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The Black Void. The empty and lifeless space one's life enters when they meet their inevitable death. It is the governing god's working place for managing the conciousness, which he thought was Cale. The governing god must be there with Cale when he dies, but in this case, the god isn't. The governing god was in a place quite far from their own black void.

"This will save all of us."

An unknown cloaked being spoke to the governing god. They raised their hands, pointing opposite of the governing god, summoning something in the governing god's exclusive Black Void. The governing god will turn around, and turn back again at the cloaked man.

"What did you do?!"

The governing god exclaimed, being frustrated and awfully curious. The governing god didn't like surprises, and he feels the need to know everything.

"I did something that will save all of us."

The unknown being said in a very soothing tone. The governing god was very confused. The governing god then sensed Cale arriving on the Black void.

"I have to get there quick."

Cale opened his eyes, being shocked to where he got sent to. He'd look around, left, right, up, and down. It was all black, but he was standing on something, but it was also black and seemed to be unbreakable matter. A very deep hole would form behind him, something very deep it's scary to even look at. Cale would be startled by this and walk back a bit from the forming hole. He'd stare blankly at it and start recollecting his thoughts.

"Did I die? Did Kayla die? Is World War III happening? Where am I? All these questions..."

He spoke in the black void. He was starting to get very worried and frustrated. Someone had to answer those questions. Those questions are not something he can answer. It's something... God can. A very bright light which seemed to be emitting from a body the same height as him would appear a few meters in front. It was the governing god. The governing god would change where he was looking at towards the hole forming behind Cale.

"Why is that already here? That shouldn't be here unless I've gotten Cale's memories."

The governing god thought to himself. They'd raise their hands attempting to make it dissapear, but nothing was working.

"Come here, Cale."

The governing god said, attempting to lure him away from the dangerous hole, or should we say, the "Portal". Cale would then be really on guard, refusing the god's request.

"What happened? Did I die? Did Kayla die? Where am I? And... Who are you?"

Cale unhesitatingly asked all at once. The god would then raise his right arm to attempt and pull Cale's physical body to do the procedures, but Cale shakes his whole body to get the controlling force off, and succeeded. Cale became very agressive. He seemed to thought that the god was avoiding answering all his questions.


Cale shouted, echoing in the entire black void. The god seemed to be starting to get pissed, both at Cale and to the unknown being that summoned the portal. All the god's facial expressions was hidden by the bright light though.

"It's nothing important. What I'm doing is more im-"

The god's words cut off.


He shouted once again. He was starting to get really agressive, so agressive that he managed to break free of the god's control, which should never happen. The god thought this was getting out of control. He kept shut and two rays of light that seemed to be in the shape of hands started quickly approaching Cale, attempting to forcefully grab him and take his memories away so the procedures can be over with. Cale's eyes widened. He'd look behind him, and step back to fall into the portal, which he didn't know what it was for. Cale fell through the portal, and it closed itself, leaving the governing god alone in the empty black void.


The governing god exclaimed. It's emitted light fading away, revealing the god's physical appearance. A white haired man with pale skin, a yellow pattern on both his eyes. A majestic white robe, white pants, and a prism tattoo on the palm of his right arm. The governing god was a man. 

"I escaped..."

Cale's sigh of relief. He continued falling down the seemingly endless hole, still having all his unanswered questions with him. He started to feel a dangerous force as he fell down. A pressure trying to compress his body and forcing his eyes to shut. Cale was resisting the force but he failed. He got compressed to a size of a newborn baby, and there went. A baby's violent cries can be heard on the room in the hospital. His mother screaming really hard to push the baby out, and finally there went. The rebirth of Cale, in another time.

Kirou's date and time of birth: 2:35 PM, June 29, 2020

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