Chapter 1

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Third Person- Author's POV

       Ever since he started playing in the volleyball club at Karasuno High, Hinata always thought that he knew the best feeling in the world. The feeling when he jumped up in front of the net, ready to hit the ball to the ground. The feeling when his setter hit a perfect falling set for him to pound. The feeling when he aimed and spiked the ball to the other side faster than anybody could reach in time. But nothing compared to the feeling of when he dropped to the ground, looking at his hand as it's red and stinging from the ball making contact with it. That's the feeling. That's what Hinata thought was the best feeling in the world.

         Of course, that feeling would change.
                      To something new.

Kageyama's POV

       "KAAAAGEYYYYYYAMAAAAAAAAA!" I jumped ever so slightly, automatically recognizing the voice screaming my name at 6 in the morning. What a dumbass. I rolled my eyes and stopped dead in my tracks, keeping my eyes forward as I listened to the quick footsteps getting closer and closer to me. Once his presence was close, I looked to my left side to see Hinata.
        "Idiot! It's 6 in the goddamn morning! People are still sleeping, dumbass!" I yelled, but not exactly yelling, more like speaking in a yelling sort of tone. I looked him up and down to see his chest moving in and out, suggesting that he was panting.

         "Whoops! Guess I forgot, ha..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck with his stupid cheesy smile of his. I rolled my eyes and walked forward, my hands in my pockets.
           "No bike today?" Usually Hinata rides his bike to school. Actually, now that I think of it, I wonder why he's this late. Usually he leaves on his bike before me. After he leaves, I leave a bit after.
             He chuckled slightly and looked forward, "Oh.. no. Yesterday on my way back from practice I popped my tire. I would've left earlier if I wasn't trying to pump air in it. I ended up breaking the air pump.. so there's no bike until I get a new one." I couldn't help my self but snicker very quietly.
              Hinata furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me with a glare. "What are YOU laughing at? Listen I just so happen to be so strong that i broke the air pump! Nothing's funny about it!" I glare at him, internally laughing.
             "Right." I growled, giving him a smug look. Shock shot through his face as he stared at me. I blankly turned my head forward again, feeling the orange haired twerp's stare piercing through the side of my head. Eventually, he looked back forward. Now it was just us and the world around. I closed my eyes and walked, listening to our footsteps hitting the pavement and the birds chirping in the distance.

  Author's POV

                The rest of their walking time remained silent, until the shorter boy started to snicker. Kageyama slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look towards his teammate. He took one look at his grin and took his hands out of his pockets, but by the time they were out, Hinata was already a foot in front of him.

             "No fair, dumbass! You got a head start!" He shouted as he sprinted after Hinata.
They ran the rest of their way to school, eventually making it to the club door and stopping in front of it, panting. They ended up in a tie once again, but that didn't stop Hinata from grinning at him. The taller boy smirked with the side of his mouth slightly, his hands resting on his knees as he caught his breath. After a moment, the spiker opened the doors to the gym, seeing almost all of the club members ready and dressed. Minus Tanaka, Noya, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. As he started to walk in, he got stuck by the side of the walkway and another arm. Of course Kageyama had to make it a competition. The two fought to get through the doorway for a moment, Daichi yelling at them to cut it out while Suga tried to break it up. They stumbled through the door, Hinata falling flat on his face and Kageyama, running to club room to get changed. "You bastard!" Hinata looked up at him with a grin and a glare, stumbling to get up and chasing after him.

             "Those two work together amazingly while playing volleyball, but act like psychopaths the rest of the time." Coach said, sighing.

[•_•] Samuel is here to guide you through the timeskip!

            Before everyone knew it, morning practice ended. It was quite productive and Kageyama and Hinata got to practice a new move they had been working on. Not to mention Noya almost perfecting his new set. it was a good practice.
           "Alright good work team! See you guys at lunch." Daichi said, waving and smiling to the other teammates before walking off with Suga. The rest of the team parted off to their classes, but since Kags and Hinata's home rooms were in the same hallway, they had no choice but to walk together. They spoke about some ways to improve their performance in games the whole way there. After a moment they reached their destinations and Kageyama started to thump towards his classroom, before he felt a hand around his wrist. He turned his head, sending a glare down to the smaller boy, who was grinning ear to ear.
           "By the way, Kageyama. I will be walking with you to and from school until I get my bike working again, Kay? So wait for me!" He said, holding up a peace sign.
            "Let go of my arm you dumbass!"

960 words. Yayy! I finished my first chapter of this book! I'm super excited to be writing this story and i'm really hoping some people actually read it haha. Anyway, thank you for joining me!


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