the same robotic lady voice he heard from the hallway a couple of minutes ago. Cale took the recommendation and continued to run towards the Park, which shouldn't be that far away now. He then stopped running and just casually walked as if nothing happened. He thought it'll be better if he just pretended nothing happened in case the other approaching armed people are enemies and is looking for him. He was quite worried because of the 7-minute timer the AI gave him though. 

A loud static noice that lasted for a second ran through the entire city. Cale will quickly turn around to try and take a glance at the tower signal. He'd stop walking and raise his right hand to take a look at his watch to see if any online command still works. 

"Turn on the Television at home."

He commanded, but it didn't respond.

"Shit. They turned all the signals off."

He said, slowly being driven to a state of uncomfort. He'd continue walking, and the sight of Kayla from the other side of the road can be seen. Kayla's face seems really worried. Kayla will cross the pedestrian and run towards him.

"Cale! A person tried to shoot me and-"

The pink-haired girl's words get interrupted as she was running and speaking. It seems as if time went on slow motion for her vision, being in complete shock. A bullet from Cale's right making completely 0 noise, slowly making it's way towards his head.

"Oh Kayla it-"

His words stopped, his head being burst and pushed slightly to the left as blood quickly streamed down his skull, completely being unable to talk. Kayla will snap back to her senses, she'll quickly make her way and catch Cale's head as it quickly tried to get down on the ground. Kayla will frantically push away Cale's hair to the sides to see his eyes and try to talk to him, but Cale was completely unresponsive. He was dead. Kayla will grind her teeth, having mixed emotions. Mostly angry, and sad.

"Those bastards!"

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