Chapter 8

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Songs that inspired this chapter: Bryarly Bishop's debut album! She's so rad. If I would suggest one song to you for this chapter, it'd be her song Working Steady. It's fantastic. I'll put it in as media. :D

I pushed my dirty hair out of my face, hiding under the covers. The pen I smuggled shook in my hand, the paper I stole lay in front of me on my mattress. I used my tray from dinner as a writing surface. I listened as Minal snuffled softly in her sleep.

Time to break my first rule.

I wouldn't be sleeping for an entire day.

I put my pen to the paper and let my emotions erupt.

Dear Jeffie Harris,

Hello! My name is Leela Jordan. I'm seventeen, like you. I work in the math sector, specifically foreign relations. I see you every day while I'm working. You know me? Super tall, wavy brown hair, glasses?

I shook my head at myself. I sounded so stupid. But I continued on.

This sounds really strange, as we've never formally met, but you help me feel better about this...situation we have going on here. Seeing you while I work everyday, singing your little heart makes life suck less. It helps me keep pushing my pen to the paper. It fuels me to keep living. I can't even do justice to this feeling with words.

I want this to be a volleying conversation. I want to know you. If you don't want to risk the danger, or you find this creepy, just don't reply. I'll understand.

But if you'll give this weirdo a chance, write me a letter and leave it on top of your dinner tray at night. My mom works in the culinary sector. I'll tell her to pick it up and bring it to me.

Thank you for what you do for me.

- LJ

P.S. Nice tattoo.

I left the note on the tray pile, between two trays. I knew Mom would find it.

I took a deep breath, and I let the impatient feeling of exhaustion consume me.

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