A Glimpse of Magic

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Tonight was a rare one.

I felt the same pain as always, not much if anything will change that now. But I also had fun. Real fun.

It felt like I was myself again, the me before the pain m, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and depression swings.

Now understand, I still felt all of those things but they were more like background noise tonight, not the noise made by the base level from front row concert tickets!

I laughed, I played, I talked. I had enough energy for all of these things late into the night. I might pay for it tomorrow but for a few hours I felt more normal, more whole again than I have in a long time.

This condition takes a lot away from us, and the stuff it gives are not things we want. However, occasionally we get nights like tonight... a small window of opportunity to feel like we are part of the world again, part of our friend groups again, human again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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