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Life has a funny way of bringing people into your life when you need them most. Fibro has a way of taking those people out again.

Long nights talking about anything and everything turn into long nights awake in pain, unable to focus on anything but the fire in your body and your breathing to keep from crying.

Fun days hanging out turn into days of trying to remember to eat, making it difficult to remember to message people back, and impossible to remember to start the conversation first.

Everybody seems to slip away from your life but truth is your new reality is difficult for them to understand because you can barely even process it yourself! Everything feels like it is different from who you were before fibro, before depression, before the brain fog and the pain. Sometime you don't think you can get back to who you were before but the worst is when sometimes the symptoms become manageable for just one day and you get a glimmer of hope that you can be that person again, only for it to be ripped from you when night comes again.

Friends who care will stay as long as you keep letting them in but people have their own loves and their own problems, we all forget to check in with each other as we grow and as we live, the real trick is when we remember to reach out again and let people back in, when we reach out and make new friends too.

Fibromyalgia takes hold of every part of your life and for the most part, it never leaves. We just have to push through each day, trying to make it better than the last and desperately trying to get back some of the control it has taken from us.

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